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Show PAGE FIVE BEAEJUVEB VAUJETEIJEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. turned Saturday to her home in after a month's slay with," Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker. Misses Retina and Anne Jensen, of Brighanv City, were, visitors at Mr. and Mrs, V. L. Hansen's Saturday. : Mr. and Mrs. V. I Hansen attended the Farmers', Encampment, at Logan last Tuesday: Orvil Hunsaker, Vera Hansen, and I C Petersen, went over there on Wednesday. ' The welcome home party given last Tuesday by the M. I. A. for Gladys Hunsaker, was well attended. A very pood program was rendered, after which dancing was enjoyed. Punch and wafers were served. All had a very pleasant time and , surely welcome Gladys home. V ; Miss Norma Nielsen called on Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hansen last Monday. Cor-Th- Huge Assembling Plant Works Rapidly ne . Herman and Norman- - Andreasen went to Fielding Sunday J where they attended the Sunday school and rendered the following songs, "Utah," "Thy Will Be Done; and 'Tribute To own composiFather's" all Herman's " ' " '' ' tions. Deloris . Thompsen spent the week'. end at StrevelL- Mr. Petersen, of the State Industrial School, at. Ogden, has asked Herman and Norman Andreasen to render an hours program at the school next Sunday, July 27. They accepted .the in.. ' i .3 vitation.- Mrs. Herman Andreasen spent last Week visiting her folks- at Brigham . ... - f City. All those interested in Genealogy come to the convention at Garland, ' next Sunday at 2 p. m. ' : - . 4 The new Ford brings you i everything you want or need in a motor car at an unusually low price. THE NEW FORD rift iv-fi- TUDOR SEDAN $195 fob. Detroit 7 lliilliiiiiililp arii JH' itfa.iiii.ii. in tii iM.i'.mhi'.ii iiiii'aih iUniiiUMm lir iii iiit" ihli iii 'i r UTAH AUTO & IMP. CO. The Chevrolet Motor Company has a huee assembly olant in Oakland. California, where all cars and trucks for the western region are assembled. At the upper left is an airplane view of the factory. At the right a view in the Fisher Body plant adjoining Chevrolet, where all closed bodies for Chevrolet cars are assembled. The men who are responsible for Chevrolet's success are shown above. " Left to right they are: E. W. Fuhr, Pacific Coast regional manager; in charge of sales. W. S. Knudsen, president of the company, and H. J. Klinglcr, vice-preside- Fielding Wednesday evening of last week, Miss Lucille Gam and Mr. and Mrs. David Wood, entertained their faunday school class at a plunge party at Udy Hot Springs, which was followed by roasting weiners and marshmallows over a bonfire. The following members of the class were present: Carl Coombs, Shester Cannon, Dee Saunders, Rex Snow, Keith Garn, J. Bourne, Duane Jones, Misses Cleo and Mary Spackman, Edith Laub, Iva Hendricks, Alice Christopherson, Edith Bourne, Ardus Farnsworth, Janie Earl, Rhea Hess, Lyla and Virginia Coombs, Fay Farnsworth, Ina Mae Holt and Effie Johnson. Dale Adams of Layton and Miss Trellis Jones of Logan, Were special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Garn of Ogden, Mrs. Echo Fields of Los '. Angeles, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Capener and son Billy of Garland, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Garn. Miss Nedra Justensen of Garfield is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph " Grover. Garland by "The Daughters of the Pioneers." After this meeting they remained to witness the exercises held in connection with the laying of the corner stone of Garland's Recreational Hall, by M. H. Welling. Rulon Steed of Logan has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Larson, this week. Mrs. J. M. Sorensen and children motored to Ogden Thursday to bid farewell to Willard as he passed through that city on his way to the California mission. Grain harvest has begun in earnest Fred Petersen has his thresher running and a combine has cut the grain on the larger dry farms. Mrs. Tilla Jensen, of California, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alvah Rhodes, this week. Mr .and Mrs. W. E. Hansen and children, of Logan. visited relatives . here, Tuesday. Mrs. Clifton Grover and little son, who was born at the Valley hospital, are at home and both are getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Grover and daughter Hazel joined a number of relatives and friends in a jolly canyon party in Ogden canyon, Sunday last. Those participating aside from Mr. & Mrs. Grover were: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hawkes, daughters Grace and Wanda; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Showell and family; Mr. and Mrs. Miller Steed and children, all of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Hawks and children, of Brigham. After eating lunch in a shady nook the party motored the Hermetage, where the children enjoyed games and the various attractions. " : James Coombs of Farmington is visiting with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. David Wood have as their guests Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bridge and daughter, Isabel of Salt Lake City. , Vs. Agnes Spackman and Mrs. J"Ytle Criddle of Farmington were iday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spackman. They , were accompanied home by Elmer and- Eugene Spackman. Monday afternoon, the Primary officers and teachers entertained in at the compliment to its. members " Games I home of Mrs. David Wood. Refreshments were were enjoyed. Tuesday of last week, the served to fifty members prsent. class under the direction of their Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cannon of teacher, Mrs. Harper Steed met at of Stone, Idaho, were Sunday guests Elda Lambs residence and held their Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Richards. class work. Those present were Luella Smith, Claree Hess, Myra Steed, Sylva Smith, Zina Steed, Ruby Burnett, and Elda Lamb with Elva Smith of Castlegate as special guest after the class work was done they played Sunday services. Sunday school 10 A. M. Junior games. Cake, candy, punch and peaChurch 11 a. m. EpwortW League 7 nuts were served. An afternoon was P. M. Service of worship 8 P. M. A spent. Mrs. Carol Jensen and family, Carel good many people do njrt realize the value of the church to ,the community. and Patsey, Mrs. William Johnson and If it were to be estimated in dollars family, Margaret and Leon, of Brigand cents your property Is worth more ham City, were visiting relatives and because of the church, but our esti- friends here Wednesday. They return mate is made in spiritual and moral ed home Thursday and Mrs. Joseph values. Did you ever stop to think Archibald and family Slaira and Danie what a community would be like if returned with them. Miss Alta Rase, who has been visityour children had no place to go like the Sunday school? Can you visualize ing at Brigham for the past month a community without a church service and a half with her sister Mrs. Lillian where everyone takes Sunday as a Johnson, returned hame Saturday. Mrs. Phoebe Archibald and children holiday or as a week day? No. ' you are not going to think serious enough Clair and Danie returned from Brigng that line, and yet that 13 Just ham City Saturday where they had ut what we would face were it not been visiting relatives for a few days. Tor spiritually minded folks who toil Friday afternoon of last week a on without ceasing resolved that the shower was given in honor of Mr. and church shall continue to exist. Meet Mrs. Newel Nish at Mrs. Jesse Nish's them at church Sunday. Encourage residence. Many beautiful tokens were them in their endeavors, and receive presented to the young couple. You Mrs. Jesse Mason, Mrs. Don Rufus a spiritual blessing yourself. Lamb, Mrs. Jesse Lamb and son Vercan't go wrong by going to church. The topic of the pastor's sermon non were Tremonton and Garland Sunday is 'CONTTtAimiWINDS.' A shoppers Friday of last week. Mrs. L. A. Rose and Mrs. Sarah E. message suitable for the disheartened, the discouraged, the one who is ready Zundle motored to Farmington Saturto give up. Whether saint or sinner day and returned Saturday evening the church exists to help you. If you bringing their mother. Mrs. Phoebe were unable to attend worship last Welling here to stay for an indefinite Sunday be sure and come Sunday. We period. Mrs. Welling seems to be doinvite you. ing as well as can be expected since her fall the first of June. Alvin R. Dickson, pastor. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hess and family, Mrs. William Silvester and daughter Ann, motored to Wellsville, Saturday to visit with relatives . re1. .i turning in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Archibald and Mrs J- - W. Larson, Jr., of New York Mr. Ruth, Phillis, . and Melbuxn is and with Mrs. J, family visiting City were Sunday guests of Mrs. Sarah W. Larson and family. J. M. Sorensen left Thursday July Archibald. 1 7th wltll a carload of ; registered Nothing on earth seems to make the ,. sheep for Texas. A mjrvily number of our people at future come, faster .than having to tended,- - the prbgram given Sunday Aat meet monthly installment on a can - -- Methodist Church Notes Plymouth ! Phone 28 nt Tremonton, Utah Elwood I Simon E. Dunn, his daughter, Mrs. Hollyack and three children, and his nephew, Mr. Hollyack, of Moab, visited with Hyrum Christensen and other relatives here Sunday. Mr. Dunn is Mrs. Christensen's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Mortensen and son Floyd went to Ogden last Thursday. : l Ira Andersen made a business trip to Brigham last Thursday. Elias Andersen, daughter Norma and son, Stanley went to Logan last Thursday to bring back Mrs. Andersen, Ara and Betty Lee, who spent a few days visiting with Mrs. Andersen's mother, Mrs. Angeline Hansen, also her sister, Mrs. Ervin Miller. Those who visited the Logan temple last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petersen Amalie Petersen and Martine Larsen. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Andersen, of Evans, visited at Ephraim Hansen's Sunday, the main attraction being the iV ' 7 ' new son. Stake President and Mrs. Clarence E. Smith, also Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Andrus of Garland, visited here last Sunday evening at sacrament meeting. President Smith and Mr. Andrus occupied the greater portion of the time. Their addresses were surely appreciated by Miss LaVera Christensen has returned home after attending Summer School, at the U. S. A. C. at Logan, for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen went to Corinne Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen. Many people from here attended the splendid services at Garland given by the daughters of the Pioneers, most of them remained for the laying of the corner stone of the new church building erected at Garland. Lloyd Hunsaker and his sister, Gladys, who is a returned missionary, went to Deweyville, Sunday evening. Mrs. LeRoy Hunsaker and babies , re-Pa- rk City Park City Consolidated shipped 420 tons of ore during recent week. Twin Cities Home Dairy started daily delivery service of milk to homes in Tremonton and Garland. Springville Flower Garden Association held first annual rose show in Duiicungr formerly occupied by Con sumers urocery. Salt Lake City Home Indemnity Company of New York and General Insurance Company of America, located in Seattle, will receive permits to write in State of Utah. Bids will be opened July 10 for 15.9 miles of surfacing on d Highway. Warren Websr County Commission announced construction of steel and piling bridge across Little Weber River at pRfimnto) met f Heber-Fruitlan- 39-fo- ot $2,500. Salt Lake City Biltimore Apartments, 50 Fifth East Street, purchased bv Mrs. Genres f! Tfnm $100,000. Pleasant Grove $33,000 newly remodeled Third Ward meeting house opened. Lehi Tlmpanogos scout camp opened on Alpine scenic loop. Unlimited Drain your crankcase. Refill with New Vico. Then drive 1000 miles, maintaining the oil level with New Tico and if you find that you have act had better performance from your ear, with less consumption of il than has been the case with any ether oil of similar body you have ever used, your dealer will JOHN J. SHUMWAI Phones: B. R. V. 09.- -; Bed, 129 W MM Try this remarkable new II I mM m M m M oil that is sold with a New Vico, the result of long and intensive research, is the year's most important contribution to your motoring pleasure and economy. Briefly, here ire the improved features of New Vico: j J. 1 money-bac- k guarantee. flash-poimeans LESS OIL CONSUMPTION and greater protection to your motor, because New Vico STANDS UP UNDER , "; .... ';. HEAT. : f2. Lower carbon content meaus LESS ENGINE WEAR. means IMMEDIATE LUBRI3. Lower cold-teCATION in all weather. 4. Improved "oxidation test" means HIGHEST DEGREE OF OILINESS. 1. Higher nt , ; , st Get New Vico, for the most perfect lubrication that science has yet been able to develop. NEW ;i-:.&:'r- h 1 FEATURE New Vico, LOAN V H - NEW refund the purchase price of the Money on Irrigated Land. 6'a per tint. No commissions. twA- IS I to East Garland t THESE 64 WORDS BACK UP OUR CLAIMS the-peopl- e. I 1 ' |