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Show I Natural Development Your Refuge INDEPENDENT FOR HUMAN VOL. I. NO. 14 PRICE 5c. $2 JO A YEAR WELFARE-MA- N ABOVE MONEY EDITED BY C. N. LUND. 206 Scott Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, TUNE 3. 1932. This is How They RELIEF FOR Do It in Mexico MAN HAS SUBDUED THE MEXICO CITY, May 28. (AP.) The newspaper La Prensa called upon the Mexican federal government today to take a hand in what is described as a drift toward comLeague Independent munism in the states. The newspaper referred to the Political Action recent passage of confiscatory Has Program laws in the states of Vera Cruz and Hidalgo, empowering the state Mr. P. Creer Gives governments to confiscate, for pubFollowing is the unemployment lic use, any private property, inViews on Economic of the League for Indeprogram farm land, industries, cluding Political Action, as outProblems stores, factories or transportation pendent lines. lined in the organizations BulleNot having that hypnotic power tin. It may not do everything but MASS PRODUCTION that by merely looking a man in it will make for great progress. breaks his will and comIS PLAYS BIG PART the eye L Unemployment. pels him to sign his name on the The forces which control emdotted line, I have not been tryare national and internaBelieves in Capitalism ing to make any 'converts to the EXTENDING FAST ployment tion, not local. Federal policies N. D. A. That is, I have not been foreign and domestic in restrictBut Realizes Its seeking the role of missionary. ing commerce and in favoring the But during the last week I find the of Movements are propertied class at the expense SpringMany Defects friends me. forced on ' My job being form the who the workers great about me are asking it ing Up In Many mass of consumers, have by omisMr. J. P. Creer, who was guest Wherever I go, I find that those sion and commission been large Lands speaker before the regular Satur- who have heard of the new plan factors in producing the present day evening meeting of the Natu- want to know all about it. The social system must crisis. ral Development Association, May unemployed and those only partmovement is care forEvery The the human wreckage jt 28, took his text from the first ly employed are most vitally conthe bounds and growing by leaps creates. The dole of private chariworld over. People are beginning chapter of Genesis, concerning the cerned, of course. But I find also has proved inadequate, demoralcreation of the earth. men and women whose livings are to realize that in it lies their only ty as well as injurious to welizing, You know that in th j first chap- secure, if there is such a thing as hope for economic freedom. character-buildin- g and fare agenwhat ter of Genesis there is quite an ex- security, wanting to know In Canada and Mexico and city appropcies. State, In Canada, our neighbor on the riations for county plicit description of the creation of about the Natural Development providing work and rethe world. Then it makes knoivn idea. north, there are numerous lieving distress have proved inadethe most wonderful gift, I preEven among those who, in the and they are doing a thrivquate since the federal government sume, that was ever betsowed upon days of Cal Coolidge, ing business. In the Manitoba dis- alone has the power to levy adethe human family. God pronounced golden at any mention of a betwireBENJAMIN B. 8TRINGHAM trict they have a income and inheritance taxes less system which gives daily edu- quate everything good and then created ter system than that of the wolf are not passed on to the conwhich that is now a man in his own image, and he pro- pack, there feeling The sumer. all business, and acted as watermaster cational talks on that wondered it be at Is to Denounced man good at the time, in some such system as Natural Farmers of Alberta have A. entertain for the Idaho Irrigation District United Every person who is willing to all his posterity. united many agencies of produc- work velopment is needed. The only members of the N. D. must be guaranteed security Magnificent Gift tion and distribution and are at- of income and the purchasing powquestion with them is, can it suc- the warmest feelings of love and for six years. Airmindedness Here is the earth and every- ceed? gratitude for Benjamin B. String-hawherever social taining ownership er of the people must be increased. The Air Castles contained in possible by voluntary president and founder of this My answer is that until the gas thing in it That wasnt all, but propose the following plan that was the most generous and engine was perfected none of the rapidly extending movement, when his book on Natural Government action. In Ontario they have the ofWe action: his could entire of the indication remembered that is to said to hundreds of he the it But are not fly only Ontario Wholesale Society, Ltd., attempts magnificent gift. Federal Relief. Prompt federal for he is somewhat with a board of directors and a man at the time of His gift, I want succeed. As the gas engine made plan originated with his book on of not less than appropriation ocone was you to subdue and have dominion flying at last possible, it will make Natural Development which 1930-3- of an airplane fan and on membership open to all producers. a year, during the emergcasion flew from Detroit to Shel- It makes collective purchases and over it Now the first injunction the enterprise pos- written during the winter of ency, for relief of those who are and that it was due to his faith ley in a Stinson cabin plane, an ex- distributions. we have carried o.ut very well, par- sible. Where the scythe and the without work, the fund to be disrecalls with months the still and he and I failed which tractor in the the last team ox long during In persistence Mexico the on generation. perience ticularly south, they tributed welfare agencies am so satisfied with the subduing truck will succeed. These and the in the lecture rostrum that the first much pleasure. Has also flown have established a technical school and labor through unions, without imposing machin- converts were made to his plan? about his native section of Idaho for of the earth today that I am firm- vast array of labor-uvin- g and how a pauper test. teaching to establish and operate ly of the belief that if all the men ery found in every line of industry. And while it is usually the irony of and into Wyoming. Public Works. A federal appropesreal service the in and and worth man's of these a fate farmer that As a were to work who wished to work, societies. The training is free riation of from three to five bilPerhaps the most helpful keenhas he made to enables after was is recognized only tate business he there wouldnt be a human being and the aim is to extend agencies is the truck, which lions of dollars to be expended for or civilized, the association to move its prod- passed out of lifes drama, we deem ly sense the injustices of our syssavage, throughout the country. carrying on useful public works, and but that could practically live in ucts from producer to consumer it fitting that a few lines of appre- tem of dealing with farmers In Fiance and England such as housing to eliminate the String-haafter of who Mr. little be and to ciation of time at dedicated is abundance no loss homes, with an There of In France purchasers of have luxury. upwards they slums in which so many families of thus early in .the history of the Working the year 'round and rais- 8000 school cost, freeing it from the handicap societies workers still live, everything in the world today. and high"The ingenuity of man the of food deterioration in transit, and movement he has been instrumen- ing a good crop come out in the attended by small business men, way construction, bridge especially resources less railand in of tal with fall so from work the been has to it man money launching. mind of grasp releasing farmers peasant proprietors, fisherroads, abolition of grade The subject of our sketch, who than they started out with in the men and some laborers. They also diligently that today the earth is road dictatorship. recreation facilities and crossings, Natural N. D. the of is the of now favor our Another point in president have the French spring. yielding so abundantly that public grain elevators, reforparks, is on Book which Government Writes banks are bursting, our manufac- A.s success is its strategic position Development Association, Bank, which has received upwards estation, rural school buildings, and From reading newspapers in one of the most fertile farming incorporated under the laws of of 13,000,000 francs in deposits dur- etc. These sums are to come from turing establishments have more than the people are able to con- regions on the continent. It can Utah, was born April 21, 1893, at holding ' conversations with many ing the depression and gained near- bonds to be amortized by higher sume. If everybody was working, practically discount the danger of Lyman, Wayne County, Utah. His persons, Mr. Stringham arrived at ly 3,500 new accounts Last years income and inheritance taxes on you know as well as I that we crop failure, for the irrigated farms parents were substantial farmers of the conviction that something wealth in the higher brackets. (Continued on last page) should and could be done to imthat place. if there could all live in luxur Free Labor Exchanges. The es(Continued on last page) String-ham- s 1900 This the conditions. of economic fall the In distribution. prove was only a proper tablishment of a federal system of of welfare the moved for future has concern to Shelley, Idaho, Now, I say the good Lord free labor exchanges to where Mr. Stringham resided until humanity and the knowledge that MAN1ANDHHIS played His part, and we played our ROBERT INGERSOL state agencies; a system of continconhe came to Salt Lake City in nothing constructive was being collection and distribution of uous part in this one particular, but I nection with the Natural Develop- done about it, started him writing dont think we have rot dominion information regarding employment MENTAL MACHINE ment movement only recently. He his ideas down and discussing them over the earth. That's where I and unemployment; and the prepaSCORESALCOHOL who schools made from close the and with I friends, personal are we graduated think lacking today; with other ration in of his home town and attended the advised him to publish a book, dont think God gave that comgovernmental agencies, of long of the title under he which did, was think it College, Brigham Young mand to one man, I Einstein Says We Are range planning for future public Here Are a Few of Its Rexburg intended for all men. College and Utah Agricultural Col- Natural Government." This book works to take up the slack in inissued News Deseret the from Here Sake lege at Logan. Should Have Dominion dustry. Devastations. 1931. While farming and ranching has Press in July, Unemployment Insurance. FedIf we all had dominion, then it Other Men. the greater part of Mr. When his book was published occupied eral subvention of unemployment would seem to me that we wouldnt is a there I am aware that pro Stringhams time and attention, he Mr. Stringham started giving leccombined with a dismisbe in quite the condition that we judice against any man engaged in has We all agree that mans mental insurance, found opportunity for consid- tures on his idealistic system and are today. Somebody has failed to the manufacture of alcohol. I be- erable travel, having visited twenty-- offering the book for sale. He has powers are wonderful. It is said sal wage, to those states adopting uniform and exercise that injunction of the lieve from the time it issues from six All this we public, which come compulsory states of the Union; has been delivered more than two hundred they are limitless. up to standsystems Lord of having dominion over the the coiled and poisoned worm in three times in Canada and has visit- lectures, many of which have been swallow as good stuff because it ards determined by congress. earth. People are anxious to do, the distillery until it enters into the ed the Hawaiian and Fiji Islands held in Salt Lake City and other flatters us. But on closer examinaReorganize Department of Labor. people are anxious to serve, people hell of death, dishonor and crime, and New Zealand. This travel has Utah towns. About November 1, tion we find ourselves guilty of The transformation of the federal are anxious to play their part, but that it dishonors everybody who enabled him to become acquainted 1931, a group that had become in- some things that are not so flatof Labor from a buDepartment have scem the to oppordont source to touches it from its they with many people and their prob- terested in his plan proposed that tering. of reau and deportapropaganda be seems to It is true we have built great where it ends. I do not believe lems. an incorporation be formed to put tunity. Something into a public agency serving hampering them. I don't know ex- anybody can contemplate the sub-e- ct At Shelley he was interested in his system into operation here, and bridges and buildings, raised enor- tion the interests of labor, as completemous crops and invented remarkwithout becoming prejudiced real estate, loans and insurance actly what it is. Perhaps, this or(Continued on Page 4.) as do some special branches alable machines; but all these may ly ganization of yours will discover against the liquor crime. All we through the establishment ready, is is it that think is hampering what to be of little us unless value to have to do, just gentlemen, very of labor exchanges and us today in having proper domin- of the wrecks on either side of the we know enough to make proper agencies already mentioned and ion over the affairs of man. use of them. stream, of the suicides, of the inBROTHERHOOD THE OF SPIRIT and back I have of the Now, Reason is a great faculty but we throughwithactive, voluntary gone ignorsanity, of the poverty, industry and organized tried to think out in my' humble ance, of the destitution, of the lithave learned to do a lot of worth- labor in By C. N. Lund dealing with such probless is That way just what it is. Well, of course, tle children tugging at the faded bad; A. reasoning. N. D. just A Theme Poem for the lems as seasonal unemployment, I am quite satisfied in mind that it and withered breasts, of weeping as bad as to eat bad food or worse. styling, technological changes, exis the selfishness practically uni- and despairing wives, asking for naYet even individuals, parties, I cannot rest well in my ease tension of plants, vocational reversal in the human family. Other bread, of the men of genius it has other tions seem use kind to at no While cries ascend from all of these training, etc, with the aim not than that, it is the mistakes, it wrecked the men struggling with times. of saving motion, materials Who suffer from the sins of greed seems to me, that you and I and imaginary serpents produced by Just now we are going through a merely and but human life and money, this of the citizens need. of most great the devilish thing. rather annoying experience that And live their lives in abject citithe we call a depression. Without And when you think of the jails, country of ours as well as Child Labor Amendment The zens of the world have made. And of the almshouses, of the asylums, going into detail or argument, I complete abolition of labor by bread much feel too have that I I I think that perhaps such an or- of the prisons, of the scaffolds upit is plain enough that we child guess s. ,If my near neighbor be unfed; the people, made it ganization as yours Can assist in on either hank; I do not wonder Old Age Pensions. The penevil. this is brother .That must I man him, Didn't we thotful build the remedying prejudiced kindly buildings, that every of all needy persons sixty-fiv- e alraise the crops and make the ma- sioning And of my portion share with him. World War Is Blamed. against the stuffed called of age and over by state years chines, but to be real frank, we action supported Of course, it was the World cohol. It breaks the fathers heart, by federal aid. We exwere too simple minded to distri- condemn the inhuman War, in my mind, that brought it bereaves the doting mother, feel a practice of is too warm there I glow bute or use them wisely. You say elimination without about and concentrated the genius tinguishes natural affection, erases for , provision atUpon my hearth if it be so they" wouldn't let us. Yes. of America upon conjugal love, blots the filial the future, of the middle-age- d is there .That children in some the shiver hope, alibi, World the know, paternal We needed much during always gloom tachments, blights on the ground merely of but you are part of they." If "you" workers War more it seemed than we were and brings down weary age in sorOf some cold and cheerless room. and we demand legislation for age, had been It a produces able to produce and,' therefore, all row to the grave. straight thinker, usei protection of this increasing group. the master minds were concentrat weakness, not health; death, not your dollars well, voted correctly, We urge also the extension of content walk I cannot chiland stood firmly for the principle mothers' my way ed upon Well, life. It makes wives widows; pensions by state action Past broken lives whose hopes are spent ; of an equal chance for all, times with federal along during the war, and then im- dren orphans; fathers fiends; and aid. would now be very different. Remediately after the war, we tried all of them paupers and beggarsl Federal Compensation. Federal My soul must ever share the night nurses member that includes all to perpetuate this self-sagout, feeds rheumatism, you" system It acts for all workers With those who never see the light but the writer, and if you insist, he compensation of commerce Well, in or- welcomes epidemics, invites cholengaged in inter-stais willing to be included. Einstein der to put this thing over success- era, imports pestilences and emand more Efficient machinery for heed be the must If I covers Id glad give says, We are here for the sake of administration of existing laws fully, especially after the war, we braces consumption. It other men. He is no doubt right. through state funds rather than prihad to turn part of this intellectual land with idleness, misery and To those who love and justice need ; To be here alone would be no fun vate casualty companies. stream from into crime. It fills your jails, supplies be free must help unbind And to at all. or salesmanship; your almshouses and demands your Six Hour Day. The six hour day, human find. slave I Every and so we developed, I think, in aslyums. It crowds your penitenAnd this mad scramble, strife without reduction in weekly wage, and competition, seeking to get the for federal employees with a view America, the most efficient system tiaries and furnishes victims to of distributioiij and the most intel your scaffolds. It engenders conbest of another is simply foolish- to the rapid extension of these To know my Lord I first must find ligently organized group or phase troversies, fosters quarrels, and hours throughout all industry. ness, heathenism. in the hearts of human kind; Him .of Ask any student of sociology The cherishes riots. It is the lifeblood Washington Convention. be him To serve servant must I the Continuing and ethics, or better still, become signing by our government in conspeaker referred of the gambler, the prop of the of need me. Where lives have to a text on "Financing the Con- highwayman lowly a student yourself of these and junction with other governments of and the support of the sumer, or Financing the Masses, midnight incendiary. It counteother subjects. Without knowl- the Washington eight hour day and called attention to the nances the liar, respects the thief, of man The edge there is no hope for you nor convention. a Masters measure evils of the credit system. esteems the blasphemer. It viofor civilization. When you get how he loves fellow Is his man, The habit of "Mortgaging tomor- lates obligations, reverances fraud some real knowledge about life you And still the applications for And how that love works for the good, rows salary, a practice that be and honors infamy. It deforms are going to see that flow in. And still N. membership came rampant all over the nation. benevolences, hates love, scorns And makes for common Brotherhood. is the only satisfactory method for D. A. continues to assimilate them (Continued on last page) as fast as possible. (Continued on last page) (Continued on last page) UNEMPLOYED EARTH, BUT HAS NUT SECURED J. for HIS DOMINION Can The N. D. A Cause Succeed? $250,-000,0- 1, semi-civiliz- ed m farm-to-mark- et for of fact-findi- well-bein- g. wage-earner- mass-producti- mass-producti- mass-productio- n. te mass-producti- on mass-distributi- on ng ng |