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Show SAD ACCIDENT. MT. PLEASANT MKlTNu-- THE HCCIE SEKinin. DEATH h; H.ciuff, Prrst. ho ELIZA UF FIFTER VORHEES. ( FOUNDRY the eastern pait t pROVO TRO VO rOUXDRY The funeral mi vices were n Taiiernacle this mormiu morning last at in the On Tue'-daof sorrow-- , MACHIS E CUMPASy f a large asscn-blabout huf apast ten oclock whenand friend Manufacturers of Steam I sympathizing S.ster Eliza Vorhees of this city ing ol nines. lbu'e ti la?t a to Boilers, Pumps, pay after a lingering arid distressing gathered one they ived. Th- Brass and Iron Castings, sickness of about two months respect to ings fi r Store Fronts, Mill v' interior of the building pas.-e- d peacefully away- - A tew choir the T0rk fur Jails, suitably draped, d lys prior to her. d.qh audeotiI uildings. Fencing and music ami beauti.nl d s:tr seouied to take a change for the a nd-- t and Weights, Machinery lor L.bett r.and th?e who were at bur solatorv bv j Saw, . rist. Mining and bed -- i io aid her attendants es were made .md Mills Maiben to Bishop B. order J. and up put r began to think that her lecoveey II. Jensen. At tile close ol the j, mu was only a m liter of a little availed Wuikshopst Corner L however, erviee the aud.etic time. The to the of .jth themselves beopportunity streets, formerly known n which, it is thought, had the at remains Cluff's look Hall. Old Iron bom a last take superinduced by a lingering which were th n borne to .lie 1. O. Box s, 23, Provo. had cough with which the lady thence to tne from S. L. and hearse St Whitehead, time .ome for mena.-been prior followed by a j to her prostration, had fastened city cemetery vehicles ot 1846. Established itself so insidiously and strongly large processionVorhees was born 1 Eliza Lewis upon her system that on Satur- at Parish of Tralcahn, County Eleneva Kjur grew 1J urseries day last her symptoms TuesWales, (Beat - of Carmarthen, worse and on the following d i ritain, on the 25 day Geneva, New York, day death brought relief to her 1836. ears ot eleven but When s. sufferin & W. Ti Smith, Proprietor." earthly The news of the death of Sister ag- - ihe joined theCburoa and I Vorhees will bring a pang of Chr st of Five Hundred Acres of Fruity 1819 in connection, the in as of nts be year the sorrow to many, lna.iiem at Trees, Roeea,t . hrul.s, her hospitable spirit, her evenn-- s with her mother and lanniy Etc., Etc. of temperament, her faithful dia-- , embarked for alt Like City, I. A. Gmirfhtti'j Gen. IFestcni i f: here they arrived the same year, ' and maternal charge of dome-t- i SALT LAKE CITY, LTAB ' Lake Salt in Atter beat t remaining duties, and her nobleness i. f 29,2,8 c Seendeared her to the affections of for about one year she to mother CONSOLIDATED NOlP1, her al who knew her. Those who companied FOR PUBLICATION V to grieve most at Manti, arriving heie m. loot). In have ocea-io- n Isaac married the of-esti mable a No. 2076 h year 18)5 the departure lady will find some sola m in tli Vorhees and settled in Manti, tj. 5. Land Office at Salt ' fact that after her long s cknes . whe e she and her huso.tnd nave City, U. T.; Sept 17th 18ia i she past calinlv away with a pe - lived continuously ever since .ho- Notice is hereby given 'i" feet resignation to her fate, md iug idenaiied wit.i tlie sterling the following named suriounde 1 hy most of th me people an I rent ing a highly re filed no.iee ofinteutin, bers of her family, except her spectablo fa oily of somi and make final proof m suppor ua uhters. son Arthur a. id her so their claims, a. id secure! ' .U. entry thereof and that said pm will be n.ude befo' e thePro. (or in his absent Judge X. A. ii.oyey. Ji.lm (larli IL 8. : ir.ngCour.ty C.erk,of EiheryCu.1!. at tiie C un.y Court Castle Dale, U. T., bn Sau.. arid October 31st. Ic85, viz: J.y'J Smith The ritOn. II. E. N'o.lB'i for the S. W j r .tee. 15,1 he HOLESALE Dealers S. It., 7 E. ibU acres. ai..ic names the .ol.owi ig wdiesOv-prove his oontinuo..s upon and c ithimun i p JIARDWARE, GLASSWARE, tract', v.z : J. ki g. A Gya t W O' O D E N W A R E, over, iv.' Hunter. ,m.d F. Ok T I N W A R of Ffti run,' Icm n o ..U.T.rJJ Etc, THc. Etc, Etc, Viz : .''..fah au under ac o ,0. i th, 1m -- 47 & 49 East - Salt Lakd City, Utah. Temple Street, v Jw No. Oot A i E.' 26;4.4 tt (1 N w El S sml by ana Anofh'f YeuJ Elder C.H. Wheeiock a ho lias irUmi ahih: been quite ill for sometime pa 4 Utah. Saa Tete Maati, County, is a gain able to be aroundi Moroni, Oct-.- 15, I'd a. Sorm 4 Weekly Netr paper, Editor Sentinfl . Within a fear days Messrs. of thD place (Dane) Devoted to the general interest of Ereksun and (Juhon, the sleep shot and instantly killed m the people of 8a u iele and aurrouud ouner.v, purpose moving their was the mountains we.--t of here, be no; I s tober 13, 1885, while out huntiig i.erds toward the itsgCountiee, of Utah for the winter. S CSSCS IT TIOY: oeer. A party consbting of Marlin M. Mt. Pleasant has another One year, $2.00 D A Dr. Park? late from Christensen and Adolphus Tsy1.2 Six months, the and A. Bradley, there are! lor, Amos California. At pie-e75 Three months, a number of cases of typhoid j deceased had been out for several had camp'd . . Advert king rate on application. fever ia the city ami ho will no days. All b it lay lor the night, he of have an doubt together opportunity All Communications intendec showii his skill Not sr j having become lost. g next scattered 5r this paper should 1 address the party riving From Mr. J. II. Erckson I j d The Home Sentinel." after soon seek to him, learned that he in connection corning to his made he camp, hich way Jab. T. Jakzhan, with Messrs Hunter, Whitlock, j Amos A. Bradley, the others Freedom and lor Ta two went t0 find the other mem-h- a Manager taken step-- , to make j bera of the party ; they had gone a driving park or race course in J distance when Taylor LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. the vicinity of Chester. The but a short saw a deer moving in he thought track will have a circuit of onejthe thick brush, about one hun- 8chool teachers may secure half mill, it will l.e securely ; he immedi-atl- y blank forms for pupils weeklv, fenced and the work of surviv- dred yards ahead took aim and 5red. The monthly, or term reports at this ing. which is to be done by Mr. two then circled out in different office. Kerr C. E., will soon commence. directions to head off the supbu-h for which they Houghtens Gooseberry Approaching her borders from posed gam, fifteen il for s from some free bunted minute, mildew, es, any point is like entering Para-- d cheap. Apply to J.C.A. Wei by is the way in whi-se the when they found Christensen in Manti Citv. where Taylor thought eloquent Hollister once spoke of the place he had een the deer. The bill T H Utah. do Unlike J. 0. The nice brick houses of ear an entered below the Fountain Groen, Mt. pleas mt oot know just how P.radise came out at the right , upper part of the but Mt. rleasant, as the and Moroni ado-- t the f that look-.side the of left head, scatteiing name implies, is ceitainly a v ry an expedient article of brick directions Tayin all brains the nice her fortunate place and in or near the vicinity ot filled with horror and was lor well itizens congratulate may those towns. s that they have, at remorse at having thus uniniMantis constant worker, leas', secured an oasis in the tentionally slam his friend, be , Supervisor Luke, together with desert, to he sure she has as yet tween whom and himself tne a corps of helps is again at work not a very large number of warmest ties of friendship exremedying defects, filling washes, parterres, fountains, and lawns isted. An inquest was held before etc, on the road between here in fact the first named cou d and Ephraim. the Justice ef the Precinct, at easily be counted on the fingers which a verdict in accordance hand one of her but r wati A new culvert in the crossing with the is from ex foregoing facts-waand the .client, hear Guard Snows corner is the supply rendered. of some of her alright tiling in the right place. appearance wife d.ed quite handsome residences one ' Mr ready Keep on Supervisor there 15th day of on the infer tout gush g unexpected are other crossings awaiting might justly fountains an exquisitely plan October. 1881, leaving seven helpyour prescriptions. ned tlower gardens and lawns are less children to be cared f r ; the Mt Pleas fuBe within her po-- oilit- es. condition of whom seem doubly August Andeiseil of drunkfor end fast Vlt. Pleasant has her fud quota hard to1 be thus deprived, within ant, being on was Sunday last, driving up of grist mill,s, business houses one short ye tr of bon 'their before Justic Lirsea on Monday etc. In tact, if s ize with the eart.dy parents. Tbe.r he pless and left $12, IX) aj guarantee of brmer and u nn with .ho latter con '.item exerted tire warmest future good behavior. are to be cousid she stands srinpah, of .Iveif many triends. k pla e on the n the lead of an. other town in T..e urteral t L. C. .Hui.tbhian of Spanish 14. h iivs . and was at ended' by a O n the of th county. pfomi Fork is taking s eps to establish went bui dings on Mai St-- hears vei large eo co ire of people, a fou ujry, On ih premises of follow! g, fo- - tnis section, who .ill n idles ed the r ..eep the S. S. . r Bp. Jensen of this city. It is i sorrow ..ml strong lyurpat iy tor athef exeefoioiu , s E.. j, 15 S:E 'J,,,' . m fiiought.th.it he' hew. industry .JoiFv . SfWr. (Jnri.iti.iu Heading t ie bereaved inft will bo ready :o commence work 160 acres. sne ' Hoorn. 'fi.isa d ii intyi-euy I.I in about two weeks. folio-s 0 pru urti nig to such hu e t t that I paid PE US jNAL. u nee up J.e cont ntr Tli 0 annual mat imonial boom a 'Visit- to toe oom ie 1 was tra Lily Cnlt'iV 0 Bp. Gvo.- Farmvortn was hr hts' unmistake.itily w ic our courteously by the a ttfc. fig u mi Joseph vesterdav Ma,ni A number of Spring idies in char , a neft? I h id county1. A.. Anae s , 0. R hie .j foetid h'.i . he m' eis uisure of vi Cbys young peoph tro sum to It li. S:- Kerr, CJ Oi of ,11 e ii. ..mery U tigh Invest. Manti s nt quite a numats t n s ,nd for 0 HU'VQy the ginmrl f r Wholesale and ter, K.kis Reta ber toward the brigh ie dais of .lie us o c o the very tne nelV r e cou1 se' at Che-te- r. Groceries: , Att.Own, Hoots and Dry Guns Shdes' Gotuis; la-Stayn Hardware;1 St. George l week, more exscratrt e and p.nodicals of Jr.-oHurst' Fairview u' Philip1 F Etc;.-BA NO rTk and O. 410 t Pistols: po. io start next weett and thus .he age. .The rrad.ng- foom has lias Called fill t6 a 7iK Se the work has negun. oeen established by l.tds ot the Jloiixr Tf. ml missioii to the Sonthfefri States. U. S. L' ii oc d Presbyterian n ; and, A herd of rolled He will start tomorrow. F Angus'c ittle as it supersedes o e s doon t City.Ut.. (at is 'be ng tli i v n through tie Mr. David Farr Ndl co i least it occupies tin building made c u "ii ir county. As the herd halt? in fonneHy used f .r a s 1 to cMP a lu on- To ,r day. brief g naineu ::.-doon.) and jis V J!i the vari uptowns the aettte eve-'oPAID.. s it The yxtih,- man1 v ,s visiting f tns 1 8 tim ed in dose proximi-tnotice the stockmen are soo ; upon K)ecial Attentiori Paid' to Mail Ordfers: to mother, it is td b ho.n d tile counts with a view of fina pn of in Su port c them and their merits and deLaHin A Iiatid P ovder. Atlas High Kxplo-uvci.iiu and' secun riii.il. that it will Continue to p makinsfshme grain purchases. P- wd.-rmerits are,MuoraPjly d,scus-ed- . le- -, Co'futnbia Dlmrirst Paper th riot hu sum nmol w ield a potent Irtiiuence to and Mr. p. Draper Mayor Larson Pa for s. m.'.ue uefure the GoNetro R- - st: Mts. Sarah and s mo,h of Moron-- joined ward curtailing ihtomperane. and taste of' ii Pc e County, J m a ie,d-ii- W. for t een Manti of impelling who .h is Marti-Mtogether and la.oht one of the-b et, Salt Lake Aside from i these A City an feat ivalid for over' yea s, de- -' ires '64)4)12 in i;.e ah- -, lice ti e animals ; and it is probable that Mt s rleasant has on Cbui.ti said a arietv of this' Hid u,i. Sunday quite pared several o,her s den liave ef' P 1' politics; si hool-- , to. M.rni ig- last.Sisrir Win h day of Ndvcnn e' fected in the couivtv. Theeatile The Distrct schools wnnch was a faithful lint t. nt lu ries (4 Luhdebp'rf ipriB will bo at Ephraim and Manti umf. r ho pririeipaBhip of Mr. md ev.vt-ste Eti:ry No. n f r within a few days. piige number f Job ismt ariv doing q rite .s fiien mtiur-- h r los . T and K. . W. i N.e. it . SANDERS A C w as t e facilities will permit. 4 seVv'ieeS were Irl Pwl an (J11) fl s.r.:' 18 iv he stJccessorsto' ip. The Prespy tori art schoo , wni n 8 u;l Wir, Aseii.bh Hail on sr. fb.lo' ri Millie Ves to jruW P H. B. C L A WSO N CRUSADE CRUMS', t l,y h way is rirganized . ceord TutA.I.-uyittlm-cofo ar gatlle Dealers in puous,i res!.!Aic up t l;il; g to the graded system with ing t it iv s an i te. u iaof su-cultivatiort II SAs 'fi's,WpoT,FursjSk!h$, Robert Swaitv will receiver Ins M isi? Bet km ii As pros oent.m me Jb iward to i .rthei t E Edward Reid Pelts, Etc, respMs mv Nov.2. e f 1 Wi o' t df eft grades, ih mg.: if t1 the dep'rtod. dlv'bvii Eleven .... ms 'lii t John J.Nugeli ai liricr j id' in to lam 6f an-the at ten i.irice c ,r judge' Mr. Thos. porehor wilt feceive all of Fayette, San Pe-- ''The followed the ,e-- i tro i wont I 4aw in tne rgher mams to iage , ast' his sentenceym the 21 t their' rest ilig-17 & l'oa LtahTer:: . W. SouthTe'riiIt) iJ.mj pros'. gra .o, it - ciVmparatively srftiill. And at1 the same "icU,, It I.alee si eetr pfe Elder John tang hasr been The Methodi-ti- c faction off this Selectman 'M Farh b.Bianch House sAt, p'V I, out to the-- ' pert from th'e sent enga.eq m ere- tirtg- - at the at Nephi.' ., hou,e ll'i vault river can rtteVer rise higher than ' JourJ fry Messrs. Mu?ser and- Watson 1 iC s onnS P hft its source, ns numerical str-gteach paid his fine of $ 300 and is ' !l 34,4,12 tf"e vaut by no means to ta bed hnmerged from the pen on Mont,.e utlfw s' g f' no ' it CJficourt house 1A1 jrve v smidfv i day., , i ,HU' J for1 a"d subslant alfo ' .V",,rl unt T e ' Mr. Geo.' Romney'- - and Mri W. Mn Iie Co, mt r. ini. ls teing-lirmlm.idft' of .111if A. llos-itjJri?f!fl,,; t,f having no assurance NiMIhC e f'Rethe (pin rrV f Axei'Eincrtsun 1 (hiutu j., I). ...., I. SrKiw s,! to make to his H m.' "were both for u; Fni.Mi i ion ,,r X. t XS Pe'te Cou n ' v Ola 1 Terr ti $ , . Mr:,MFarlm 5 aud'diit aS5S i ..ad f,f,VrtHd .. arM 4i IH:?. .. - .. 3 S S 5 sent to the pin on Saturday last, for Iriiviiiif Will. ii,e e jt j hr Dr nbfoebultoi tnj1' jg'y mu ; Also tl e ar' OOl.te'l iMrVV-iimi or tr of t It", I' zr M Cle k oj E. the'Coun-tsimilar to tH.it use i in th' Cannon remains in niiir on tn. gu, ,i4V ,,,Aigus i4,,,tr'i'erectioft of the Tehiple. irfi lU. T.'irv tie- - ai'seiici r im 11 prison'to await aiv eijavtcd im- A" 1 1 tivou tr,. i i r n aIT. i Fro bate Q? portant dcLiOn, as the rulings Ihkt Mfoi.luv, (lu gtm guy ,if .iv Judge .of said l HmttfV, 18S5, al 1.) .', llvk , , pj iu his case have been brought be- sW4 , Kdlpac-Samuel The Gr.immaf School will! .hy, m ln- - cun rourtt of Hi.i fore the Supreme Court. for 498 No. cmrtl- at th- oouri Entry J. Vhi open next Monday, the 19th hist' ' , e. i see. V', fi -- 1 is. and8 e.e. s. name Messrs. John Nit4if.lb.Mi, 'Eefll , the R, and 3 Olson and - - StmtU were StUne UH fr half quar-- 1 tho Will .r 4 co1' yrorii hi , ' witnesses to : rr. ?e r prove on Tuesday, each received Jeitawn, deewoit, ami rorDiearJu lpils in IV RiVadi'rs ' residence upon and over should be in the Grkm- -' fcis Mr. Olson hadnithln'g the application ,;r Kim J .J , of sad land viz: t say, but Mr.' s'nrifV gaCo his ' ov Ilbi.- a few of his sentiments in ny SCrtAof li.iuik, L. S Beach, ill ! h1 i ago imerwitpit ma?' -- hiM j p a calm manner and Mr. Niciml-o- a aud the (wm. .accepted. Tuition 25 cen 'irr?jp vSL "S Wk ' 3'x"rtxf Ki: mery oy., terni tw weei 8 g&ve him1 the heavi,t 1. - s: Urt, io.,, "? . . McMabtep, i dose jjl J had yet. i Wn. e, Kei (Shakcr, f,. W ::.r i ID, Atty. for Apr e, lHineipal. I Published at v . Fee-J- Chri-tense- n j . ren-Jjr,,- n Briii-de- e wj-ter- r - I - Elde-rWareham-, , MoUJ-Pres- . nt j j -- di-e.is- 1 e, - prt-Yiou- - J J 1 jjng 1 N-.v- of-Jesus Latter-d.iy-S.nnt- s, : 1 . 1 m u-- t de se'F-hav- them-elve- Hon-V- a Chri?fc-'ijsen- Co Clark, Eldredge s In I CROCKfifir, si - ; 01 re-l. . . , i 1 . 1 , -- .1 . st , 1 . u- v m-- - i 1 1 - up-tno- -- BARNES & DAVIS v 1 - , i f e reCi-ntl- -- PRODUCE mi-sin- of all - f i- - Tken inds T . .... - v . arid the 1 1 o AGENTS , a' i . e r C-- llh - - r-- d v-- i i Is-t- jr-- i 1 1 . . . - i six-three- hi-- 1 . e j ' -- ; i- i 2nd-Di,?t- , . i J - I t- - I --t -- - . Wr - er y' 1. s- - . X V 2 " H - 5,- t L- - 8kbi-V:.ur- t ni - - -, - - liOu-o;.;- . MSAh ",, i eetr-ten.-- A eJ -- - 03. ! . n I - -- - I-- he-'m- (.j .V" tw - - 1 r:- 7 .tl |