Show la lat last t dilday morning mr lorenzo jeppson came up ill town anti and as was his want called in at the home ot of his ili mother to see how she was getting along mrs jeppson was in ili bed and her son soil thought she was sleeping and 0 o she was for after a moments glance at it her countenance mr jeppson saw that ills his mother was dead the shod shock was cicat as sister jeppson had been in attendance at t the ward relief society on thursday and while not noi feeling very iery well yet let she was one of tile the speakers alers arid and bore a strong testimony te to the truth falness of the gospel heart failure was the cause came of her demise and the sting of death was undoubtedly absent tor for none of 0 the family faintly 11 ing 1119 in ili the he same house knew that she had died until her son soil found her gunnell aladie hendrickson jepp son aon was born april ath 1831 lu ju Fred norway No rvay in the spring of 1853 was comer concerted ted to the church of jesus jesu chiist of latter day saints and wa was baptized on december sill of the same year she left with a company of 52 the first from norway bound for utah on the journey 29 of the company died from cholera ih Lh olera elbow bellow fe fever feer er anti and other hard hips the number being her own mother birther bi other and sister the little company reached salt lake cuy october 3rd ard 1854 and a n d eight days later the subject of this sketch became tile the wife of jeppa 1 ea pa jeppson anil and ten children lave have been the result of that union six of whom are lanill lining in the year 1855 sister jeppson Jopp soll with her husband lius bana accompanied pres lorenzo snow to 0 o brigham they love since resided with the exception of tile the time when ill all the residents of this oung territory moved south to escape tile the di ivings which they expected from johnstons aimy at my mrs Jepp jeppson has been a most consistent latter day saint a true friend a good neighbor a loving mother and faithful wife and a wise counselor she has been a faithful worker in ili the second ward relief society for many years and has been a pillar of strength to her husband and children and the sisters with whom she labored her life was one great bles blessing blesing ing to all who came within her influence and site she I 1 terl wr ashe she will ill un elasy esa sy r eatoy rn sie 71 rese 0 ce ot I ie he ra Lp aker iker 1 1 I V funeral une al services sem leeg wei e held sunday at 4 1 p in in the la bernacle bishop T 1 11 1 1 blackburn presiding the speakers were bissop blackburn alex IV hansen R L fishburn august augua valentine adolphus madsen N J valentine susannah P boothe charlotte boden bedell ind and cecelia rees all ot of whom bore testimony to the lie noble character of the deceased A large cortege followed the re sa mains to the demetei y where they errio were laid 1 at rest to awalt a glorious lous rr rio after an illness of oer a year five fire months of which she was in bed mrs meda christensen ta talor or of in far west weber county was balled ballel by the angel of death at tile the home of her parents mr and mrs V P C christensen of this city last saturday satin Satu day iday at 1230 bright brights disease being the th e cause mrs talor was the eldest daughter of mr and mis being born in tills city on oil the bolh q ill of she grew to womanhood in tills city ity and was in an active worker in tile the organizations of the 2nd and ward blessed with a sunny disposition all and a willing spirit to help others and ami make them happy on march 1906 she became the he wife of X N W taylor of far west we st and about one year after was seized with that dreaded baights blights Bligh BI bights ts disease during her suffering she has been brave and patient desiring to cause her loved ones as little trouble as possible her bassing robs a husband of a loving and demoted fleo ted companion and a father mother sisters and brothers bi others of a dutiful daughter and effect lonal sister may I 1 god comfort them all in tile hour of their grief fredral services were vere held bield monday monda iu ili ward ine meeting eting house up DI T H blackburn presiding the hpe ahers were bishop martin NV A tay tailor ter supt bupt of sunday schools I 1 I 1 far aar west andrew jensen jei isen peter anu aar jei isen peter anu J p olson oison N J valentine bps aps mcmaster anil and blackburn and J IV Ifo hoopes the remains reni ains were shipped to og dpn tuesday accompanied by the lie family and inferred in the cemetery there hero the lingual quiet of this city was EOm shocked 1 monday morning when hen the word was given out that martin larn La roii had died suddenly the night before at evanston Evan slon wyo mr ar larsen has been making evan ton tell his headquarters for some home time past being employed as a fireman on one of of the engines anning I 1 out or there sunday evening lie he was about ul up until about when he be went home to his hodg lodgings lags shortly auer after lie he became ill and in half an idour liis its spirit had flown to the nelc neati evoi id the c cause aue of oc death was heair falline every one angart I rt laren has a good alord ord to say of him for ills his was one of 0 those happy natures which always sheds alx ds sunshine evits in its pathway lie he was the son of mr and mr mrs laps larsen of the first ward anil and was born tn in tills this city 25 years agon ago his roeln roving g nature boull not healie aed ebo I 1 w it t libnic 0 o n ic and during the lash last few feir years lie he lias has been oft off working i ills his companions at evanston couil n not 0 t say anything but good of him ani ami ten of bliem including his landlady accompanied the remains to tuesday he was a member of the of tio the firemen and Engin enlen no SS anti and 9 ot of ills fellow me benibe nibe acted as pall beakers ai ae the funeral services which held yesterday in the he alist ward meeting house at 2 1 p ili bishop ale master presided and the speakers C Q christensen the engineer and landlady with whom he arid and lodged wm jones C hoist U E A pox ro and bishop A laige cortege followed the remains to th cemetery anve e beshe to extend sympathy to the iela i relatives natives tives and pray god to comfort them in ili the hour of sorrow hellewell larsen kelleher and langel ot of kranston Kv anston and fellow brotherson brother sot mr larsen called at our office and desired us to express the appreciation they felt for having been acquainted with deceased and bore testimony to ills his many 1 a ily good q qualities u alit les they feel to deplore the loss of a brother arid and friend the gentlemen also greatly appreciate the kindness shown them by the relatives and all the ass istrice rendered them duding their stay in brig h ham a in |