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Show PAGE SEVEN" BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. Collinston Chilled Soft Drinks That Warm the Heart TKis Week hy ARTHUR BRISBANE their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bateman in Logaru, Saturday. Margaret Bowen and daughter. have returned home after a pleasant Mr. One of the most pleasant events of visit, with their aunt and uncle, of Simmons and Mrs. George last week, was the birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Anna Busenbark, on her Mr. and Mrs. Dale Saunders and 74 birthday, 45 near relatives being friends were the Mountain present A large birthday cake, bear- air, and sceneryenjoying week. last to her 74 was candles presented ing Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harvey of Salt by her daughter, Mrs. Effie Johnson of Fielding. Five children, 28 grand Lake City, were the guests of Mr. and children and 4 great grand children Mrs. Monroe Horsley and family last were present, besides Mr. and Mrs. week. Charles Young and Mr .and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Simmons of Elmer Shaffer of Boise, Idaho, and Brigham City, were visiting with rel Mrs. Will Smoothers and two daugh- atives here Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Marble of Ogden. for ters, Martha and lone of Deleo. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Johnson and Mr. merly Miss Beth Durfey spent an en- and Mrs. William Bowen, were among the decendants of George Whitworth, who's reunion was held in his honor at the Lava hot sprnigs, last Tuesday, - Work Start at Last We Don't Take Adrica Women in Business A New Jersey Ghost ! Work has actually darted oa th Boulder Dam. Good news. Probabaljr, the power and water. In the end, will be owned by private Individual!, paying a small sum to the Government In proportion to cost, peddling the power and water to the sublic for all the traffic will bear. But, at least, the water and the power will be used. That is a start. 1 Julv 10th. BY EDWIXA NOLAN .rj" TAtar if the people have brains JT Mgh to run their own affairs as Vfflciently as the corporations that kxploit them, they will know what to o about Boulder Dam, Muscle Shoals and other properties. Ones men did not awn even their own bodies or lives, rhey do not yet own their natural resources. But they will, some day. Lindbergh gives the League of Na- tions transit section detailed suggestions for aviation. Standardisation of airways, uniform markings and signals, i comprehensive meteorological and radio reporting system, uniform regulations for clearing are suggested. The recommendations are sound, but the people are too busy to pay attention to recommendations, from no matter how high a source. Except in California and a few other states, we have not been able to agree on a code of automobile signals. In the great State of New York, for Instance, when a man puts his hand out and wiggles it, you won't know whether he will turn to the left, to the right, stop dead or back up. Mrs. Edison wants women to go back to the home because they "lose prestige in business." ' "Deep down in her heart, every (Ionian wants a home," the distin-- ' guished lady told her hearers. That is true, but every home needs a man to support it and protect it. Between "losing prestige" and washing dishes and clothes for an incompetent male, the intelligent woman decides to relinquish a little prestige. If every one could find a husband like Thomas A. Edison the problem would be easy. Director of Home Service, General Electric Refrigeration Department TTOT summer days and evenings bring the urge for cooling, refreshing drinks and there are many that are literally loaded down with minerals and vitamins, so mikh bo that you might believe them little short of a doctor's preemption. Yet they can be made easily in the home and they add so much to a bridge party, tea party or an ordinary meal.. Bowls of fruit punches and tall pitchers of carbonated soft drinks, with the merry tinkle of lee cubes, help to drive away thoughts of sultry weather. The mixed fruit drink Is enticing, but it should be allowed to ripen, which process takes about an hour or more. All Ingredients, except the effervescent water and ice, should be mixed and placed In the refrigerator until the different fruits are assimilated. Instead of half a dozen distinctive flavors, the Ingredients blend into a single surprisingly delicious flavor. Any beverage is successful that In' eludes the Juices of some of the electric-refrigerat- ; , ! Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bigler. had a delightful trip to Heber, where they were highly entertained by Mr. Lefler's relatives. Thev also join the White reunion held tart fruits, such as lemons, sour oranges, rhubarb or cider from tart apples. Mint always adds much in flavor and gives the drink a cool t appearance. Cold punches and drinks lose their zest if they have too much sugar. And a bit of salt will ImDrinks well prove the flavor. shaken or well beaten just before serving have a better taste and a greater appeal to .the eye. The best foundation "for many fruit punches is lemonade or grape Juice or a combination of both. Milk, next to water, is the most important beverage and milk may be changed from the commonplace Into a delicate novelty with chocolate syrup, caramel or fruit syrups, with a bit of strong coCee, a few drops of vanilla or other extract, or with- ginger ale or root beer. For a special milk drink, there may be added a beaten egg white, a cherry and the top powdered with chopped nuts. A milk shake takes on a company air 11 a sprig of mint is put Into each glass. Sometimes grated orange rind may be added. Such drinks, though, must be in Provo canvon. Saturday and Sunday and returned through Parley canyon, visiting in Salt Lake and Otrden. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Standing and sons Dale. Harold. Jimmie, Glen, Von and daughter Beth, of Salt Lake, are spending their vacation with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler, where they are being extensively entertained by relatives and wi'l join in the Toean celebration. Mr and Mrs. D. Y. Ooddard and son Russell, were the Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler. Mrs. Hansen, of Hvde Park, mother of Mrs. Clarence Biddle. is having a nleasant visit with her daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Harold Bateman and family enioyed a pleasant visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. John son and family durinff the week. Mrs. WilforH Durfev. Mrs. Peter Thompson and Mrs. Beth Marble, were hiehly entertained at the home of their sister, Mrs. Rhoda Theurer at Provident, during the week. Mrs. Harold Bateman and Mrs, Georee Johnson, were visiting with - served cold. WE" Join With Don't Neglect your Eyes joyable week with relatives and friends in Beaver Dam. Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Secrist, and Arthur Saunders, were combining business and pleasure in Ogden, last week. Mrs. Clark Bowen and children and Mrs. Gene Bowen, were Logan visitors ? Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Durfey, spent Saturday night with relatives in Gariand-Tremonto- n Milling Co. "PRIDE OF UTAH' and "UTAH'S FAVORITE" FLOUR STARTING, GROWING and LAYING MASH They mean too much to you. We have the Experience and Equipment to give you Everything in Feed lines the Best in Optometric Cottenseed Meal Linseed Oil Meal Dried Butter Milk Calcit Charcoal Fish Meal Meat Scrap Bone Mal True of Every Home There isn't a room in the house, usually, that could not be improved upon in one way or another. To Bring You at ' Miss Martha L. Connole, lady lawyer, replying to Mrs. Edison's statement, asks: "The home, where is that?" Woman has been kicked out of the home, according to Miss Connole, and finds it hard to succeed in business because "chivalry has fallen into the ash lOWEK are low on many good tires, is only ono "best". The Firestone Company, Firestone Dealers rhI Service Stores join in reducing distribution costs. It was not enough for Firestone to originate and apply economies in tire build-iuFirestone now originates and further applies economies to distribution which reduce our cost and enable us to in-- PRICES 4jan." "'When you see a woman working," says Lawyer Connole, "some man has fallen down on the job of providing for her support." g. West Long Beach, N. J., thinks it has a ghost. It was first seen a week ago Sunday night by a party of young Most of the time that "way" is to replace some one piece or suite, that is out of date; out of style in design, wood or finish, or has served its usefulness; become uncomfortable; etc. IPMICIES crease our volume at small profits . We invite you to come in and see the new Firestone Line at these low prices. We not only have tires in all popular sizes, but we have the cross sections so that you may examine the inside construction of the tire, and actually see the advantages of Firestone over other makes. You will be convinced that no such values have ever been offered you before. When you are housecleaning, take a good look at any such pieces that may be in YOUR homeland then think of our Exchange Plan, which permits you to turn in this furniture as part payment on new, modern, stylish pieces that you DO want up-to-da- te, LEADERSHIP commercial The people in an automobile. They threw tones at the white figure and swear that It stood ten feet high. A few days later, at midnight, IfiOt ople waited In a graveyard, borrow- courage from eaoh other. Twice previously the ghost had rushed and scattered small groups of watchers. This time, of the 8,000, only half a dozen women saw the spook. Two thousand nine hundred and ninety four. Including the police, saw nothing. That's about the average for ghosts, in real tests. Firestone brought out for automobile utet The fint straight-tid- e tire. d tread. The firtt rubber . The The non-tki- denn"ntnble rim. firtt Gum-L- . mg process. firtt patented firtt balloon tire. PERFORMANCEmilet d Firettone Tires; hold all world's reeordt on road and track for safety, mileage, speed and endurance. for eleven consecutive yean have won the 500 mile Indianapolis Endurance Race. were on winning cars in Pike's Peak Race, where a slip meant death. were on the Studebaker car which on a board track at Atlantic City in 1928 went 30,000 miles in 26J26 minutes. Gum-Dippe- A German scientist startles Berlin with a long range loudspeaker that causes a great orchestra to be heard miles in all directions. for twenty-fivA Chicago band could play in the Loop, and be heard with painful distinctness on the north, south, and west sides. miles out into and twenty-fivMichigan on a Detroit taxicmb, ran 71,351 fore the firtt tire wat replaced. r. ah th C. At. C. truck carrrinm a enton load that hung up the durance record. for 10 years have been sold en a mileage cost basis to taxicub and but linet in greater volume than any other tiret, and now equip the world's largett taxicab fleet and the world's longest but line. Coatt-io-Coa- st e ANCHOR Think-- , 4.75-1- 9 then, as the old Puritans used 5.00-1- 9 will be hereafter. Think of Gabriel's horn that will be heard 25,000 miles In all directions, around the world, bringing the dead 5.50-1- 9 from their graves and reassembling the disintegrated elements into which they will hare been dissolved. That will be a real loud speaker. ftmtone rrsrzdirector Texas r-Mr. Burr, research of - CJ Fish and Oyster Commission deals effectively with the gar, a ean-nlbal fish shaped like a snake, that destroys great Quantities of good fish. Mr. Burr attract the cannibal wtth aMO-wat- t spotlight, aad the gar, swla-aalaff near the sarfaoe, is saught tm net ehargsd wtth etoetrleity, stuaacd, stake to the betteen sad suffocates. It eaaaet live la 4ees water. meepeetabVe flsh eaogfct m the are aot injured. Desteaettoa of the via save endless saOeas at goad fis. IT ealy that seats )Tke aatseast at $8.55 9.85 10.55 12.95 4.50-2- 0 to say, when describing Hell, how it Oame, W Super Heavy Duty e 1 6.00-19...- .. 1345 6.00-2- 0 13.55 OLDFIELD -- k5f2l ..$6.35 7.55 9.75 1.75-1- 9 5.25-21- . 3Cs3H 4.4031 Sand-.$4.2- tam...... Double-Break- er 4.40-2- 1. 4.50-20- 4.75-19- 0 4.79 535 Uw bwrrnnmr OLD FIELD ANCHOR . 4.50-2- 1 COVBIKB Your Own Other SiiM Proportionately Low - 5a0019eeM 5J50-19- .. Balloon $5.85 6.60 6.65 7.95 840 .1045 TRUCK TIRES 30x5 H.D.... $1945 32x6 H.D..... 34.10 from prohibition. Kvery boy and girl la this "dry land" needs that teaching. It should begin in' the graveyard, made prosperous by continue in hospital .bootleggers, wards, and wind up at the "aoclal function," where Americans of all ages, make tools of themselves and show that they despise the law. your checkbook are system is the sure, safe, It contrive. you can modern way of making payments and keeping records. This Bank will gladly welcome your Checking Account stubs in THE simplest TttteSBatterlM Sentinel-- .. Q 70 f tkousaad pspils la T4 Tweatr-flv- e Stale seheol are to he taaght "Th jCvU of Ltqaor" and the deatoahUtt of leaving whisky alone. Quite apart Auditing Department Utah Auto & Implement Co. PHONE TinGS 28 TUBES TREM0NT0N, UTAH IIATTBRIBS MIAHE LINING book-keepi- ng Interest On Savings Accounts Tremonton Banking Go. |