Show ODnS AN D ENDS LI It was a commercial traveller who sang My face ismy fortune 1J A cigar dealer save that cigarettes have no tffect upon the tobacco trade Who ever supposed they harl A Burlington man has a hen which he cailVStar cf Empirebe ause she never sets Burlington Free Press An exchange wants to know what Is the best way to mark animals Well a shotgun is the most efIec tire for cats How York Journal r Well I declare exclaimed an editor as he inspected the baby of an 01 J newspaper friend lilt it isnt a marked copy of the old gentleman gentle-man Burlington Free Press A writer eays that love makes young people frank and honest with each other For instance when he goes out between the arts he always frankly tells her that he merely wished to see a friend and when he sees her promenading with a nice young man she explains ex-plains that it was only her cousin Norristown Herald An elderly Newport lady having bad several teeth extracted ana being asked by a female companion if it hurt much replied Well I suppose It did but I was so excited because he had his arm right around my neck that I eudnt feel but very little pain Kentucky State Journal Jour-nal I |