Show A Pleasant Surprise Abigal Allred of Pleasant Grove was the recipient of a birthday surprise on Friday it being her 80h year A host of good friends visited the venerable lady and maae her heart glad in many ways The present were soon as would insure her comfort Mrs Allrcd was born In the State of Missouri in the year 1804 She early identified i bored with the Mormons and joined the main body at Far Vest where she with tier husban Levi Allred vwm driven from her native State fur no oher reason only that she was a saint Ms Mired has shared with her adopted eope in alt tneir persa cations She came to Utah in the year 1851 Tina summer she has gathered her fruit and dried quite a quantity for m > ikec She is of genuine gen-uine southern stock and like the blood true Jo her Jii > nd3 May her days of usefulness bo lengthened |