Show PERSONAL ITEMS mr and tirs mrs oluff petersen are in logan I ogan boiking voi king in III the temple goc and Soc Dress goods at al C hoist sons soils mrs el richards Rich aids ot of collingston collinston Col linston was a brigham visitor wednesday armor plato plate hosiery sold only by N I 1 L HANSEN S 4 ii H cordon special officer on the S P R R was in brigham brigha m esterday canvas gloves soc at N L hansens I 1 S sat 1 l the hidden hand the prodigal I 1 son eon sifong features cs thice conic comedies dies besides at tile the opera house I 1 miss liss beail woodland returned last bastl I 1 week from an extended visit with v aih rel stives up in idaho E every very young person should see the Pr son a great moral lesson now ow shown at tile the opera house tt at aloes sc at N nta 1 hansens hankens bishop and mrs wright right and mrs mary waight bight le ie turned last evening ironi from lona iona idaho where they have icen during the past week visiting moses wright who is seriously ill but is now reported bem better armor plate plata hosiery sold only by N NL L HANSEN sa I 1 |