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Show AS OTHERS SEE US. I'rlco s new paper, The Sun, com-noticed com-noticed shining from tho old Advocate Advo-cate plant lt week and It Is certainly cer-tainly a htinwiisr, with It W Crouk-ott Crouk-ott nt tho helm Nat only Is Tha un fully ns good ns tho Advoonto used lo be, but It Is oven newsier and better Tho heading, particularly, particu-larly, strikes our fancy, twin it one of tho mnst'artUtlc In design v hava ever seen on a country news paper Tho Sun Is so chock full of nuws, unabbreviated, from every nook nnd corner or Bastoni Utah that wo oplno thoro aro precious tow homes In this section that will nut bo enlightened by Tho Sun I.ong ma It shine tlreen Itlver Dispatch, 12th -o- Tho .first number of tho I'rlco Sun has been distributed It Is full to tho brim of interesting! nows and sonslblo editorials. It. W Crockett, former owner and editor of tho Bastem Utah Advocate, s Uio founder foun-der or this new publication This Issuo reminds ono of what tho Ad voeato onco was Mvton Freo I'rcM, 12th Tiio Sun now has n namesako nt I'rlco a ho Sun It W Crockett, a veteran In nowspaper work, Is tho manager and (ho Initial Issuo make very orcdltnblo appearance Tho Sun succeeds the Bastoru Utah Advocate Ad-vocate a paper whlcJi got Into fln-nnalnl fln-nnalnl troublo last rprlng nnd was obliged -to suspend publication The Sovlor Sun wishes tho Carbon county coun-ty Sun tho greatest success Itlcli-flold Itlcli-flold Sun, 11th, It W Crockett, who was rnlsod In Nov u da, lias launched a now paper, pa-per, Tho Sun. at I'rlco, Utah Holnvj. a member of the well known Vernon Ver-non county family or that name, Hob know no better than to bo a do4iiocntt when Jio lived hero Hut ho hits learned a tow things and, having had tho scales removed from his cos, Is now u republloan and has boon tor a long tlmo Ho says "I'ollUcnllv, Tho Sun Is republican, without defalcation or discount." And In another editorial "Carbon count) 's coal and coko lutorests cunuot bo killed oft entirely by this domooratic administration Next jour tho American peoplo aro to como to their senses by tho election of a republican president Nevada (Mo) Herald 11th Volume 1, Number 1 of The 8un republican has nrrlvod Ami tho first mUio out of the box It quotes n unetmsorod pipe dream, presumably, aa belli k approprlato to tb occasion or its birth. lUijmos mid revelations aside, howovor, Tho Sun Js n warm proposition and It lookB good to us Knrub Nows, 12th |