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Show . . 1. . x ; Vol. u.r r i M ANTI V. CITY. J i u " ' Puli.hctI tti f : 5 f i W i j s 1W 1 f , f - r : , f PETeVoI-NTY- OCIMG, FRIDAY, UTAH, ' , r !.. 2ti. V S'1 . v ?e m t : :::t e;:h he;;js J . 1 . 1 1 1 " P"V ifm. iIed. r.ops. i , THE. , 1 C O from:tio fio. Tea Stalls; R. E; i. I . 1 f j t'W . k 12.-ir- he hjir-ntite- i Whonfis selling at gg she I in Sab, Lake ' t 4ey boldly challenge any firm to sell lower. Cenfs rt Ini ' , .'iasniNoTox, Department i little Co. have received a Ft of hoo,3 ,v d .ffioes, This Number (No. completes half of Vol. 1, or mar tie vicinity o,n several cm the retire t ceiY ouses her hniit of hi- - material f ev 'oak f y n .s or General for this ierrt rj. Edward S. Reid 'ha? receive i Mayor Larson a". otnep lem-r- s Itiftfonjuiisiop as Jus-- v U'D c of l be Oi y Coliuei f.r, , iea.c;(j pji;, Euyef .' ius co.i.p,, onsidei in- the poietv u Mt Andrew J. Ahgard, of 'ving thoir ordiivmt e city otiutain Gr(en lost pionerty t trintc-- in hook foun. Theeouu-i- l t!ie amount of 1,60 , on 'da. is alt rikjng steps t fence The loss was caused ty he (ity ceinelen fire which iiad been stirted.ln ' ' ' ' The potato crop- in this seC-r hildren. i . both ts re ardr 'naiifv ' Those persons Who are m habit nd quail it' is exception. .1 V f leaving thei: teams untied i ..fous t lies that ' $ be streets jljad better real he us potato crop , ,.VCity o t' inalice- relating the,-- u , li- - year that he d ot ,.tt! m It JJwi ease has lieen up and a (in bu reso.ted p!oiv tnom qu i imposed and others are like thcfoTcbJ hut's ife , o, -- ive 1 . ... , - i u. - r,,oc,-.Hi- A - , - , 1U. . t u l...a d . . .. 1 .SI known bookseller of Pi - ; (fy i -- - Oct iber o e as oji u.y assmu feetiq of Lie L be a dan. Ho has alrcad m Loscfox, 0 0 1 - nnkina sail was Iluviots i ielo'tii i -- V Among these 'may . e Pram the Timnentumed several new r Aidenees of holiday attraction ' his return the reader's o the northern and There vie eigiity irs 10 e Fkxtinki will prohaidv h i.uts of town. t. e nea s o', e ot idace die dis at riot sciioo toil t! 'll. I.' U. (huirt.MIS , noie about his trip week. this , nw Methqdw hipieopi en.,pe While out bear 'the coalthd' thicli nuncdiak-is located c Tne 'tormoiit Comp my Coke Co's.' Mines1 on P offi s t!i the of to: e.' ot dRld .JUlfiUU wmth silver Ii-- t Mr.' Samuel pojte - f H' ,.i t. mo ,th bulho view met with quite a The T'ey"1u!et.ng 1100;; r y .t having ondnuti: gvoaiiJ'SiU- - Li, Business v ntie - 'to i -erm and both bf his lei ive mo iff ago .s o'iii woheut prov-mining mattei s i. c n.o over with a wagon loaded nidi roof. Pome ot the enter' diking hie,- - m ing up. aiid iivels oal. Fortunately no bones wen citifc1 n. however, liumm , winter. here this nrj ,'Xppted t hioken! correspondent that 'it is ' A report haij reached uso'J t ' hat WO." w.l P. Larsen was up be, Mr, mad' wiin'.n siilne Iragtni so n. and thus tne .) g gold fore Aldernj in, Eenner on tucs-da- y Reef. APke miles the oi buMdicg will be overed in fi.ty for leav nc his team the ;la.-- t him and Mike. befu-ebi lion, winter. ,les f.r the Fitger.iwi, 'unsecured in. , the ' treet. It apW ' nave ird Christian 'cd ha toof . uV ate being jum tipear that the 'authorities mean turned Loin there ;.nd .'c;n-renf'irce the ordinances of the favorably of the outlook. wiUi.-eavPICKINGS. - . , s. 1 i 'Lind v; pro-du- .IX'ffM outfit an, Path m,air V.uUrhn-.- firRi Ephraim 0- 1 w 'MiVi a!kl avc' v':of t Ift your V,yM. d.g V; C s ( Association. . f b r i. . 5 t iv D -- , ; t RICHFIELD Mty.and teamsters 31 mey hv hitching their teams before Reiving them in. the j Thre.ihing is , piishi-d.- vigoiou-l- . 'i. y 1 Dvil,and have Messrs. Dickson. Varian and The f rmeis are their bins are full. g bee i nee (rsV. 1 - pZll anci : . 1? Notr a The Irt IVi interj..r?ce. j Him The HcuseteDers Friend To AFIDTAKE NO OTHER Sold by th3 Cfoccry Trade gcceralij. Wit Yourselves Provide tv ASH FOR,. a rAo Oeuaf advertises that everything except Is l.eieli Notice given (lint the it liil lowing millieil Btltier hv tileil soap xrease wih be tffo n in of subscrip ions to his not lee. of his iolentiO" lo imke final of hi elam, an i pro, if piper. A ieryilit le siapwill III Haul root Will tie nnwe OeloiC at ' . wh.b a a'-t Texas a iiaper long the i'rnlmlej mlge or (J lei k of Sevi-J County, ai HIchfieM, on wveiniier . tfch'), vir Willi m fshelton, H editor. tMnki 2S, A 'New Jers-V we That Bid Dafi&nro tu Competition iiT (T'ilitjr and Ptica No.ifl99t. r Uie 3 Wl-4dead-heathat there i too much Is; rt i.J 4 3 1.14, kec 15,Tjj 241, DEALING 'And business ln.th (ditoiial pro R4W. He names the fMlowlugWitnes read the fession. Some wim' to. pioe bD ertntinuooe imufeiiee a newspapers are undoubtedly of neon, fc;h! Coin vaiijn uft41d IjanU, the sam$ opinion. via; .Gideon A. MurilwC", Henry Gillbro, John jtuw, "i4 Hainuel Wilail Joseph, M'Vl'lr County, Thb .Russian bear hope to Utah. ft U. MMasteriltegister. l have Turkey fof hi Thnkgiv-ing 3. W. Darke & Go. AttjJ. remainder of dinner. If the Kur0pe fails to disturb th re Wm. K, HEpi past- -- S. L. lhrald, ' 12, ISSu. ind 0 Yeors' .. r . f vy SttEET ' ' toimf v s'nes 1 Jury of lor daring to have im Uciruwn. He should havq rnb-D- oitt ne wholp body, n i ,detided that their functions could t fiMad ' by. lihn.-- t f nxd we kt ail surpris' d if pan ih: utd rtht next move. S. L. Uus were . Befi v ? A ' W1LLTA M V. ailj Mini pr,,ate. MANTI, - Haw, Manti, If'infie ' Ci., ' Office at Cdirt Hour - . , I ev U1AII. i ' L, "qflt'ISH I , . n i1 ' TAST1 u nrpfd.i x i:' t4rl? L hit AlinowfoUgert Sssssd slid y Kara. bv oomwcteDt Judges to beene(tba BEST ,F0E THE LEAST XONEft v u Olson, Superintendent. v - , t U OUR MOTTO fvlt , CssTIoJ by I Att-rn- ,4 ' ft fe pi sur: ' 4 ,i. i , i - ATT0RNEV-A- 1 HOUND JTAIR l?cf-cor- i 1 yrf R BoobS' d off ' USfEBH -- boulder by an Officer before they could get Outrtidethe gtounA It books very JDauch as it Zan maile U'rltid. ment of Goods t 1 prisoner- - were free fo emerge ffoxil confinement w:th-'Sat being again tapped ''on the A hiiw.il be sebtenced th's morning at 10 oclock. A numoir bt the friends of Mr. J. N.cholson called at hi- - ou.-- e r Vioth ynlad - o be lna faiewel tier-to.id pat-mer- ? Bhi- 11 paper dis-Sib'er- rhree mAnbera oftbR Qt and c on .Sunday evening, and presented li m with an ad lie s an! a purtfe of $430. rhaJiddiess "as Mr. Ed 'fh ir er. of the firm couched in' every comp.imentary k of Han on & Thurber. lost a terms. oS. L. Herald child o die 12th inst. Thu4 c ild had been nek but a short A'f fflCE FOU PUBLIC ATI ON. time. No. 2J99. atfsiii Lal ;uy, Utah, Lami Office Texas of a The editor McKay aie vcrV much ou. of love with the Grind 'July in th s District. We Lavo special an reli.ib e underg ounW wire, thbe new that as soon as &ien ha f ieen h. Farg- d and t orn inflhe body mot 'And at Mr. McKay's s gL'c-f on proceeded ' to vote fiin the indictment annofi and a a nst Messrs.1 Mus83ff What 'was the porcine Conunissio'm r's krathf tlooking over'tl.e'votes, that they stood ll fbr afcqui t 1 &nd 4 for c.mvictioff. Tla-- e he m ght, that " ss the way t SoatW. stood, and contrary to tu earetpllv arranged pr'griun-ine- , jwKe'a ' h& Ei-ihie- - , Thau&tnd they they Ah' Ward chap 'lately Receiv'd a Number uf 3. crowded o suffocate .on ".'a ave t It A.l lb v Meet Our .John Sunday evening, wiN eholsuh preache h w nit wa-- u The wa- - i "Peope find it hard wfest'ing to pay heir taxes. FOILED. ' OF IPITflTIOria , , v - - BEWARE: f . ,') . .db-covery', , , i i -- ftn J al- quit-probabl- I sutuie.,i-- ' ST. I.OIIIM U) 1 , . , W Ing Extracts, etc., etc. i , that u t - j to ' KiDX ONLY BY Xiao mantifactureixof nnaksrTalitr Sauro, ii ea, Freaenres, Mai.lo Syrupa. Flavor i V I - mn FJCTCTtm ci, ; louiicnc tiMi.ur Km IfiUrcmH, htj Om.lLu.i', m Ltog" Supplies uf lo lie ffes from Aininonla . - - -- Jed tala ucii'in. for far a eraser lm sampfs jbr2icicif . JVler i 1 i . . . i ne Stwva 1 (Oil Tc&XikkuiTviI to a qiinrt .if FVnir.p so'1 tvrmmrndeS innrln-- t for 10 Go-opera- tive chtile ktr . by iiroumiuif physiciuhs as heaUful. rehif'. H. WODSKOW, lw pBtho W. T. RHII), ; . f Itiililic euvi.kr iHa!s 1 . IliomuuLAlLhLtOHLL'18' f 1 Vi a TlitOlil Hell 1 a-- . I 7:" Notions, Etc. Ktc. i L i T LX 0rpt Yrns . t Vi : ft"l . , tDi I jk ov ; . 00, i al-t- - - yy- FOREST CITY FJHN1T0SE j ms-Ur- . f - IneMc. Uvts aiid Cap tlicftl ifcform I ' n.OPKD--V ItpoiU'or4 If l, tii X. r . iuroui. 1 i A , ' UMtnei - ua tilt 'wedfiicjc : Table CoVvTs. .SboyA'ls V long J WBOiatia euioimmB MAvrrtcnHfcsi. Ootion attii .e.d ay tint' Lord ilartingtan fie ame alarme I, anJ fare t me o withdraw from ctiro 0 im in the cam.Mimi, unless t i.auiis'erliin wWsofar oriv,. i. tiist to not commit the whole Ei era party to. iris scnsme-- of 4 - g ' li ij j " for it. - CivfivSj iklOiiS, '.sbi ASK YOTJB FURXI. TURK DEALER rtr I i latt Uuighams, . " CHILDS EED.'. - f - ft a in. 8 di tie- - e eompo-- sot ' . sraGiim.f- Dcuiii , ,1 mib Hnrtingtoii, io tier m the WMgsti nhd Cfi mmerf .in y a lers of Die Uadicals. J j. U; '- boa rULL-BED- . .Alpaoa Rusties. rickpori,' ... Ky--(- Lt , ' y.j i'J , , -- -- -- Mi , ... 1.. nAUM imon: the la e 1 eas' Jo 'ay in .a hits gone ' ith Fr i!lg a Tie oat ci op exceeds 6),(tff, 1) she.s. 1 ) , - and o.U'la-l.s- , i follow. 0 Zip' 4 .0PS 'v' . per ac.e, win iehl of LV6dU)JJot - ai-iai- ree-n'tl- 'I ' ' u , . OPLN-rt- tU Cas'nnn'ios Mohairs. ;ri Tr ' tri Aeichm l i e of Agiicu ure ihi.ty-si- (rei-era- - as.-um-i-ig of U Have constantly on liaml a full stock of fiise. consisting of. a Rii hmo'htf S' Dement o Rh nois has been appointed Survey- 4 October-ll,- iy '4 - The framework of Towtroi' L.e T. mpla a solid appearance. , - RL 341 Toe b. 1, ihe yield ox pimi Rv; freight ;d n ports t,eket off co i e. the main p irt py ucv fop tiiat harvested iiten of the office will, be .removed .ml a half bushels, rt nd nh 26) of the to Che-te- f as- soon its definite "ie on the area sown, w ' the fir-- t rders the h'ingiftj ui vup iyan- forty imlliom m' e. tp-k '"e maijpre received, . ;h irvc&tcd Will m4 feed Wa.ty mitbon acres' the West There i'oin good indicatian point is lal ty x mpdi fc "r J -' It - la-for-e .... w d. p - cf C , , ; u ; t MORONI P( JIM'S. F IJ n N ! I i-- r-- it XA iLULiU'. I Tif. nirv.vrn' papers i' the Hnidlv is; wid.e. fide world ire tin iow Utah. vh..(tux.mty, v recovered as t.. be a Me to g(1'out A'ork ' sheets, The same ght to his faim and a!out oc- - be totjn with 'almost equal nth nsionallv.' LOOAIMND OTHERWISE. of t syn, of the evening pjiers t k, !:. I v r, Oct. 20tli j ji g Jate st t not Sit from' litre P. Ly7Id'i. Nor ?i the time f r your tje L'ourmnent authorities-fo- by Mu; October . 'QiCrt. pc iraivfer.tf vij, av Chester aniioui? tr.,aL V ment has been, ride i in place of at Moroni.: V Tho apple crop is being that it has been decided to ex' r ' tend riiy, Moroni Co-o'reprieie until tet fraternity (he RidV .Cal in his case has e that there up mar fay be ''Tiavonr teams when left in other stores in possibly the Imperial j the. county.' that hoard V4he Hrc i an sell as low as they can ; but Council. T It ' ' i -- SAX . j ru 7 V - - IH- IUO;utfULd i 7 ' h h' 1. - , n: .(..aJ - 60 fa If yeo are going to biT maa orytut do Mu tend for our oiost nd yvloo P fa l b4Pl rrs?tE3nir:v ?. - .X " - , |