Show TO THE FARMERS it is a fact that the farmers are pot not growing the wheat most desired in our best markets we ne have half dozen or more parities vari ties neither of which seems to be the best from what we can learn from the large mills with whom we find a market the so called goldcoin wheat is most extensively grown in our co and cache valley it is the prettiest and apparently the best wheat we w e grow but from the fbI following lowing extracts it will be observed that it is losing favor in our best markets and it is time farmers agree upon getting uniform variety that the markets recommend sperry flour mill ill co say we do not take kindly to this wheat phoenix milling co say it Is not abe wheat desired in our marret market mr track mack of our state says 1 my fy mills alilis are not buying goldcoin wheat we ve could quote others local ind and foreign mills who say the same of the Gol goldcoin doin wheat cl claiming arming it is not rich enough in gluten or a wheat ot of good milling quality yet it is much artter than other varieties we have they recommend as a substitute turkey red wheat which Is of bet ter milling quality a good the kind hind the market wants and variety the market is being supplied by kansas and montana direct to our own state mills and mills of nevada and california prof merrell says turkey red wheat is the wheat for the farmers or of our state tile the inter mountain milling co of salt lake say we would greatly appreciate it if you v would use your influence to interest the he farmers in your local locality ltv in the he growing of turkey red wheat we will have a carload of turkey red seed wheat within a week or ten days and we offer it to the farmers not as a speculation but to in a better wheat and try to get ei a uniform variety established that better prices and result may b be obtained we have a great many orders now dow and shall be pleased to receive or ers from any one who is interested |