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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT FOOD FOR Earth is a part of of eternity. Why much hell into it? Another meeting for organizai to be held there tonight tion THOUGHT heaven, a part do we let so To be silent under the tyranny and oppression of centralized wealth is simply sin. Is your name on the regular subscription list of the Progressive Independent? If not, why not? N. D. A. SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING 117 Keith Emporium Bldg. TAILORED FROCK" Our Specialty thorn-cover- J. Coffee quality Product in an A economic container CONTACTS Mr, Palmer was applauded time Senator Huey Long said in the and again for his musical presen. Mr. Marion Wilkinson, one of senate: No laws can prevent me, WANTED Nice small dog by tations. the contact men, led out at the if my wife and children need food, little girl Contact Mr. Glad, N. at Nephi last week. The from getting it by any means nec- D. A. A little more pep in the commis- meeting court house was well filled essary if I cannot save their lives county sary department please. We dont and the crowd enthusiastic. WANTED By the Progressive by legal methods," believe as much attention is yet be10,000 new subscribIndependent imto this branch as ing given its N. D. A. occupies the center of Progress of the right sort cannot ers. Will YOU be one of them, demands. portance the stage these days and has a lot always be made along the easy, please. of people talking about it Many luxurious path. It is often that Connections were made with a of those on the outside do not great progresses are brought about FOR RENT Comfortable n, plaster and calcite mill. These know how to take us seriously or over the home, class A credits. Price, will be available for otherwise and it is hard to tell road where men walk with ach- $28.00. Inquire at N. D. A. headSroducts and poultry departments yet who our friends are. ing hearts and bleeding feet. quarters. as well as for exchange. Mr. Wilkinson is to be congratuThere is no government strong WANTED Sufficient cheap First class meals are now being lated upon the excellent crowd at enough to long withstand the con- used furniture to supply two or served to holders of N. D. A. cred- this meeting. There were more tinued repression and oppression of three ranch houses. Furniture rethan and more was all our the people. After interest achiev quiring repairs considered. Class A credits people its, on a basis of one-ha- lf and one-ha- lf cash, at the Elizabeth manifested in Salt Lake City after ment there is yet one thing to be credits. Marsix months of hard work and Tea Room, 14 South State Street accomplished, something worth livion had only one day to prepare ing for and working for, economic The Labor Department of the N. Dr. John Miller leaves tomorrow for the meeting at Nephi. But he freedom. D. A. is prepared to furnish skilled for Ogden, where he will spend says the interest is not due to his or unskilled labor in any quantity. A work that requires no sacri- Let us figure on your building conseveral days delivering lectures and efforts, but to the tightening of assisting various organizations with the belt which is causing people to fice does not count for much in tracts or any other projects you think." his work in Character Building. fulfilling Gods plan. But what is have in bind. commonly called sacrifices is realresponse of members of the ly the best natural use of ones N. D. A. wishes to contact a Mr. and Mrs. Elggren returned N.The last Tuesday from their rather ex- our D. A.' to our invitation to join self and ones resources the best fanner with a team, plow, harrow, rapidly increasing army of investment of ones time, strength etc. Ask for Mr. Gull. tended tour of the Northwest, and are once more contacting members readers, has been most gratifying and means. He who makes no such the past two weeks. How- sacrifice is most to be pitied; he Farmers and livestock men who and looking after association busi- duringthere are still quite a num- is a heathen because he knows have surplus stocks of wheat, flour, ever, ness. ber of members in the association nothing of God. grain, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, are not receiving the paper, or other food products would do The Natural Development Asso- who and we add to these so hope soon, in this world be- well to contact the central office ciation now has locals or branches Property rights that our subscription list may rep- gan by the ownership of women. of the N. D. A., third floor Keith organized and beginning to functhe organization 100 per tion in nearby communities. Other resent They were owned, bodv and soul, Emporium building. like slaves, for countless years. towns and cities are asking for cent The Natural Development AssoMen made the rules and the laws consideration. Truly, Natural DeHenry R. Rich, for some years and the governments. It is a man- ciation through its membership is velopment is making rapid strides. circulation manager for the Salt made world, in a sense. The in a position to absorb surplus Mr. Heber Bennion of the Agri- Lake Telegram, has been giving emancipation of women has been stocks of food, clothing, animals, cultural department left last Wed- valued assistance in the circulation the hand maid of progress. If the etc., and will issue checks covering all class A services in exchange for of the Progressive In- women ruled could they possibly them. nesday morning for Daggett coun- department Mr. Rich is bring about worse conditions? dependent, recently. Rulon Mrs. ty, accompanied by believer in N. D. Wilkinson and daughter, Barbara, an enthusiastic We need a few thousand dollars an worker and a To every man there openeth A., indefatigable rehusband and their and father, in money to set certain new indusmixer. The the and good paper A and a way, and ways way. spectively, who will try their hand Association can use men like And the High Soul climbs the tries jn operation. We offer good at farm and ranch life. security and will pay a fair rate of Henry Rich. High Way, And the Low Soul gropes the interest for the use of it. Inquire Robert G. Page, a former merat the Central Office, Keith EmDr. John Miller, editor and manLow, chant of Cedar City and other loporium building. of the and Character in between And the on ager Builder, memnow is a misty calities, flats ber of the N. D. A. and is in charge an educator and lecturer of worldWANTED A few loads of sand with The rest drift, to and fro; of the commissary or exchange de- wide renown, is and gravel on a basis of class A A. D. N. the his and Yet man there to movement, openeth every partment. Mr. Page rejoices to credits N. D. A. find himself in his natural element services are available to children A High way and a Low, A. N. D. and members of the group And every man decideth again. The N. D. A. can furnish occuWhich way his life shall go." jn the solving of all social and vexpants for a few more vacant The ladies of the N. D. A. are ing personal or family problems. houses, and will pay class A service becoming restive under their en- Dr. Miller will be absent in north- residents by the intoxicated drivers for them. Report to Mr. Sorenson and Utah western ern abWyoming of automobiles, which unquestion- of the Housing Department. Ownforced quiescence during the sence of Mrs. Elggren from town for a few weeks, but on his return ably represents our greatest traffic ers having vacant houses in need be affiliated with our will depart- menace. for three weeks past. But as Mrs. of cleaning or repairing would do What a travesty on justice. well to contact this department. Elggren has now returned we may ment of education. from look for a lot of What a quagmire of legal inepi-tud- e The exchange or commissary dethe ladies department. our citizenry has been perSurplus stocks of used furniture partment of the N. D. A., unaer the mitted to form among us. To think in serviceable condition can be used Your advertisement in the col- direction of Mr. Clegg and Mr. that in the opinion of this jurist, a by the Housing Department of the umns of this paper will meet the Page, has been greatly improved city with well over a hundred N. D. A. if prices are satisfactory. eyes of every good N. D. A. mem- recently and is now kept stocked thousand population has no legal Gass A basis. ber. Our rates are reasonable, and with many table necessities. It is right to pass an ordinance prohithis sevrice may be had on the located on the second floor, rear, biting intoxicated people from opThe N. D. A. has range in eastbasis of A credits. No money is of the Keith Emporium Building, erating cars within the city limits, ern Utah for a considerable numuntil will be now frame not and of the all other citizens! it at us Let long peril help you required. ber of sheep and cattle and would will be credits class A holders of should based Law or advertisement. is, be, upon like to your who haven't assured of a living through the or- common sense, and should be in suitablecontact owners Generous terms range. an been and has There Woodruff nt the interests of the security W. O. ganization. can be arranged. strongly eulogized the labors of abundance of green stuff from the safety of the citizens. Drunken S. C. Girard and M. W. Wilkinson truck gardens for a week or two drivers are the enemies of society, The publicity department can use of the contact department at the past. Milk, flour, honey, mollasses, and a menace to the lives of other $50 tO' $100 worth of blank paper He are cars bread other in and or butter whether among last people, evening. eggs, Saturday meeting of various kinds per month, if any said it was such men as Girard and the commodities available on afoot upon the streets and byways of the local paper houses care to of the city. Wilkinson that would put this or- credits. trade with us on the basis of our case that test a understand We ganization over. class A credits. Contact Mr. WilThe appointment of Mr. Howard is to be carried to the Supreme kinson. we will educator of Court of the State, and Socialism seems to be near its H. Hale, a well-knoawait with interest the ruling of Utah and Idaho as head of the goal in Germany. The We have need for a paper cutmovement has gained much department of the N. D. this body upon the right of a ter such as is employed by printwantonto of faction small the of society depresannounced at a meeting A., was strength during present ers. Medium capacity and in sersion and capitalism is tottering on executives of the Association last ly expose to death and danger the viceable condition. Can also use a our of masses of lives the matter a people. job press or two, type its throne. It seems only Saturday. For the past four years ,etc.f if any common of a short time until the Mr. Hale has been the principal one has equipment of this kind that of of the Granite High Sohool( and in is idle. Report at the central office. people will take over the affairs PROHIBITION his several years of teaching exgovernment. perience he has been tutor to both We have suitable and This paper believes with Will accommodations for pasturage A dairy project, planing and cab- President and Mrs. Benj. B. String-haa number pf not Mr. Prohibition is A. N. Hales D. that inet shop, several fanning units, of the Rogers dairy cows. Would like to rent poultry and livestock enterprises, a ripe experience and recognized nearly as important an issue with some from owners. Contact Mr. fail the American people as that of berry worth as an educator cannot plaster mill and extensive recent Gegg through central office or at to shed credit upon this depart- food. We are victims of this over- his home, 168 I Street. patches, are a few of the contacts established during the past ment of our organization. production of food stuffs, against which the State Department has few days. Work is looming up for Natural wishes to all N. D. A. members who want Under the sponsorship of Dr. been solemnly warning the people. contact a Development and contractor competent A. of Arno absence in the But nevertheless, to help. John Miller, Sculptor builder in southern Utah or eastof bust to which a with out issue is Steinicke any other working ern Nevada. We have been invitThere should be no lame ducks" the late Dr. Karl G. Maeser, the stampede the voters, Prohibition is ed to sponsor the erection of some is The a in the N. D. A. Dr. Compton much beloved Utah educator. being pushed to the front, as church edifices in those regions. a chiropodist well up in the latest architects address is 2156 Green campaign endgle. During the 15 Address Natural Asmethods for treating all forms of street, and he has the work well in years of prohibition in this country, sociation, Keith Development buildEmporium hand and fast assuming a true like- the former profiteers by alcohol foot troubles, with ing, Salt Lake City, Utah. appliances and equipment, and ness of the subject. It is designed have kept alive an organization and reclass state on a available at arrives a for model to work ceased have are never the services when his A credits. Have your sore dogs of perfection, or as nearly so as turn of the saloon and a resump- of their little curly headed son; but looked after. possible, to supply plaster of paris tion of their former profits. Pro- a cruel and relentless fate merely casts to a number of schools and hibition is a deep problem, worthy mocks their misery and impotency. After spending several days in colleges that have requested them. of the best brains of the nation, It is cruel a travesty of justice. and about Salt Lake enlarging the Dr. Miller is making frequent trips and plausible arguments can be Colonel Lindbergh by his faith, this week to inspect the progress produced on both sides of the ques- courage and precision, won a place organizations farm and livestock tion. Bootlegging is now the in the gallery of fame and in the activities, Manager Heber Bennion of the work. nucleus which sup- hearts of the people of the world. returned this week to his Daggett The local chapter of the' Red ports gangland and the racketeer. He did it fairly and honestly, and county project, where he has quite It might be that Government con- his success socially and financially a force of men producing necessi-N. Cross is going to utilize theN.maD. trol would be better than the pres- was ties of life for members of the chinery of distribution of the richly deserved. If sentiment D. A,' which' spells eats for next A. for the dissemination of part of ent method of hand'ing the ques- could prove an armour against viowinter when times may be worse their allotment of government tion. But on the other hand, if lence and crime it should certainly flour. And if this experiment proves the Eighteenth amendment is ever have proven invulnerable in the than they are at present. beneficial and efficient, the two or- repealed the people should see to case of the Lindberghs. it that there is no return to the old But because Mr. Lindberghs If all the services and advantages ganizations may prove mutually now in prospect for the use beneficial and efficient, the two or- saloon system, and that there is brought wealth, he and of association members material- ganizations may prove mutually no chance for individual profits in his offspring became the targets of are ize, our A service checks will soon beneficial. Relief organizations it its handling. unscrupulous, mercenary individube worth par with the capitalists quick to appreciate the fact that als who saw in him an opportunity dollars. And the for unholy profits through the desis better to contribute towards MOCKERY OF than value of our medium of exchange making people game of kidnaping. picable is being recognized by more and to educate them to expect a reguGREAT So we repeat that the LindRICHES more people having commodities lar system of doles. The N. D. A. berghs are victims of our perniciand services to exchange. is not an advocate of doles, out A ous social and financial system, God pity the Lindberghs. can use a little assistance from the whole nation sympathises with which is founded upon human selJeddediah Grant Adair, who is outside in order to get its various them in their terrible affliction; the fishness and greed. Had the Lindespecially interested in the hides, units to functioning. more so because it was totally un- berghs been poor, they would now wool and leather industries, remerited or deserved. They are stal- have their little son. But because all turned from a trip through southwart, loyal American citizens, gen- they possessed the price to pay, of FOR ern Utah the fore part of this OPEN SEASON res- the facilities of the Department and beloved highly erally States could week, and while at Parowan, in DRUNKEN DRIVERS pected, but the victims of I vicious Justice of thetheUnited Iron county, made contact with life of their child not protect social senseless which and system Mr. William Pritchard, an old resifiends who of securing to them the against the money-ma- d The district court has declared instead satisfaction dent of that section, who has promsociety. upon financial which prey and ordinance joy Lake in City assist the ised to opening of a the Salt And is not every rich family in unconsti- and social success is supposed to tannery for the association. Mr. against drunken driving the nation beset with this same them into dehas a thrown McConkie pit yield, Pritchard uhderstands this line in tutional, and Judge peril? Are the benefits of riches gloom. all its details, and his retention will clined to state whether or not au-in of blackest worth the risk? Would not a more Colonel would has Lindbergh Gladly insure the production of first class his opinion Salt Lake City distribution of wealth heart-broke- n exequitable mother that or stock for shoes, harness, ete. The thority under the state law to pass the benefit upper as well as the their every worldly possessite for the proposed tannery has such an ordinance. So, in effect change alive and well, lower crust of society? for the sion our on declared return, is an season decided been open upon. not yet rock-strew- M. & LEAH W. SIMMONS Hewlett's Supreme Jams If' The Children crave ed full-fledg- ed Vice-Preside- Hewlett's 'Yum" The Supreme Flavoring for all purposes revenue- many Quality Products manufactured by Hewlett Bros., of Salt Lake City, Utah eb PREMIER BAKERY WE ARE A MEMBER OF N. D. A. COMMUNITY MARKET Try Our N. D. A. Health Bread WE HAVE FINE CAKES AND PASTRY Give Us a Trial Lena Duplicated Eyec Examined DR. J. O. KING Optometrist Licensed in Wyoming and Utah 240 SOUTH MAIN STREET Care N. D. A. Salt Lake City, Phone Wasatch 7280 Utah CEMENT, PLASTERING AND GRANITE WORK ALL KINDS OF STONE WORK KURT SCHMIDT If You Are Particular, Call the Concrete Specialist Satisfaction or no Pay If Its Made of Cement I Blake It Cement Mixxer Rented by the Day or Week Plume Hy. 433 Downington Ave. 5148-- M O. S. JAYNES DECORATING PAINTING Done with a Brush We DO IT. PAPER HANGING If Its 5030 Hy. 1427 Blair St. THE LARSEN All Kinds of Electric ELECTRIC Work, Wiring, Repairing, Motor Work GIVE US A TRIAL 465 First Avenue Phone Was. 8309-- R DR. CHARLES II. DUNN, Dentist m upto-the-min-u- te 3 of the 503 - Felt Building Opposite Federal Bldg. Hours 9 to 12, Office Phone Was. 2796 MAGDEIEL BUILDING 1 to 4 :30 CO. We Specialize in Fire Proof Construction and these homes cost no more than the fire trap. And they are the last word in beauty, modern Call us at WAS. 5839-Style and Comfort. W ENSIGN 577 SHOE SERVICE East 1st South Phone Was. 5719 -producing Call and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South SPECIAL RATES to MEMBERS of NAT. DEV. ASSN CARPENTER and CEMENT WORK Let Us Remodel Your Home You do not need money, just products. ever-increasi-ng Was. 7280 for Information PARAMOUNT CLEANERS DELIVERY SERVICE 902 South 1st West & DYERS REPAIRING RELINING Wasatch 2458 BEEHIVE BARBER and BEAUTY PARLOR 30 SOUTH STATE STREET Complete and Perfect Professional Service |