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Show AM YTIONH INdtKAMKI) L Foil TIIK I'ltlWHVT YKAlt H Carbon county nMesmonls Xor 3 the year 191S have peon turned In- 1 to the state board of equalisation j luatlon are ttQDOQ nioro than a year jo i The roiwrt of V N y Dratxr, count) assessor, ghes these j figures Town nnd city loU 268 317 Farm lands, S9.8SU' acres 563.188 ' Fruit lands -- 6 100 . Orating, U3.0S2 acres.- 160 917 Othw lands. G4.973 nore. 1 57 404 ; liitprovements cm lots . . 418,32 , Improvements on acreage 1U3.776 Horses ami mule - -- 48.3'G ' Cattle, all kinds -. 76.770 . 8ltep and goats -. 26.977 Swine .. -- - 2 136 ; llees, 282 colonies .. .. 846 Merehnndlso and fixtures 271.7.12 Mnotilner). tools, oto. .. 49.861 Moue), oretllts Judgmts.. 207,012 Not enuniorntoit 146,666 Total $3,606,322 To the abovo must bo added $3,-476,416, $3,-476,416, net proceed of mines, rnll-roads, rnll-roads, telephone line, enr nnd cut-press cut-press rompnnlc nnd machinery, n follow Net proceed of mines $ 664,717 Improvements, etc .. 1,686,202 D. & H. 0 Hy 1,019.160 Spring Canyon It). 46,716 Utah Itnllwny 208.626 Total 13.476,416 1 Assessor Draper claims Hint tho - causo of tho Inoreasod nluattons I j that ho hns found more properly Grazing lands have been ralswl . from two-fifty to threo dollars an H acre, making $60,000 additional In ; this latter Is somo coat lands that . formerly went In a grating lnt year tho money credits nnd Judg- ; ments were pincod at $95,134 This . year they nro $207,012 Total assessments or tho county ; n returned by tho nsscssor amount . to $7,080,737 However, theso fig- lire stnnd to bo cut down consider- ; ably by Iho stato board of cquallta- . Hon a well n the Carbon county ' board ot equnlltntlon |