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Show PRICE AND NEARBY ofAfr!Trcrr i H ,J Tu.rnor haslnotW hit of. fire from tho building wort TiL Sun to ono of his dwellings , southeast portion of the city .nui'0,Hn"i.o50.or .tho lnttal tl 21 ot Mplirlaivl. has vnrolW for The Run that ho may keep posted post-ed on what la going on throughout Astern Utah 9.r.K0 'JuWc Jr- ot Kansas niy nnd Miss Urnco Mcfllnnls of Stock-tn. Stock-tn. Cflln , woro nmrrJwl t th MethodlDt parsonaRo Innt 8turl by Kev C C Ilnrttler July 1st the Oregon Short Line railroad la to cut out "the booze" on nil of tta dlnJng car The Denver Den-ver nnd Hlo Orando Is said lo be wsrjouBly considering the name action Stockholder of Price Comniw-c Comniw-c at nnd Saving bank met lant Monday, Juno 1th, for the election of dlnctora for tho ensuing )er An ndjournment, how over, wa taken ta-ken until Friday, July 2d Wo hao Jul learned of tho nr-rhnl nr-rhnl of a tlno baby girl, born to Mr. nnd Mrs Joe Sheja of thl city, at Helper Inst week, wi)s Oreon lllvor'a DUpatch of tho 12th Their many friends all want to see the bouncing girl Mr. nnd Mrs Arthur J leo hc moved from tho Robert llownnl property to tho B B. lloreley dwelling dwell-ing in tho wilt part of tho clt. Itobert Howard nnd family aro coming com-ing here from Illnck llnwk and are to occupy -their own home Cicorgo C Whllmoro of Nephl wan cliodon as ono of the vice presidents presi-dents of tho Utah Hankers' association associa-tion for tho cnsuUig yenr at Salt I.ako City Inn Saturday Carl II Marcusen v.as made ono of tho permanent per-manent committee on resolutions Mra J W. Sterling, In n letter to a frlond in Price from Phoenix Arlr , stales Hint lior health Is bettor bet-tor than for some time She Is noon to Join her husband tit Super ior jn tho same Mtnto, the latter being omplojed li a big mlolng corporntlon I R I). Sorinien, judge of the w-enth w-enth Judicial District Juvenile court, wns jnnrrlol In tho temple nt Salt I Mike City jentenlin to Mm Ann Parry, also of Mnntl Inunodlntel) after U.o ceremony, Judgo Soren-iteu Soren-iteu and bride dcpnrte.1 on their tionc)moon trip to California Friday night thero was conslder-nblo conslder-nblo of a snowfall in tho hills to tho west ami north or Price, followed follow-ed by cold weather throughout Price llivcr ' alloy Saturday ami Sundny Homo damngo resulted from Krldn) nlght'a wtnthor to potatoes and garden truck, but nothing serious. 1rlXn 1llv.tr irrigation comnan) has lovltM on nsicsnncnt of fifty ccnt a shnro on Its cnpltal slock. Iiaynblo Juno Hth , last Monda) This la tho eloventh nMumvnt on tho stock nnd if the same be not pnd by July 1. 1916. together with i fifty cents additional for udorll-i udorll-i Ing cost on each certificate, the aamo will be sold. ! Fishing Jn said to lmo opened up . flno around C'ollon nnd Hcofleld Inet Tuemlny, U.o first day for nng-' nng-' ling. Tho Ktrtunu wore pretty well ! lined In those ecUons all week Parties going fishing from this nl-' nl-' lei will fjnd tackle and cterythMB . required nt J. M Mlllcr'n at Colton or nt Mndson Sons Mercnnl o torn-; torn-; pnny nt Scoflold Alio gasoline nnd . camp supplies nt both places Utnh U tho subejet of nn Inter. .)in.. n.mnhiAi lim! Issued by tl.O . Denver and Hlo (1 rondo In a b K map of tho West, this etato is I hown in nttractlvo fashion nnd U . described ns tho "center of nttruc- tlon Tho Information In the pam-; pam-; phlet U lnrgoly concerning Utah a . agricultural resources. It wn prc- pared by Dr B. 0. Peterson of the : : Utah Agricultural College at I-OKan :: j. H. Baston, a traveling photo- grapher, was urreited hero ho . (Inrt " of tho week and arralgne1 before - Act S "nT.ed States rommta one ;; Arthur J Uo on tho charst of whlto iilaery in brlnKlng Locll Hlchnrdson from Nebraska o Salt Lako City Ho was held In two Jf nSuiaSddollar. bonds, which ho was unnblo to Rive, am U at tl.u tlmo In tlio county Jail . "' ha o u preliminary boarlnR e t t Monday Tho complaint was nnu '.'. by leon Hone : : Mm J. M. French oiiWrtolnwl tho :; lolle9 of tho nntro Nou club Inst : Thursday afternoon and Mr ma .. MaUMn of Helper. '"?ornM, hnr win nrownt. Wi) Orcen uver :: Dupatch ot tho loth a ;''-; ::k7KTrsW.Cvrinbihra& " of Mrs Andy Wlmnior. tho appoln -, j : : Sd loader A dainty lunch ' ; ; Ished by the club ""J 1 : : noxt Thursdai will be wlu,atrg i Cburlos MoPhorwn, ;Mrb,",0r 1 ;: Franr leader, and her ubJwl for : : the nf tornoon will he, PlnKling a., i ProBW-vIng." N - ncv Colemnn Clark t,0lr; ', :: P."or f tho !jr'taCBjnW.h. : .. Prlcontul ho rewiilly cnino io city from cbUaRO, U to .bo "" :; at Salt Lako City .Juno HI to MiM .. Ludmla Uo Y.,,ri k,i.!U. of Call- ono of tho leading noliooU o : t-oi , ;: fornla After the WUV,0 nt Bait 1 1 to bo ot tho X"T.mJa win ' Iko City Xor n ' parson- ; kior SwatiMn ws flnwl ten wimra m A Justice court at Prow t Saturday for the theft or some fanned oods from on of the oto-CoHo oto-CoHo COTn,nI opwntlng up near AdertllnK bJiohM iwt olwrR-Ma olwrR-Ma an pis. bHt nn an lnt-"jnl lnt-"jnl It Is miwli k a ferUlltor which tn Mlentlflc farmer applies to tils tkhl -It brlnps out U.o full tirouiiot from th resourets at hand. Willi ike repairs that are being md to ),e NiB Mile road in Oar-lon. Oar-lon. as well m in Wasatch county. It would not 1. aunirlslng If the xt mall contract for the Uintah atn countr Is by the wn or Price Mrs .1 II MlddWlon writes Xrom ( allfornla to friends In PrU that tho stay of herself nnd her husband n that stato will be Indefinite, as hor mother Is quite nerlously 111 The latter has recently suffered two strokes of paralysis Copt John F Cor hns been nu-thorlied nu-thorlied by the count) comml!on- rs io repair ami build roaiia in Castlo Cato preclnot He Is nuthor-lil nuthor-lil to employ any men out or work nt th camis of Cameron nnd Castle date, who may want to work on tho roads Tho .Ninth United State cavalry, formerly stationed at Fort Duchesne, Du-chesne, Is to soon leao tho Mexlcnn border for Phlllpplno aenlce No dato for the departure Is, however, specified Tho Ninth hna been nt Douglas, Arit , for about tlireo jears. Uuthell & Drockcr lost Wednesday Wednes-day closed a dcnl for tho Short building, ndjolnlng their garago on the south The amount Involved Is around eight thousand dollnr. TJio proper!) !c!ongcd lo a man In No-hrriika No-hrriika The sale was put through by A J v Knox Patterson and John K Ilrown ot Moib are closing a dent this week for tho Turner llros mercantile mer-cantile reed stable, hotel nnd real eMnte holdings nt Thompsons, until un-til a short time ago owned by II 0 Italian! llrown Is to bo In ncthe charge or Iho business K II Miller. peclal agent or the Williamsburg City Fire Insurance rlllliluinr nf N'nn Ynrk Viwitrnlliv ad- justtvd tho fire Iom to the Hlylo Shop hulWIng ownetl by Messrs larker, Woetr and loofbourow The iMillcy was In tho agenc) of It W CrockU A Co or Price ttaslnrn Utah streams are vr low ror tills Umo of )ir. iceonl-Ing iceonl-Ing to L W Jordan of the water resourca department of tho UiiK'mI States geologlnal surve), who lnt wek made Umatea of tho water flow of Ihe tlreen and (Irani rlrs and several or llielr tributaries A K. Gibson, superintendent of Iho mines of Jwww Knight nt Slorrs, has Imhii taking hi acatlon down In Washington county, where ho hns conridernblo metal mining lntoret. Ho nnd Former County Commissioner Commis-sioner HarrUon and J V Snow or Castle Oato wont qulto n lot ol money In thero somo 4en )onrs ngo Judgo William II. Fryo recoUod tho news )ostorday from Oskaloosa, In , that an older brother. Thomas A Fo. had recently suffored a broken back by rwuion or a fall and Is not oxpoctort lo survho Tho Injured In-jured wan Is well along In (Ue. being be-ing 71 )enr or age. Ho U a prominent breeder and raiser or hows Several rour nnd wlx-horno teams went out or Price last week nnd this loaded with merchandise ror tl momiUon country McKuno Forwarding company Is doing tho principal tunt nlong this line lie-ports lie-ports are that tho Nino Mlo road Is in fairly koxI condition for tho rrelKhler It Is preferable o tho Willow Creek routo My thowi who lnve Kono over both. John Uoth, In chargo of the llvo stock of the Utah Construction com pan) and well known to Helper and Price cltUens when stationed In this lclnlty some few months ngo, wax killed In an automobile accl-dent accl-dent near Oakdale, Cala , ono day lort week During his Umo how .ho worked under A. Mowmon. Tho body was sent to Omaha Neb., hU rattier being a prominent Nebraska cattleman |