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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT EDUCATIONAL WHY DO THE MAN SUBDUED EARTH EVGERSOL HAS LIVELY MEETINSG PLAN TO RIGHT PEOPLE STAND (Continued from First Page) SOCIAL ILLS AT DELTA, NEPHI AND HESITATE? Man and Ilia Mental Machine (Continued from Page 1.) Employment Is Foundation. conducting human affairs. The old We Must Leave "Dog Eat Dog" To me, the ground floor the Single Tax Levies and Public Enthusiastic Locals Being Formed worn-ocapitalistic Ownership of Utilities to competitive, foundation should be laid in work v System. Do Trick. in Both.These Towns. n employment and if somev system leads to theft, dishonesty, could grafts worry, disease murder and some body develop system it brings out the When one understands, the finan- that would guarantee at all times At a meeting of the National Representatives of the Natural A New Addition to Our Paper. war; in short, lower or animal propensities in cial situation among the big inter- employment for all of the people, League for Independent Political Development Association have of knows and this country ests man would hit the keynote Action held at the Newhouse Ho- been busy the past week or two that Will this new venture be an addfriendliand much fear leads to that there is just as Mr. huntel, Knerr ,16, in of May of the loan southern the To and pored burden, a drab occupier of space ness, good-wil- l, health, happiness trembling among them and at the dreds of dollars to an individual Utah Industrial Commission deliv- tions of Utah, where central much interand time? All too much educa- and been seat of Government at Washing- have We ered a prosperity. and informest is being shown in the very interesting tional effort is a waste of time and fooled a long time because we are ton as there is among the little without security, who has only his movement. service to render, without guaran- - ative lecture on the subject of "Unfalls' into that class. A great deal such a gullible a If politician, lot I Mr. Lawrence Abbott of Delta, d. employment, Its Cause and Effect. that is done under the name and a newspaper, a magazine, or book Mr. Knerr handled his subject in Utah, made the arrangements for guise of education is harmful- and stated something, perhaps for the and finds am not against the capitalistic such a way as to prove that he was a meeting in Delta on May 25. The I actually dangerous. we somesole of afraid that us, that they too are misleading conversant with present con- meeting was well attended and inA Wonderful System of Education like purpose robins with thing is going to happen to the system. I dont know of any sys- fully newly-hatchtem we could operate as well. We ditions and the causes that lead to terest in the N. D. A. was high. Great educators have helped to mouths wide evswallowed American dollar, and knowing that know we are a open, and its effect upon Sterling Bennion, one of the lobuild up a massive, wonderful edpretty complex or- unemployment, a year ago Montague Norman, govcal members, took charge. Mr. generally. 140,000,-00- 0 social conditions have we when ucational machine; it has made re- erything. ganization "A moral lessen this might teach ernor of the Bank of England, His talk was followed by one Palmer of the Salt Lake group demarkable progress along with othof people and all of the indusand called to made the prediction that unless from Mr. Charles Ingersoll, mil- lighted those present with his renwith. contend situations er world movements, many of were I ordained trial to which it has fostered nourished, preach. This may be a very good strenuous efforts were made to The capitalistic system is the best lionaire watch manufacturer, who ditions on the "One Man Orsystem and brought to fruition for the time to muster all our mental pow- save it, . the . capitalistic e . I that I know of, but I do not think advocated the single tax method chestra. .1 attack these troublesome probHeber Bennion, head of the Dethe public ownership of utilihappiness the more abundant life ers, tie cpit.l and 1oldto permit a of life, not about time that the American istic ties as cure-al- ls for the depression partment of Agriculture for the that is enjoyed by mankind to- lems and work out plan and be overdone, system that is not only successful and just people began to understand what therefore I am never so Association, was the principal day. happy as and all our other social ills. de- but one that will develop the best is happening to us? It was Mr. Ingersolls contention speaker. When Mr. Bennion finThe disastrous, world-wid- e I and income I an when tax, pay allow us to live lives Not Pessimists pression that is now distressing in us and wish I could pay ten times as much that the income tax should be abat- ished his talk there was no room mankind is a sign conclusive that worthy of an intelligent race. neither do as I do, but 1 couldn't pay it if ed and the taxes on business sites for doubt as to the ability of N. We are not pessimists, H. M. Korstad. and desirable town real estate D. A. to solve the economic diffithe educational machine is out of we care to agitate fear in the minds I did not have it. made to bear all the burden of tax- culties. He gave example after exof people, but it is a certainty that mesh, off center and lacks lubricaInterest in Common People. tion. If it had functioned perfect- CAN THE this depression is here and it is conclusion I wish to state ation, and that the watch maker ample of how the Association has "In manufacturer put men to work; collected acautomobile here to stay as long as the compe- - that I am glad to see organizations and ly this catastrophe might have been N. D. A. SUCCEED? titive system avoided. lasts. The capitalis-- 1 get established that are working in should be left alone. In this con counts, paid bills and circulated the Wisdom and Vision Needed tic system has served its purpose, the interest of the common peo-- It nection, it is quite obvious that the necessities of life from producer to Shall we have the wisdom and is ready to go out of business, pie, because we have lots of manufacturer of watches which re- consumer. (Continued from first page) the vision in this new department of Utah and Idaho are more cer- It is the forlorn hope of a change I them, and they have gotgot The Delta people asked for a quires only a small factory and to be to avoid the evil; to help along tain would fare much meeting to be held for the purpose to save that system or lack tected. There isn't any question meagre land-sit- e, the acres than fat producers with the good, and possibly to add of thinking and understanding the about it, and that protection is the better than the automobile manu- of further organization on June 1. Iowa. some essential elements that may On his return Director Bennion to labor by the sweat of their facturer who must have immense D. facts of this depression, that cau'-eN. the Another is of ancestry score up with or even ahead of the A.s founders. The children of the our people to hang on to the profit right brow, and I would like to see every factories, proving grounds and rail- reported the agricultural nrojects best? man working; every man properly road trackage to produce his prod- of the Association at Lehi and men and women who built an cm-li- system as they do. Is the Key Delta to be in excellent condition. There is no doubt in our minis compensated; every man living uct in a barren desert ought to be The one fundamental principle est fitted for At Delta there is a splendid herd is the near end and that the we, Mr. his with about fellows. That all On the hardthat the happily only whole, enduring that might make such accomplish- ships and of dairy cows, a small flock of the of distribuwealth, conbe a people done can was producers to of the by proper Ingersoll accomplished problems solving ment possible is who do the work, should immedi- tion of the wealth of this great na- vince the casual disinterested list- sheep, some turkeys and ducklings. this new pioneering project. deThere has been an increasing ener that he was eminently selfish Bees do exceptionally well there men and women of today ately turn our entire attention to tion of ours. in education areThese the establishment of the new order. gree of "Now remember as you go home, and even bald in his advocacy of because of the great acreage of althe heirs direct of the experias there has been in other lines, God has done His part. Nature financial and social remedies, cal- falfa that is permitted to blossom stamina and unwavering faith Inquiring Letters and in spite of the dangerous, cha- ence, is not a day passes that has blessed us with the earth; she culated to benefit his particular en- and ripen for seed. The farm manThere of the West's departed conquerors. otic conditions of the world today, The ager has hivek for ten more stands presented by this we do not get letters from people has given us more than we need: terprise, and transfer the burden of it will be readily admitted that new problems are bees, which can be purchased for about the what Good Dont lost others. how have to their from different worry they telling project there is now wider a total of $23.50. The ten hives of his money through the closing of Lords done. He has played his those of and Brigham. Young and there are more facilities for aides in detail. John N. Garner says Andrew bees should produce at least fifty banks, how the depreciation of part, we are the foolish ones. We world-wid- e now than So, only stocks and bonds have taken from lack the proper system of distribu- Mellon is Americas Santa Claus to gallons of first grade honey this basic with these as facts there ever have been in the history start, I do not find it hard to de- them their life savings, how the tion. Oh, how happy we all could Big Business. Literary Digest. summer, besides a second crop of of the human race. And as poorer grade. on their farm or home is be if we were all equal. N. fend the D. A. of mortgage feasibility has been one of the greatPresident Stringham. WILL DOBSON. to be foreclosed or that they are est activators of progress in other President Stringham made a few unable to pay their taxes. There FIVE MINUTE INSPIRATIONS a so lines; just may higher degree are also those who say, "I am sick I remarks and quoted the words of I of overtop the best How A. civi Thomas By C. N. Lund our of "That Is eat the Edison, dog dog system." Yet, Cooperation for this new educaand vouch-saf- e FIRST SONG WE HEARD with all of that (and there are mil- lization is on a fool's basis, in that THE tional department a position most lions and millions of people who any man takes that which he has Growing Throughout (All rights reserved) pregnant with potential power. having these things happen to not earned. The Whole World are Can We Do It? "When I wrote this book on Nado not seem to be them) they Have we in this association the We do not always appreciate how the simple ready to face about and organize a tural Government, I was on the makings for gaining the more adwe heard sung over our cradles in the early were Conditions will give them eco- jury bench. (Continued from first page) that song society vanced knowledge of turnover amounted to 775,000,000 nomic and social justice. of childhood may influence our lives for good; brought up for trial which promptdays leadhave we And the principles? ed me to think along different lines francs. Our Appeal how it may cheer and guide through times of storm ership, the intelligence to put these of the percentage of court cases In have the nationEngland the We to are they great appealing and stress; how it may inspire even more than the principles into actual practice? This indirectknown as the al government. We are appealing Jat pertained directly or is our hope. Yes, we have this C. W. S. It system finance. Over 90 per cent to great songs and pageants and masterpieces of the now ly to nearly supplies different We city governments. confidence and our hope and con- 6.000.- 000 families and assures all all the of due to root were until we are brought face to face with situaMoney, world, are our literature and our sending fidence are based on of a stable market price plans to every lawmaker in the evil, and which has thrown us into tions which cause us to look back across the years faith. We have seen a growth and producers for their commodities. United States. The people here at the chaotic mess we find ourselves and remember. development of this organization has accomplished wonders for the colony are giving their all, in today. To remove the cause believed have could that we Once upon a time a bright little boy was dying. hardly her is Natural Great of doing Britain during the years Gopemment their energy and everv minute of possible without seeing it. We depression. and we will come out and the In the part, anguish of his fevered moments of pain he time the of to their this, solving this have firm faith that creating will be cured. Austrian societies body huhis last words to his mother, "Sing and rock the the that spoke problem department in our paper will prove have just done a wonderful work man greatest "In this system which we have me family has ever been called to It was a plain humble room. The sleep. to be a master stroke. for in the purchase and distribution of upon to solve. organized and been operating Do We Really Educate? fire flickered on the hearth and the shadows danced are we months four away doing nonthe a to shoes, and Now we friends reducing price comrades, means The word "education upon the walls. The pale, patient mother sat there profit margin. want to. ask you, and we want you with the use of money, and we leading out drawing out. Is not claim that is the solution of the In Russia the cost of do be with fair production to doing her best to banish pain and death from her yourselves, you is that education the much of too which creates all these reand is overhead problem see under gradually being the home. That appeal, so sweet and tender and little hope competitive any being practiced today a filling, duced. In 1929 the average overwhich have been mentioned. system? If not, then why do you evils almost overcame her. But she gathered eloquent, cramming, stuffing process? member of two Mr. Leo a head of the Consumers Allen, continue to stay with it? Why 'do all her strength, brushed back her tears, gathered weakening mental indigestion the was 17.56 per cent. Last you hesitate to cast your lot whole- weeks duration, gave his impressystem results? the child in her lap, sang to him and rocked him it was reduced to 14.89 per heartedly into the movement that sion of Mr. Stringhams book on We propose to follow the true year Natural Government and stressed cent can show the way out llano he closed his eyes in lifes last sleep. until "education. word the of meaning the importance of each member In Africa and Europe best the draw out shall te We "Sing and rock me to sleep, Mother." These try In South Africa the PietermaritZ' thoroughly digesting its contents. that is in each active member for burg were the boys soul expressing itself in the words Knew Soren Stringham. Jorgensen society for half of the year the benefit, growth, development Mr. Soren Jorgensen of Shelley, sublimest faith in a love that is more enduring than did business of a over 1931, $200,' the real education of all members. 000. In Czecho-Slovak- ia and who had known Mr. GerIdaho, and time and more beautiful than any other thing in the If there is anyone who is not heart- many the movement is forStringham in his home town for world. child The heart spoke to the truest and best ily in favor of this general plan, ward with great strides, going many years, said that he had three especially (Continued from First Page) friend a child ever had. He uttered a sentiment as we shall be pleased to hear from in this in to motives meeting Little has coming Denmark Germany. him. eloquent and stirring as lips can speak, a sentiment long led other countries. Sweden an attorney was accordingly em- First, curiosity, in which respect he Educate to be Educated is doing something, and in Norway ployed to draft the Articles of In- was not alone, from the appearance that ever has been ringing through the world and the first the is Here question, these arti- of this congregation; second, he so the has However, become corporation. of moving the hearts of men and women to good and first problem that the members thriving that it has had to establish cles were not filed until January came out of respect for Mr. Stringnoble impulses. What would life be without the the association are given a chance its he since Ben known 25 have ham. "I of the present year. own bank. New to solve. Exercising our mental Zealand loves and lullabys of Mothers? and a of mere was Proves a lad, is stripling ahead. Expensive Undertaking. forging powers is the first step in the eduPrior to the writing of his book I have known of his works in his And for us who heard, or knew, this little boy this country we have many cative process. What do you think liveIn Mr. home town and locality, and in his last words renewed our hopes and led us closer Among them, on "Natural Government are the most vitally essential sub- besides those recently mentioned, Stringham had substantial holdings want to say to you people that to that fountain of faith which should fill our lives. jects for our immediate educational are The Northern of land and personal property and have always found Mr. Stringham States name Please them activities? He drew us closer to the paths our mothers tread. o be in his the all to as one was of rated absolutely Credit dealings the order of their value and im- UnionLeague, the InMinnesota He the square. Third, because on citizens of his But turned our thoughts to the universal Father of us York New the by community. League. portance. You might give reasons milk producers have a the time he had published his book "Every thinking man must and all in whose love we have our being and taught us why they should be put in that and carried his message to 200 gath-- 1 does observe that not only this They have how to die ! Let us believe that when he awakened order. The best answers will be and erings, paying his expenses from country in which we live, but the Amalgamated Apartments Address utilized. and in that fairer world he could hear the angel voices published societies. place to place, and neglecting his entire world has come to the point other all communications to the Progres- many is there know some' and where farm he had In the have they business, singing other lullabys which were sweet with the personal Omaha, Neb., they sive Independent, care of Educa- Farmers' all his re- thing radically wrong with our ecoEx- exhausted practically Union memories of home and Mother. them and tional Department, drop change, which last year had a sales sources and entered the Natural nomic conditions, when it is posand rock me to sleep, Mother. into the Suggestion Box. "Sing It is good 10 the of cent for people business of $1,571,028.28. per Development Association on an sible for men and women to again hear these words. They Insurance arc equal footing with the poorest, but of any country or nation to con companies should sink deeper and deeper into our hearts until Miss Elizabeth Anderson of 527 springing up here and there. These rich in the knowledge of a good trol the wealth of the entire pop- 5th Avenue, one of our new stu- are we turn memory back to her we so often but a few of the American Co- work well begun and a profound ulation, and when it is possible for forget as dents, is coming to the front rapid operatives, but enough to show faith in the future and ultimate suc- the other 90 per cent to wonder we struggle for wealth and place and power. If we cess of his venture into the realm where the next meal is coming ly. Her first 15 minutes type test how the movement is spreading. are good men and women today it is largely because revealed 61 net words per minute. In 1930-3-1 from, there is something wrong. the total business of human service and welfare. of her who sang and rocked us to sleep and be has to The Incorporators in done, transacted by farm Something got long ago. Have - . The original incorporators of the something is going to be done, and we forgotten her ? No, little boy, we have not the about United $2,was States, Robt. G. of Opinion 400.000.- 000; representing a tremen- Natural Development Association, that is the reason I came here tO' forgotten. You haye helped us to remember, and former years. One with their official designation, fol- - I night, wondering if you people had therefore Ingersol On Alcoho dous gain overincreased your mission was not in vain. May somethe solution of this problem. its member- lows: (Continued from first page) I one and rock us to sleep when our days shall sing cannot B. have or President Whether I Annot, and Benj. you Stringham, another 53,000. ship 50,000 been numbered, and may it be as well with uS virtue and slanders innocence. It other handled more than three Wilford O. Woodruff, First Vice- - say, but I hope that because of ,have I incites the father to butcher his times as much grain as it had ever President when our bark puts out to sea as it was with your organization and through you, g, Wilford A. Glad, Second Vice-- 1 your organization that you may be helps the hus- handled before. helpless Still another little boy. band to massacre his wife, and the handled four times as much wool able to accomplish some good. President There is but one thing that will child to grind the patricidal ax. as had passed through its hands Hyrum Smith, Secretary. Murders the Soul L. E. Elggren, Treasurer. endure, and that is service. Now, previously. if your organization has got that Makes Rapid Growth "It burns up man, consumes woFrom this humble beginning, the firmly established in the minds of man, desolates and devastates life, curses God, despises heaven. It Salt Lake Business organization has grown in four all members, that you will live and suborns witnesses, nurses perjury, to a membership of sever- serve one another, then you will months College News al hundred families defies the jury box and stains the and is confer-in- g succeed. tremendous benefits upon memBrief remarks were made by Mr. judicial ermine. It bribes votes, The latest additions to the stu- bers, whose lives have been light- Compton and Dr. A. N. Leonard, for disqualifies voters, corrupts elections, pollutes our institutions and dent body are the Misses Mary and ened and brightened, and their fu who was visiting the association EXECUTIVES AND SECRETARIES It de- Nellie Wilkinson, daughters of C. ture made secure by participation for the first time, and was invited endangers governments. grades the citizen, debases the leg- S. Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson is in this comprehensive and highly to say a few words. Take Pleasant Training and Prepare Quickly islator, dishonors the statesman and business manager of the Progres- practical organization. To take your rightful place in widedisarms the patriot is It brings sive Independent The movement attracting high service that pays. The girls are fine students and spread interest throughout Utah, examples of big thieves in high Private Individual Instruction makes the work fit shame, not honor; terror, not safepolitical, financial or others and extends beyond the state bor- places, ty; despair, not hope; misery, not showing rapid progress. your special needs. ders already. In the opinion of the wise. They oflook at theandpotential happiness; and with the malove-lenv- e do not success, of a fiend it calmly surveys Starting May 30th night school promoters and members, nothing possibilities Your A Credits Are Accepted iu frightful desolation, and, unsat- will be held only on Monday and can stop the growth and power for stop to correctly estimate the isfied with havoc, it poisons feli- Thursday evenings. This will be good of the Natural Development chances of failure, which is proven They are Better Than Cash when invested in by the crowded condition of our city, kills peace, ruins morals, for the summer and the regular Association. our own added power to' earn and serve in the penitentiaries, prisons and jails at blights' confidence, slays reputation three nights per week schedule will the present time. Society is trying and wipes out national honor; then be resumed in the fall. irger and more desirable capacity. Crime, for the most part, is a by harsh measures to check the ciirses the world and laughs at its of illness comthe of criminal but it fails general tendency, ruin. It does all that and more. IT Night school is becoming more symptom SALT LAKE BUSINESS COLLEGE MURDERS THE SOUL. It is the popular. Each month brings sev- our Social order. Many people pletely to advance a cure for the sum of all villanies, the father of eral peop!e who are now employed are goaded to crime by extreme social ills that foster and feed 246 South Main Tel. Wasatch 7280 to crime. Heal the social system of all crime, the mother of all abomi- but who wish to add to their store want. Others are encouraged and for its a and which in ills, crime is large crime, only engage and of knowledge and improve their nations, the devils best friend quick profits by the successful symptom, will soon disapnear. talents. man's worst enemy. DEPARTMENT ut mass-financin- g. iirs.ss Esr svS rjsrz? ed pro-comi- ng s re . well-found- ed Birth of N. D. A. well-to-d- GREAT s tmmfi OPPORTUNITIES O) |