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Show Seertu lie,,. Ihrtferid! 523 20JE SEliTIHEL, A bottle of Leer.ccsts 75 cents Hill. Sq a rcduuL. v.m.sybrowy Mexi.-ot in tic' on he The fruit drinks of r.ight o up during I ubtishs I at where the .the ground people are sweet almost to NVER fc, RIO GRANDE 1 j nausea, and pulque to all" San Teta County, Utah. now, stands. excep a landed the inhabitants of the British The largt WESTERN RAILWAY. country Il1 force under Geneuals Ilo'.vejmt has an unpleasant taste. It is ' ' BILL NYE. ; Universally conceded to I the Pigot, and at two y.' m. tlrf not surprising- therefore, to find Americans were reinforced lr an n,erjcan1r;iveer jf jan(j He Pays a Vizit to Bunker JTiil Generals Warin and Pomeroy.,.. the Aztecs going into rhapas m . General Warren was of a literary odise'upon findirtg unexpectedl . Monument . h . KTJWE THE BAT 451 WEST. turn of xnind. and dicing the same native Ticer, which he say- battle took his hat offand re- is very like our root or spruce "Tfaeonly line between Salt Lake cited beer. a little poem beginning : aijil Denver without': Bfmitiiscenees of Webster and Ward Deadly Effect of a Siam!, he grounds your owo, in)' 8! A Pennsylvania girl astonish; braves! Humorist's Onslaught -ed her teicher with' the .follpwing YUtye give it up to slaves? How Bostnn.Meets In Washhe only' Tinted between Salt Lake ' tJeorge A man who .could deliver an composition. and Chicago with but . vadors A Great the first presitlent of the ington and r.! extemporaneous inip oinptu Stroke of efi address like that in jdiblic.'.and Pni'ed States born in .Virginia . 1 in the year. When George was cars.1 white there was such a bitter-fee- l terpnse. ' ' a iittle boy he would never Jell a ' ii ing of hostility on the part ot the lie. Becaus" ' Between the Line he thought ifi was The 'Only Sr (T nibst have bet n' good and ?he East - Running :LaRt week for the first Time 1 audb'nce, not West" nice. It not nice neither. tis f1X1lricid.1l bur scholar. In 1. great ' the granite obelisk known He .' Through SaltT.ake City. yisited studied of things to all kilids it; : all over the world asBunker Hill str fe twenty years, ago :th in lie a pre.ddeni. 1 . f no-t' of our Generals in thi PULLMAN BUFFETand o,X yei,r? ago,if- - respect was painfull v 'noticeable u SLEEPING CAllS my memory serves , ' me correctly, We did not have a commander V k On allTbroughFassengerTraiiis. . General La Traveler Who runs this hode'since Fayette, who could address his troops in tel? Landlord I do m fiuring the CF'Phe Only Line front Salt ceased, la dthe corner stone.and' rh me to save his neck.. Bevei-a- j nm week or first then two ; Daniel Wehstei buy guest.-(uk-e niade a few 3TLake City Running Sleep- of them were pretty good in roi die and remarks job, they which I can not bac k j.ist run gjjp"mg Cars Free lor the use of now recall. XU Verse, but It was so blank it to tli adi." SecOn'd Eighteen years later that it was not ssengers holding vii just the thing 'to flTTlass and Emigrant tickets. it was formally dedicated, and fork over to and speak iii posterity Daniel Before matiiage: Wood and spoke a good piece com- in The Atlantic Express. afterward. won. After mar riage : "Wood "Leaves Ogiieir daily at 9:30 a. n). posed mostly of things that Colonel Prescotts statute now 10:50 and himseif. one There thought up SaltLakeCiry t is mad.- at Pueblo has never been a feature of the tands where he is supposed to have stood when he told his men nd Denyof for Omaha, Kai.sas City r early history and unceasing to rest rve their fire till all ast. and peints l . they, JmnCJlITECT& ' struggle for American freedom the whites of the The Pacific Express ' eye. enemys which has so roused my admira- Tbbse who have examm-'Ariveb at Salt Lake City from the the TAYLOR BROTHERS, MANTI 'West at 5:05 p. in. anti leaves for tion as this custom, quite pre- cast-iroIlint-locWeapon Use Ogden at 5:10 p. ru. making counter valent among Ci ngressmen in :n tho-- e lift Cotwill admit that this Designs for 'School-housefor with the Central the days pacific these days, of writing their own t ' ?ou Bain-- , Stables, Porches, Tho-- e wise. order tages, was guns v L,.b speeches... s; Local Trains. were Injurious to health, 61 CoHiices, iitefior Decoration, and of Many Websters most power- cour.-e-, when used to Leave Salt Lake City as follows : excess, but Remodeliftg of Old Houses, Etc. ittb " For Bingham and Alta at 7 :3U ful speeches wei e written by him- not ecessarily or. immediately furtilshed on short notice. Estiself or. at f his suggestion. Du lie mates and specifications accom a. nn was a plain, unassuming man, ftd. m For Ogden1 at 5 :10p. nn At lie time of the .third attacl panying pi ms Special aften-ti- o did and leel hot above n ? writing Arrive at Salt Lake City: given to the ventilation of by the British the Americans ' Pi:" From Bingham and Alta at 4 :50 his speeches. I have always had were out of ammunition, but buildings. Plans furnished by the greatest respect and admirae tL met the enemy with clubbe mail) Correspondency solicited. Ogden at 10 toO a. m. tion for Mr. We ns ter as a itiien, they fo? i; East for mu-keall and it was found that points jyTickets a Utah Hrid West 'can be purchased at as scholar and as an extempo- one end 'of the rebel flint-hraneous Speaker, and had lie not was abou as fatal as the the Depot otiice and City Ticket jFioluURABllY his portrait to1 appear allowed 70w Ho use Corner j Salt Office, White if hot more so. Please renumber that all Picin last the year V. Century , wearing Lake City. Boston still meets the invader tures sent to me to he enlarged an ail of intense gloom and a with its clfib. SE ' S. W, ECU LEA, The Mayor savs will receive careful attention G. P. & T. Agt, plug hat' 'entirely out of style, to the citizens of Boston : Wai deliver them to any and admiration till i my reSpect W. II. BANcaoF'f, Receiver. see the whites j of oouse San Pete County in you jn jwould have continued iimeh-tiitelni sum 0 eyte, and thch go for him iue time, for the vaiis: with your clubs. Then 2.25 the nice extia frame, inclumng Bunker.TIul Monument is a i.fe tTI CSTAlI surrenders. iill complete. No pay required sucoess JVW 1,8 a monument great OENTRAL I hope that many years may until pict. res are delivered. ms RAILWAY and the view from its summit is ass before it will again be nec- Satisfaction guaiameed. 'Pictiii I: .ud to, be well worth the price r for us to soak this fan ures tnlarged' and sent to any essary of admission. H did not aSeend land in British blood. The addrtesS by mail, without frame, NEW TIUE CARD.-- . de the obelisk because the inner boundries of our land are' now on receipt of ptme, 1.50. ivui July 9th, 1885. staircase was closed to visitois more arid so it. would Wm. F. Younj?, extended, Ss r on the day of my visit and the. take more blood to soak it. Fairview City. Go Fassettger Tfains leave .Ntyhi lightning, rod yti the "outside Boston has jnst .reason to hi Sanrele bounty, UtHh. ' btt me as though , it had Ipoked t to daily & follows prouij of Bunker bid, and it been recently oiled. U! grteat tfok8 of enfer-On the following day, however, U' South at 2:19.-inrise to haFe the battle located HARNESS AND SADDLED ' I engaged a man to; ascend there) Bufikt-- Hid North aiul all kiudN of 11:45 a.m. ;i , b.i .d"ar t ig Arrive atSaltLake at :40p.m t'hS monument and tell me his every American Shocnmkcdt and Harness Makers' an there heart, ii He aastired me Seinations. Leave that 7:20a.m Sujiplies. aie none of us who would m t ivat ; At thfe' feet have, ,. lVi.--p meal) Hit- allenjiion df (lie tney were the into cheerfully gone FIT' Passenger Trains leave Salt of the.spectator ..Boston arid its Jai iiuliiie of Mairti find Sku teie couu--baitle, theri if we had khlfiwn Lane daily, for thfi Nortii, to 'UvirOinnentS) are to the fabl tliat F keep go'ht in spread about in it N ye; time. Bill on hand full, lino of in connect U.t.ly with turd the Karr surihine. Everyday Boston Globe. P.Ry. i.eatnt i Harness ami Siidales. the U. & N. Ry.; at 8 a: inf ; fhe.giaj Boftori1 snreaos' out 'her en-- ti as low as toe lowest. iric-' and arrive in Salt Lake at 7 :50 ronnlents Give me a rad. that way. Editors tiepin to irembfe jttst ilieai1 p. m. Bunkfer Hill Monttment i two eofinterfe.it, L. 0. KJAR. aie post fb6t in in birefilation. hundred and twenty-on- a mAn UTAH. TI, tf'ains -leave Freight Neplii for thfe nofth at 7 :40 a: mf'. and height; and Ibis been entirely, JFQE paid f6r. Thd spectator fhay for th'e south at' 6 :15 p. lit. 1800 look at the moriUment with jier-leESTABLISHED . hancis Cope Gen. F. A- D; Agt. iinjxunity Vf.thout being-so-Joh.V Sharp- Genr Aupt: licited Jto buy Some of its first mortgage bonds; This !dds general (Jg res Main Street Salt hiuch to the g&fiuine thrill of HJpi I ON ' hake City; pleasure while gizing at it.' Tin re is a Rfinker 'Tlfil in Macouplfi .Courity, 111., also in ....Great Reduction In PriceJ!!.;. . Ingham1 Co'uuty; Mich., and in The Largest and Best Stock of , Russell Coifnty, Kan., but General Warren was rmt killed at Musical-Instrument- s , either of thYse joints. One bun1 Ired and teii years Cuickering, Steinway,' Decker Bros., Stkck, Tehning, Hardman, & . ' Behr Bros. ago, one of America's 1116'st noted battles With the' BiitiVh was ), ,n and dftec Aaiu.f 17, ' 1885. fought hear where' Bunkev JL11 Hamlin. A. B., Chafee, and Kimball A Co.s Fainr will leave daily, Sundays luonuinent now sfahds. In that .. Ma:on celi?d, affollows! Goiiig north battle the British lost IQ5U in . ; : ' 'f a, ' Chester at S do a. mi killed and wounded, while the Also, general Ljneof IiaiV'CT'irgans, Violins, llrass I nrni inerts, Con-- . face, Tfive at Moroni THK Latest Aniericin 'loss numbered lut 8 :JQ cerUua, Accorilrons, BanjtjOi'ganettes, Ktc.!!! .euve Sheet an nook Music, Jteceived Daily. - !!! .. 1ILAD-- t 450, While the. people bf this g :0o ti QUARTLKS for all kinds ,c.f loed, and Draper country are showing such' an inMartial Band Imistruments.!!! Lvery giotef in Fountain Green! 9:40 . terest, out waf history lam . Instrument Warrranted and kq-- . yPCdant WtL9:6(f that' something has tireSatisfactionGMaranteed. . ' urprcd not YCon said about Banker D. 0. C alder's Music Palace,. 45 t 47 W. 1st. S. Street, S. L. City. . Holloicay '10:7.7 Arrive dt Nephi Hill. .jThe Federal forces from ORPER3 SOLICITED ANI) PROMPTLY FILLED. ''10:40 .to Cambridge were foing south.Roxbury mi under command of General tqee Nephi atllFsj u A'rtemas' Ward, the great Ameri-.caHolloway if do Pleasantilill - J2 :45 humorist. Wh. n tlh'- Amcri-jea- h ' nn'iiis FountainGrecn 1:00 huim;ri-- t rcklly Imporier-- i : ml Dealers in, ell kinds Wr' , l'FO m. war paint and sounds puts T f Draper ' the tocsin,' p. Court hdcan organize a great cleat of yrnve at Mvcom v q tr Ii? -- . . - . 4 ' . - f . . . , . j , , t 1 Chang? t 1 7- -- . . - - V - 'des-ulkx- - w :JPa v ID lie-ha- - 'Dirn-tvoivneetio- wit-- n 1. K . . s, v . , J 6 fs a War In . ' y. vi-it- u or a ,1 v d J o ..1 jBaaatr,iirinfl-fiiiniwfMaMM- p rGoing Until Further Notice ct - . . CA L D E R'S D. O. FUR ."4 - N I. T a C t s 1 sma-.-- i 1 ' U R EV VU 4 I t : I Line dt Wholesale Prices where the OdiiidicdiAJttflTtes'theorfiei,' . ' t , ultb V . M ( I' . Now ii Yodr chdncefnf Bar gains tlAnd Don't1 ' , l , ' ' Forget It! Tdd I 'T brui . CO-O- 11.J, . I1 ' ; ae qc, ilqdon. FLRNlifufefiiB'. P . ' ; jVil'f I . fcJi'ic-v- . i;ni , h-- i .0 ij K)W ' I ltetail bcalgM ifhditlaintfaclutej fiihi holesale uheDoor West bf Temple W Bhu-k- Salt Llme &1Vy;''n,'et .si td Xia ; . Our Patent folding Sdiool Best;; see our Agent, Jas. akt'tn&U'' j 1 r , " a, . , 1 v, ..... a.a'-m.-' . -- 2GM 22,J,.K - J Piaho and Organ War.erooms. AN Valley j ' mo- - to ivp Will sell - . r.t, j . I f.V- 1 ') sOl - . U 1 '4 l ift .04 ruin y T-- I he people of San Bete a lift Sc- vier Counties Parlor and Ik drdom' S'lifts.11 BWi) fiuP'BL'trstaVA Chfiirs, fas, Easv Chairs anti kocicer, aiifiafivdlnng Gsi ihlLi I - 'I. if xuIIa r first-rate- oji ' j ml -- 1 (p.,iiij, ! fli vilC 'a - 4 I j . "I fo 4h . . t . :,o 1 . T h e Vai LWAY Oomparty. t. i, . Pianofortes. n d O f g -- g-J- 5 - - , , . Wm. T: JACK, Agent, Manti. .' ; j rl ir i.tlrt H ay eyo kl d r '.0,21 I I . rrive' afiCKester- - S 0O ' " sow JOHNXWRY . - rdburnih,'. v Geneial Wail was asBtelB Stage's connect at' Chester for all hy Putiia.m,. Starke, Rr'escott, ids of A an Pete and Sevier Gridlcy and Porheroy. Cblonel Breakfast and EH nut r at Moro Will iam Prescot' was ent over ? by The ,C a r r i Mattresses at $6.00. Woven-Wire . , ' from Cambridge to Charle-to- n Nothing but Cir load lots will for the purpos! of fortifying IT :e.ciived at' Chester until com- - Bunker Hill. At a council of war it was decided to fortify &io ofitahon house. , C. E P. .Man a or. Breeds Hill, not so lrgli but KLliR, Freight Agt. nearer to Bos on than Bunker PICTURE' CASH PAID FOR SVIAPTI, RAWES W-00- L, HAjjE TO) HES, 0RDEll. 3RELTB) H3TC. UTAH. , .1 . , r J ' ' , Are celebrated 'for their liffhiVieSs of draiiwht, strength manufactures can hr and durability. A full line of our " found at the following agencies: J. P. MeiHrup, Ep uaim, Saif Pefe'county. ;1', ; , .. - Tuttle, Jtfanti, Utah. Hansen fe Tb'uiber, Richfi?ldvSo5iet county... ., , The Studebnker Brothers Manufg Company, builderVof L. T. . . Carriages FreigmJ Sllf G-feSE- S Springy Wagons and Carts, Ihaetm; s. f Central Brndi Repository, Farm, Cabriolets and h - , QAL'r 'xiXKE jomv James B. Class, t f - 1 |