Show itTELL TELL TilE TRUTH When the Democratic candidate for President tf the United StatEs was asked by a friend what reply should be made to the campaign scandal raised against him hs reply was TELL THE TRUTH No three words can he produced from the almost illimitable depths of our fruitful language which convey con-vey a sense of more innate manhood Sparta courage and complee addiction ad-diction ennobling principles than thoe above quoted Governor Cleveland doubtless einneJ In this It can scarcely Le claimed by even his bitterest opponent oppon-ent that he was greatly different from thereat of our species Foi one to yield to the tempter seeme t j ns the t broadband F deep distinction separating erring man from an unerring un-erring God and when temptation comes In euch forms and under such ChcninStSnceS a3 appeal l directly di-rectly to those points of assault wherein the proposed victim Is the least fortified to withstand the Influence In-fluence is to accomplish what alj should applaud but very few ever do And when he realizes the lengh and breadth of his error and is willing that It with its attendant circumstances bo published to the world not vauntingly or defiantly but sorrowfully and with a desire that those who have a right to know may sot be kept in the dark at a time when they are so deeply interested inter-ested he then approaches as nearly to the standard of human moral perfection per-fection as any one who ever sins possibly canTo can-To confess ones faults to say to ones friends ill am wrong to ask that all the facts be laid bare is an action BO rare especially among public men that when it occurs it ought to be heralded throughout the I land and the author of It pointed out as an exemplar of morality everywhere Cleveland ought to ba elected He is no less immoral and a thousana times more honest and manly then his opponent We do not approve of his wrong deing but we do 2P provo of the manner in which hemet he-met it we are no endorser of crime or wickedness but we arc an earnest ear-nest endorser of the principles In man which enables him to know wherein he has gone astray and do so much as within him lies to retrace re-trace his wandering footsteps The Democratic candidate meets the charge against himthe only one his eubmles have been able to developwith a candid admission the Republican candidate meets only one out of a thousand brought against him with a political and dramatic libel suit That Js the difference between the men Tell the truth even though the heavens fall |