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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930 PAGE EIGHT j Tremonton Locals j - -I- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bean of Salt Lake visited friends and relatives in Tre monton the past week. Carl Miller of California arrived in Tremonton for a ten days visit with his mother, Mrs. Rosa Miller. Mr. Aleck Isler of Wichita, Kans. who has been visiting friends here for several weeks left Wednesday lor Ore- con. Carl and ' Wayne McWhorter of Toneka. Kansas, came in on motor cycles, Wednesday to visit their aunt, ? Mrs. S. N. Cole entertained last Friday evening, at a very pleasant bridge party in honor of Mrs. C. C. Coil of Los Angeles. Mrs. Eli received high score, Mrs. Sarah Hadley, low score, Mrs. Jenkins cut prize. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Storrer entertained at dinner last Sunday and had as honored guests: Carrie and Matilda Baer, of Peoria, 111, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baer of California. ' Mr. and Mrs. . Aleck Simons of Peoria, 111, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip Getz west. Win-sel- last-wee- en-rou- er New Ford Car Wins Favor .... ,:::.::.: week-en- The Best That t Can Be Made Mrs. N. E. Shaw. Mrs. Julia Beebe and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brenkman over the .... salens Every piece of merchandise that we offer for not only good and serviceable but the best that tan be iff fra) f d. Mrs. W. H. Stone and daughter, Mildred: Carma. Danno and Shirley Beck, and Vaudis Zesieger, motored te ' ,. ". t We never offer you "SpecialsFor 3Toiy Only" but every day throughout the year you cjin 'count on our V;'" prices being the lowest possible. to Salt Lake City, iuesuay. ; ' made at the price. "r I aim to sell in large volume at a small profit rather than in small volume at a large profit." - ; ; It is our , .. v, .. ":; The Least That Can Be Paid Ford Phaetcn shown above, It equally popular ss a family car and as a sport car for young people. The seating arrangement provides for the driver and one passenger in front, and three passengers in the rear. Seats are upholstered In two-ton- e cross cobra grain artificial leather. The top Is of the quick collapsing type, easily handled by one person, ..rid folds flat. The windshield, of Triplex shatter-proo- f glass, is of the folding type and can be laid flat forward. The windshield wings fold over it, emphasizing the sport effect of tha car. TpHE Ford Phaeton, BUILD NOW! Right now is the time to begin your fall building program. By starting now you can have things completed and e before bad weather starts in. You always have many repair and remodeling jobs to do along with the new construction which needs doing badly. You will find everything you need for repair or new construction here. Call in and talk it over with us. ship-shap- Wilson lumber Co. "EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING" PHONE 11 TREMONTON, UTAH Haw esm't g wFawmg wflneim ymi Bonny inures that are to outwear any other tire of equal price outwear any other tire of equal price when run under MILLER RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY jfa T East Tremonton AroMrd With 'Talon'it - - visitors, Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Childs and son came up from Salt Lake City Saturday. Mr. Childs returned on Sunday and Mrs. Childs and son will remain for a week's visit with her mother, Mrs, Sarah Jane Abbott. Mrs. P. E. Ault attended the State Institute of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Ogden on Tues- A ''Fay-Day- J0; day. Mrs. J. 0. Garfield and Mrs. Charles Garfield attended the Kay family reunion at Mona on Tuesday. Mrs. Jee Garfield and baby went to Ogden Sunday for a week's visit with her brother Clarence Brough Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Zelph Erickson of Mantua were callers at the 0. L. Brough home on Tuesday. Mrs. George Brough entertained on Sunday her sister, Mrs. Sarah Ann Beck and nephew Jos Beck, wife and two children, of Spring City and her sister, Mrs. Martha Carter and nephew Glen Carter and wife of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. Christelisen of Salt " Lake City. N. W. Olsen spent part of last week in Idaho Falls, on business. ' Gerald Tate of Salt Lake City is spending a few weeks at the home of mXMl work " zt JiJl suits mads ivhh the utmost care to insure long wear and And serviceability. 'a viih "Talon" Hook-les- s Fasteners yoa are insured against frayed b y-.,- .i and .rlssir.g buttons. Long wear iag fabrics are used. Made. with 6 pockets, bammer loops, closed button cuffs, bottoriis, strongly bar tacked and are UNtriple stitched. "Pay-Day- and family. Miss Ivy Woodruff entertained In honor of the Misses Wanda Garfield and Ruby Bowcutt, last Thursday evening. The occasion being the young ladies 'birthday anniversary. Games were played and a delicious lunch served to about fifteen guests. Miss Electa Toone of Salt Lake City visited her aunt Mrs. 0. L. Brough on :zz Fasteners f '.z:, Mr. and MMrs. O. A. Seager and son Austin were Salt Lake City 22-in- c'i ; s" r' ION MADE, : Men's Work Suits True-Blue- " Brand 1.98 George Beal. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kay went to Mona Tuesday to be present at the Kay reunion. Bear River City These work suits are made of khaki, denim or hickory stripes. The set-o- n collar band, triple stitching and closed fly are points to remember. Made with eight pockets in sixes 34 to 44 and extra sixes i Thursday, July 17th; the Relief Hickman and Society members and teachers for block districts No. 1 and 2, met at the family left Sunday for a home of Sister Selma iSorensen, where Yellowstone vacation in park. Mr .and Mrs. Kendall Burnham, re- a very pleasant afternoon was spent. The program was in charge of Violet turned home Sunday after a Jensen as follows: Singing, "0 Ye vacation Mountains High"; prayer, Sarah Richard Westmoreland,' with the 0. Allred; singing, "We Thank Thee Oh F. Skaggs company is taking a God For A Prophet;" reading, Nedra vacation. La Von Stokes, who for several Jensen. Mrs. Christina Jensen gave a months has been connected with the very interesting talk on Relief Society O. P. Skaggs stores at Malady is locat- work; song, LaRue Christensen. e Mrs. Violet Jensen gave a brief ed for the present with the locul store, of the lessons were that given Richard of Westmorethe place taking each Tuesday, Sonc, Nedra Jensen; land, who is on a vacation. Mrs. Otto Schenkel, is still con- reading, Margaret Miller; closing song "Love At Home;" prayer, Olga fined to her home by illness. Mrs. D. S. Johnson from Los After the program, ice tream and Angeles, is here visiting her parents, cake was served with the teachers, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Frazier and will Violet Josie Jensen, Nelsen, Sarah return home about August 1st Allred and Naomi Huggins in charge; The South Tremonton club with the following members present: workers enjoyed the Farmers Encamp- Selma Sorensen, the honored ment held at Logan last week. and Mrs. Trena Christensen, guest Mrs. in the seven Eighteen girls, including Christena Jensen, Mrs. Fern Arbon, club work made the trip Mrs. Elvira first year's Christensen, Mrs. Olga to participate in the encampment. Rasmussen, Mrs. Tressa Brailsford, They expressed themselves as having Mrs. Andrea Hansen, and to the the time and useful the spent enjoyed Misses Emeline Andersen, Harriett instructions recived. Sorensen, Miller, Nedra JenMr. and Mrs. J. H. Fronk and child- sen, LaRueMargaret Christensen and Lorine ren, Mrs. Christine Nikolaisen and Mary Jensen. All spent a very enjoyson, William and Mrs. Fronnk's father able afternoon. and sister enjoyed an outing at the Miss Edna Thorsen, who had a very Lagoon resort, Monday. serious operation per formed on her N. P. Crozier received a painful, in. nose, last week, at a hospital in Salt iury when he crushed his finger in the Lake was able to return home Sunday binder, Wednesday morning. and is improving quite rapidDr. Standford Fennimore and. Mrs. evening . White and son Hartley, spent the ly.Mrs. - Richard Christensen, Mrs. week-en- d in Salt Lake visiting relChristensen, of Los Angeles, atives. Jones White, who had been in Percy Mrs. Ada Bott, Mrs. Henry Calif, Salt Lake for some weeks, returned Kotter and baby; Mrs. Lee Glenn and . .; with them, Monday. children of Brigham City, were the Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowall and guests of Mrs. Oscar Andersen and family, Mrs. Leonard - Green, left family, Friday. left Wednesday evening for Logan Mr. and Mrs. Art George are the canyon where they will spend the 24th. proud parents of a fine baby girl born Mr. and Mrs. - N. E. Shaw and July 16th. Mrs. George is at the home family, Mrs. Sarah Madley and Mrs. of her mother, Mrs. Lewis Gardner in D. W. Jenkins will join them in time Tremonton. for breakfast on the 24th. Mrs. Emma Ohman had as her Mrs. 0.' A. Allen of Blue Creek was miests Sundav, Mr. and Mrs. 0. N calling on Mrs. C. R. Steffen and other Ohman and children of Salt Lake, friends Wednesday in Tremonton. Mrs. Wm. Mutch of Midvale, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McDowall and Mrs. Burnice HunsaVer and three family left last evening to spend the children. Mrs. June Thompson and bohv of Elwood. holiday in Logan canyon. Con Steffen, Harry Taylor, Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stenqutst are the Sutherland, Harold Tersson returned proud parents of a fine baby jrirl, Sunday night from a fishing trip in which arrived at their home Julv 16th. leiowstone t'ark. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lukus. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Muir accom- Mr. Fred Lukus and two children, all panied Mr. Muir's Sunday school class of Salt Lake City wer calling on relTuesday night to the Udy Hot Springs atives in this city on Sundav. where they enjoyed a swim and water About firtv-fiv- e bovs and eirls are Know busy picking sports and luncheon. stryjpeans onthe ks two-wee- ks the same conditions. 13 I suits - two-wee- ks Tire to d -1- If. Dan two-wee- s We guarantee this Miller Geared-to-tlie-Roa- pinch-hitin- club. Mr. and Mrs. yilllllllll!IUIIllllll!l!llllllllllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllli: 1 from Tremonton, attending the Institute of the W. C. T. U. Tuesday at Ogden were .Mrs. N. E. Shaw, Mrs. S. N. Cole, Mrs. P. E. Ault, Mrs. R. S. Calderwood, Mary Burns and Mrs. D. W Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bishop and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Woodward returned Monday evening from Denver where they attended the National Lions convention. Virgil Cropley who has been in the Garland hospital, was able to be moved to his home in Tremonton. . Miss Alfrieda Jcppersen and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hansen of Brigham City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Christensen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Imthurn and family returned Sunday evening from an extended trip in the East. Mrs. L. C. Christensen spent Friday with her mother ,Metta Jorgensen of Bear River City. ' Mr. and Mrs. Demont Dockstader, Mrs. iSam Getz and daughter Elva, motored to Mink Creek last Thursday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Urias Keller, aunt of Mrl. Dockstader. ;. Mr. and Mrs. George Baer of California, are visiting Mr. Baer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baer. Mr. and Mrs. James Keller attended the funeral of Mrs. Urias Kellar at Mink Creek, last Thursday. Otto Hill, formerly of Malad, is g as station agent of the Oregon Short Line, for Tom upan, who with his family is taking a vacation in Yellowstone park. t v Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Getz will leave Saturday for Monte Vista, Colorado, where they will meet with other members of the family, and spend a brief vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gephart and daughter Elaine, have returned from Roosevelt, where they spent ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Muth and Mr. and Mrs. Chas Holland made a trip to Bear Lake last Friday. Mrs. Dan Hickman entertained her bridge club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ted Clarkston scored high ace and Mrs. L. W. W. Davis, high cut. Mrs. W.' E. Getz was the honor guest of the Those Pay-wa- y cut-lin- JD IC. PENNEY GO. PAR B T M N E ST ORE. T East Main Street, Tremonton, Utah Ras-musse- n. 4-- H Liberal Allowance JT- iftS a tough problem for owner to decide what tire to buy unless he disregards all claims, all advertis"bargain" aping, all peals and base hU decision on the maker's guarantee. ITS so-call- ed Thousand are doing this today. And this is exactly the reason why so many car owners are buying new MiHer Tires erery day. - our Old Tires (ph one or drive in for an appraisal) Read the famu$ Miller Guarantee! Come In and the beautiful Miller Tires get the startling facts about the comparatiTe endor ance testa behind the MUUr Gmarantot, Geared-to-the-Roa- d Winchester Service Tremonton, Utah Authorized Dealer Phone 1 03 . ,; w . ... r 1 1 . w farrns of Leslie H. Jensen and Ira Watnaba. Sunday evening at the sacrament meeting the members of the ward were very fortunate in having as the speakers Elder "John Petersen, Elder Hubert Olsen and Elder Kotter, three of Brigham City's recently returned missionaries. Elder Olsen labored in the Tongon mission with one of the missionaries from the ward, Elder J. Otto Jensen. Mrs. Olga Rasmussen, Mrs. Fern Arbon motored to Corinne Thursday on business. "Alice and Marie Howell of Salt Lake City are visiting in this city with their grandmother, Mrs. Marie Ras- mussen and family. . Penrcse - Mrs. Starlin Stanfill and her sister Miss Lois Shuman were Brigham visitors on Monday. Mrs. Engvar Peterson and Mrs. Conrad Fredrickson were shopping in Tremonton on Tuesday. Fred W. Peterson and daughters, Pearl nad Delia, were in Trempnton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs." Joseph . Tlngey of Brigham were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fredrickson on Tuesday. A good crowd of M Men and Gleaner girls attended the party for them at Crystal .Springs on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neilson were Tremonton visitors on Tuesday. The Relief Society held their work meeting on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Brooks Shuman of Eden, were the guests of Mrs. Shu- - man's parents, Mr. jyid Mrs. W. M. Miller. The small son of George Marsh has had his tonsils removed. He is getting along fine at this writing. Uiideliverable Letters At Tremonton P. 0. Undeliverable letters at Tremonton postoffice: Anderson, Levi, E. Allen, Jno B. Cardon,' Louis R. Gibson, Bud Hansen, N. F. Hogan, Arminta 'Halford, Lester Hunsaker, Ardella Harwood, Chas. A. Jensen, Chas. Miller, Agusta W. Nicholas, Kenneth . Peterson, La Verne Sessions, Roy . ; Salazar, Leonard (2) - s Paul Nielson received contract to haul mail between Manti and Nephi. Work on road between Woodside and Green River progressing: rapidly. Ferron Work underway on dug-wa- y. Mountain States Tel & Tel. Co. installed 60 terminal repeaters and associated equipment costing about improving transmission on telephone circuits between Nephi and Salt Lake City as well as other points in State and in Idaho. Tark City American Smelting & Refining Company let contract to chum drill holdings in local mining - . region, $70,-00- .... 0., |