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Show TbLbPHONC 10LKS DINED Mr. mid Mr. .1. Ite Mlllir Knler-tain Knler-tain NtimWr of (imMa, Mini Zlna llakcr traffic ohlof of tho llocky Mountain Iloll Telephono icompnny nt Provo, nnd It Hounds, wlro chief of the same place, were visitors In Prlco over Saturday and Sunday each being tho guest while I here of J Hex Miller, manager of tho Kertcrn Utah Telephono rompan) rom-pan) Saturday there was a school of Instruction, as It wore, presided over by Miss linker and nt which some vnluablo hints as to service woro gono over nnd which nro expected ex-pected to result to the benflt of the operators of tho local S)stcm Snturda) evening Mr and Mrs Miller entertnlned the visitors from Provo nnd employes of tho company nt their hospitable home on North Hlghth street nt dinner Thero were present Misses Kdlth Potter, Tllllo Hylnnd Ornco Downnrd, Daisy For-Kiison, For-Kiison, Vivian Fullmer, nil of Price, Misses rVidlo U'wls nnd l.otUc McNeill Mc-Neill of Scofleld. Mr nnd Mrs ZacJi Wilson Mr nnd Mr Sam Williams. It Hounds. Albert llorslcy, David Potior Lnn Strong nnd MUs linker lin-ker After dinner there were talks along tho lino of telephono etflclcn-c) etflclcn-c) nnd on Sunday evening most of tho pnrty was taken to tho picture show by Manager Miller |