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Show This is what he says: Thera should b a law psssec Publitkei at making p dygamy and bigamy coma with.o the pale of cr;m UauM, 8aa Pets County, .Utah. that are punishable by capita punishment. Then let the letter of the law le cairied out. The D. Harsinotox, Editor and those criminals convicted, quickly made to eipi ate the penalty jof their crimes on RIGHT 18 INVINCIBLE. TZS 1 I ! i e i! w HQ2EB SEHTH7EL am-Bted- . Wm. H. OLSTEN. M. D fhnsirfw xsi SfcrgtM LLl.AiU CITY, Gasdi.and! f UTAH. Office at Drug Stors jj N - E-- U and Nurgeon of the Nan Pete Yal ley Railway. Consultations aTPerBOnal Funeral Directo Railroad Office, Moroni, ever when desired. 4 p. u j- 12 m.to from below Provo or cent. Monday, fiPKfjM. J- I. B. BRUNEL, thegaHcrwe, Salt see-jJ- Lake City. In one half hour I can furnish a superior coffin, tastily lined, superior mountings, m - law-an- Co-o- d p. XJthr ( s 5t gr. Teasdel's I 1 iWwaai 1 -R- .jj'-U-R-N-I-T-U- oj -- NOTICE FOR PURLlCATIOi el iii.i-Ihmii- , clH-Re- ot Api-eal"- lAtier-dny-Saint- 1 1 following named settlers liar, filed notice of their intention t make final proof in support their c.Ailns, and that ea,! proof will be made before tL Judge, or in his absence, Mon the County Clerk at Nephi.Utii. on Saturday Oct, 17th 1885, vit Edward Elmer, IL E. 7(h for the W I N Wj and N W. S W sec. 23 and N E j S E, sec. 22 T. 15 S R 2 W. He name the following r ; nesses to rove his continuus . residence upon, and cuitivarii of, said land j via i James T. Howr, ueorge jr., lleltei1 B. Ockey, Thoftmi i Schofield jr, alt of Nephi, J ab, Co, Utah, Also proof Will bfe made life the Register or Receiver Salt Lake City, Utah, 01183 day Oct. 17th 1885 ; viz : Go V W Boyd, H E 6M8, forthe'l (a ---ii - 4 ? Sr 4 Cl o - m Cl-r- - Manufacturers of Ojfice-Ne- MONUMENTS Be xietiu stones, TriTIetsT & Watei'tables, Bills, Caps, Arche, Cornel's, Hear! etc., also dealers in the celebrated San Pete White Oolite Stone, lf Latter-day-daint- a S2K3S8BI T4rL 1 I ure G-- ,- s , W, ! es T. C. - B a e y, -- . - , d bre V.-i- ;felt , $ wr f7 . YUOnt. Sitmnoti Attys- - L 1 - UTAH. S3 fia ga iof S ISSJQatls NORDECK, Dealer in PROPRfETOK Drugs, Chemicals, Toile Articles, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, Prescriptions abdUTafey com Founded. Wisec.36,Tp.lOSBf and lots 2 and 3, and S E j1 SWiSecl T, 11 d Ii 171V He names the following fresses to prove hi contit' 1 reMence upon, and cultivst of,it:iid lalld, viz : Mrs. Ja" Fefgfrson, Eiioch W. Tiif Samtiel lloyd, Francis J. Karr all of Ibepati, Utah. T. .C II. McMaster, Regi-Bailey, Atty, for applies EPHRAIMjBan Pete Co., UTAI Order by mail solicited, and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIU' ' I No. 2080. Lftfid Office at fttlt Lake f Utah,- Sept. ?. Md, 1885. ORG ft. Notice hereby given ORG the followifig named settler k ORG filed notice of his intenticf BooT.kttatf, mi ha Rness make fifral proof in suppori j hi& clalin, and that said maker st Harness. Saddles, IlarfreHS-Haf- d will be made before the Cwd ware?, Whips, Bridlfcs, Noae-lagJudge or Clerk at Manti, oV the 7th, 1883, viz: Jitlii111 Etc. Ivepairing promptly att nded to. Svendsen, D. S. No. 9058, fo Calito nia Jjeather. W. i oftr.E.-8fec.l,T. 14 SI I 2 E. Main Street, Riel, field. Utah. folloWirli He names the, nfe.-s16 prove his e'diiL111 It,arn(! Harriet! residence upon, and feirldv arncss! of said land, viz. Ra' Qinfr",tl.e iiaru4 Andeen, Hatns C. IL'1' tended to promptly. 'i s. . i es rnekfT'' b 1 ,1 ,j Ii .. i.sh. , An Irew M. Baientscu, amUff L. Jewkes all of Fountain GK Sdfr Pete County, Ulab. Wken fiu.xehat.ire fotiww. Hih- est price paid f,,r fthtiluce Hiues, iWlts.ftmi, and erf,, Warned. II. McMaster, ReginW pairing a epetSaliy. B. A. M. . Froiseth, Atty Hnfi (;aj '' oivyio.d that von cn get tood Applicant. Cheaper tnsu, t.fiekp equare deal al gui,-Harne! . hop directly f the Meeting Hhuse, Ephraim, Utafr. . s ei ,10k . Vlaning-ylil- l 1 ifft prepared to do alTkindsof the line of Planina. cus'tttrti work in m. 0ndrsr)bl ,'al',,e, making Scrub by in CUihf fry hr NfH. q Mt. PLEASANT h ' accus--fcme- 1 s PEOPLES DRUG STOlfEj VON . Con-oWer- 11,-i- P. O, Box 8. MANTI Bird i Lovg OFFIC- s 2071. Lane Office at Salt Lb City, Utah, SepU 7, 1883, Notice i hereby given that tb ci jr 1-- 2 1-- 7T . I , . the matter now stand, those of the Mormon Church who are with an extra box. Achillea, in order to render him convicted of MANTI CITY, UTAH. living in and pr.tc Buriskl robes for gents and ladies. inrulnerable.or proof against the ticing polygamy are, upon con Teeth extracted without pair Discolorations ' Attack of hi enemiea, immerse-- ' viction, simply sent to prison by Mayos Vaco r Proves. bv UBing my preparation avoided Coffifn trimmings kept in 'hint in the river Rty. The leg for a brief period and a nomina Now Teeth, - 120 to $30 per set. After fine them. upon and Caskets furnished in imposed that stock the motW end also tolls ne o short the serving of a hours twenty-fou- r C. H. B I R D clinging to one ef hie heelf these men emerge imprisonment Chester San Pete County. Dentist. prevented the water from cover from the pen, are feioted by the-Ing it ; that after he had grown b: others in vice and looked upon Special attention paid to Filling he natural Teeth. Teeth careto manhood and while engage as hems, and, to show their coo no we uoubt for the fully extracted. False Teeth law, in one of the eutytequent or tempt r inserted. Prices to suit but certain what a upHas Constantly Every Departparty, Trojan ware he waa shot in the his release from imprisonment, the Times. First Class New Arrivals of ment Bristling . heel au I killed. Work Guaranteed. Ofwith Bargains. took to himself another comu-bine- , Goods. fice next door to If we rightly understand the or polygamou wife. ReNotSpasir.odic LowPrice cropfrom every but Perpetual principles that are aimed to be ligious fanatics know no ping do as the authorities of tie IXTephi Oity, Shelf. taught by the late epistle of the tice Let the hurch dictate. pr.w Ladies Dusters, Lawns, Kid Tirgt Presidency of the Church be puii-he- i b. of Polygamy ofJe-mGloves, Chambrav Ginghams Christ of Latter- Days wsfurl death, the law rigidiv enforced, Cart Wheel and Catch Cm Saints, as well as by the preach- and after the execution of a M B. A , M. B., Straw Hats. ing of the Apostles, they are to couple of the leaders of the Ph vsicisn &. Accoucher. New Am raft at effect that the B.iintl shoal Mormon Church the member-wil- l lUlxrM-ieof l.ailie Hid Children come to their sens s,d cming h Hpeotalti . Strive to become more pure and to their caltb, and Telegranji prom id v re ponded to. beneficial it MainStritt,SallLakeCity- to seek to obliterate the dcft-c- t Utah like all good citizen-- , will obey Manti of their live and conduct to the laws of the land Such a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, such an extent that they will be law would prove a ctfc tual Si iu mons N, 2 and sure cure for polygamy. vulnerable nirwhere. & LamiofflceMsu Simmons, Stayner The Giecian hero aa the above Since Pioche first came belore Peadiog-Alioi'i- , 1, loSo. m In i id caw. ... spveu that Statement would indicate posses the world aS a notouou-l- y bad The oldest Arm in llteininmeM Also Notice is Iih hied foltowlli'Z tiHUieil hitler o'r.s weak point and this prov -- ( Aidaro.i efi'jc.- )iii-of hi iiitoiiliw to make hunt mining camp, there bos been d fatal to him. The leaders of nud to all Land Entries pro- f in tippeor ot more unpunished mi.Mcrs there Aitcnd , Fm Proof, CniiieRt A will Rani fool (t,a( the however, in we think we are Mining PhihiiN applied for, com iti' l gistcr rtid llt'ijcivcr nt tiiit j,s(itd Would hve the people live tiie mi Stnnl tv, Ocmr Lakrncorporaied. paioe lo in the the of than win tht, aying viz: roicims li. rimma-- , Main 188j, 57 24, law of God ao perfectly that Office; Building, Squire for tin lnun"--! c:i Lnirv Nitti48 Territory of Utah ; ami more Street , Suit Luke City, U. T. c W there could he found not on irostitution and whoredo no 2 W I 4,N VV N rt than O. Box S87. 1 .w VV I 4 H vV t 4, Sec .), rp IRWi H 7 point that would admit of an has bben committed in every t' it Ies-f lie iH iics tin llnwii.gH Attack by the enemy khd.thu town and hamlet in our fair to prov Lis nmtii imiis R. L. HOWARD, i U. S. Lolud Office. iiw. , ul UiiiHvali n of, Hi La'iU, they would be rendered practical- Territory, excepting, perhaps, late Chief K , Ifiilicrt-K. H. vVallni, vix: Land Atturnrg, S:i ly impervious to their machina- Ihe same class of miningtowns, ail of ami Barnett J O. Box 3t)5, Salt Lake City. K'hii'ihU, tions. To think of a body of and what used to he a virtuous Ll t'ouniy, UtaliFull ii.forirtalioii given on IhiiU H. McAllister, Register. persons being thus perfect and City until the advent of the matter. Inqurieti liy mail v 27 anwered. prompt A Btnl Lowe Attyefor Appl. having invincibility and chastity .'rrurd'g class of men and journto U. .S. Land Office, it their watch word, hIkI moving als Salt Lake. CONSOLIDATED NOTICE n toward ihe perfection of Gods The Record in another article BOOTH. t.EO. M.HKOW.V FOR PUBLICATION. is laws, a dazzling prospect, and Buys : BOOTH t BROWN. t2il7R it shows the nobilty and grando. Lana Sait Lake attorneys & COUNSELORS AT LAW. The Reroxd.htM M'PiWrihfm') National Hank, IroVo City. AtV, l7th ISso, T., fH5 lii'ATamf Hearts of thnse lea.-- t Sept. one-haof them the tend to ail kinds ut legal business in City, is Notice that given of all hereby the counties the Ieriitory, persons who indited the idea naif that wear dresses. nn tiled settlers tlon given hi the settle- the atte Special following ami who would fain see the A number of his kind have ment of the e taes of deceased have lil d notice of intention to pel shl'dren uf God reap the fruits shown their appreciation of the sons, tiulh local and foreign sod to make final proof ill support ol Down trodden women of Utah,' the collection anil tnan igement if their claims, and secure final of its execution. legacies and inheritances. Attend Whether the people of this and others would like to do to lau i entries, final pnsds, contest entry thereof ami that said piooi. world will be prepared to accept likewise, but thank God their ed entries, and all kind of Land will be made befo e the Probate Office hus.tiess. Judge (or in his absence the uch principle and adopt such power to do us tvil is as small CouMy Cierk;of Emery Co. U.T. A bourse prior to the advent of an atom as their virtue, and the Wot. H Bird. Jh Lowe at tne Codnty Cotln llou.-- e at I th 'millsim uat seems to be a majorty of the daughters of Zion Castle Dale. U. T, on Saturday but the i free are base from their October' 31st, lofto, viz : Joseph influ. tery open question Bmilli Thornton, II, E. No. 4514 may well af- ence. scents and II ttorneys for the 8. W It We have often heard the ford to work 'bravely on, f r i of 8ee. 16, T. 20. 7 E, 160 aefes. and he 8. M It,, they know in whom they trust, quotation about a mote ami a fiarnes the following Witnesses t beam' but if the Record man EAnd the desideratum Will surely ftfovs his continuous tome, it may be tardy in it has not got a whole quart mill Next door to United States Land upon and cultivation of said Office, falt Lake City, Utah tract, viz: J. E. King, A. G. approaches but t.e boon is cer- with Its natural apendages, -os a otar TubHc in Office.- :E. Homer, and F. Olsen, all tho--for in store who whisky' shops, gambling dens, tainly of IT. T. Ferron, his in etc, Emery live godly in ChriH Jesus. eye, we miss our Viz: Sarah K. Aim Wh. ' The saints Fulmer, REID, . may be proscribed, guess, th..ta all. ot May 14th, i860, II. under act Try again, your scheme is ATTORNEY-At-Uderided, driven, atid maligned E. No. 6800 for the W, N . W. i j impracticable. hut to use the sentiment of Victor 8. E. i N. W. i and 8. W. N. ,Miinti, Sanpete Co., Ituih E. i, sec. 14, T. Id 8. It. 7 E Hugo, they have fighting with The gmndest of all empires is Olliee at Court House 160 acres, and eiie namdss the Them and at their side, Truth following-witnesslo prove" lier which is imtnortnl, and Right to rule one- self. There is nocontinuous U residence that not thing also grand Upon, and Which is invincible and they tJ. II. HOUGAAHI), cultivation of said tfact, viz : calm. Thr w aw Ay all anxiety Sbnoa1 that theif Cause is just and about lifcnnd iiuike it pleasant. County Surveyor and l.ntid Joseph B.iulden, Era.-tU- s Curtis, - Utah nd that they will ultimately If yon hoar that others A. Anderson, and J. K, Beid. all Manti, h.iv of Orangeville, Emery Co. U. T. REPHESENTLWlf- Succeed. spoken Rl'of y,.u, consider if t ou h ive not done tne same about II. McMaster, Register. i 1 if it Simmons, Sfaybt many pnople. How much better Attys. 28 o: )u.L.IJ AUE. i'.t h- CHRISTIAN (?) SUGGEST- to heal nn injury than to avenge In the (.and Ofiktu Build it. I shall take the world as mv GtliceNOTICE' FOR PUBLICATION. IONS, Lake City, Utah. fait ing, country. Guard vlcofotlslv that tie winch binds man tn NT; 208 . Wbwtyou sfp in Rerfteytm noeis) bANIEL establishes tmanAnd the LafidOfiictf IIARRINOloS. at altLahedilv.U.T. trest 'do as the Romans do snd common to the liurtiah rights race. 23fd,- 1885. Notary Yublir.. September when you are in Hades or Some Life is Warfare, And those wlm All Nctic is hereby givmi that Notary work carefully attenftthef fashionable watering place, climb Up and down the tollovving-nafnesteep paths ded to. settler has yoU must do And say as his and go through dangerous enter-)fise- i Office at SkstineL filed notice of his irttention to office, Manti; Are the men and the Satanic majesty dvsires, hence make final proof in suftpOrt of Utah.eadefs in the camp, but to rest his Claim and that Said tre do not hold the Record editor proof asely at the cost of others will be made before the Probate trholiyYesponsiblsforthc follow- abor is to be a besafe coward, Judge (or in his uhseht. the wiltj a vf r. met r ing, even though it be entirety cause despid Senerai County Clefk of Emery original with him and ptfuched U. T.r at the Land and Probate Attorney House at Castle . County Court in th bust language, w rettiembet Dale,- II. T , on Ik there arty way by Which a NivemberTt 1883., vit feaving heArd him use. Again, Satufeay, . stranger entering a nAwspaper manti. Utah. James Peterson, II. R. No. 4;Hn Ihe Record than has been d offiee,can distihguish til funny for the'Lot $ N W 1 of Fee td feofding, almost daily, man front the other editors? brothers. 3, and S E j N E i SfV 4, To 19 AnothSr mrtn killed for break-lis- t. Well, yes; the funny Inan is ProFo News Df.ot. S, R 8 E. He frames thrt followUntjcr Such training th always sober. witnesses ttf prove Ifis conBooks, ing Stationery, Magazines, . f Periodicals ana Newspapers of tinuous residence upon, and culthought of a ftw score humatj Fafis boasts of a JabanBse all kinds tivation ofattid lafrd, viz : Joseph Wing being tillftli or hung, edior. He is one ofthele fellows ta suggest" be they Saints of SuPI House south Denison, Aiels .Aicleon, Eml who goes around wfih a brick of Salt Iialte LarsoW.mdDon G. Seely, J1 0f dinners has very little horror fo tied City; Castle on Tale, Emery County, ?.T. his head . without l anJ the Orders by mt?l solicited the twig is befit, Stc, flecmuy to I. McMASrFR, Raster bi!, a hat Over it CENTRE It ii aid that the mother ol NOTICE OF FINAL. PRotty, 2070 the People of San Pete. U.S.Land office at 8 alt LaksTw U. T..Sept. 4th, 1885. Notice ii hereby given tty the following named settle, have filed notice of their in , Pictures Copied nd Enlarged a tion to make final proof in i AH port of their claims, and final entry thereof and each t nay eu tftrgiug is don said proofs will be made lf ,, by Utah Artist, at the Probate Judge of San P.t .p your money born County Utah Ter., or in his I Home br patroniii'ig Talent and get Letter work fortAJ ence lf0re the Count v Clerk. lese monev thancau le liaa B.id County on the 17 day , bv sending East orVTest Octvoher. A. D. 1H85 at the Co I bava photos of I ha m Ioua; Manti City U. T. Manti Temple, ' It and Alliums, Madt Neileon, IlomeeteadJ, ieture frames, Hale. views fr try No. 957 for the 8 W E. AND R R 8 O K, Q 21, Tp. 15 8 R 4 E, and naa G RIADJilASTlkS, C P & te following witnesses to pro?, Mint! City. lis continuous residence opu ist sa KyvsKSK and cnltivatii.n .f said land rii Neils Neilsen, J. T-- S. Allred, T II i. Allred, and Jens JIanson i of Spring City, San A:te Couu ' Jtah Ter. F. R. STROM, Jacob Christensen, Homeskai Manufacturer of and Dealer in No. 5735 , for tlie W ilnlry of kinds all NT E N W 4 4 and E 25. Tp 14 S R 4 E. and IliUti Picture Frames constantly in the following witnesses to pro.i stock and made to order in al lia continuous residence upon size" and styles. 1rirea to defi and cultivation of, said land, vit Wm. Burnside, Thos. Burnside competition. Co-damuel Shelley, and Janw west of Store 2 doors Mount Pleas, up all of Utah. Campbell, Mt. Pleasant, Mil Pete County, Utah Ter, H. McMastek, Regisfl VM.T.RKiD,Atty. for Applicanli. i-- Juab Of Wishes to announce to tbe Fp PJ Half Pete and 8eief Co f! that b will make swrsl - an,t ,swh 0, th such a manner that tney , and on reasonable, ' ' terrfi; aIhohII kindt of Lumber1 welland j fl PtoftfW; Mouldings, and evfrytbiBX f-Vlevcr ! usC'lI fr hoiiH' flniiihir.g. ' SJ Ueveft V wlive l MB A TRIAL. hs ? Try p'nS and you will Work ib BENf Ha n.ox, Pm. w itojf Set fepii fed . Mt. l,"1 at fd it lo! fete nee and iH.rnt.v, U. T. fH css . L- - et fr)iMble - If ms j, , r - |