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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT MILLION DOLLAR SMOKE SCREENS PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Issued every other Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, in interest of "Natural Government" How the Poison of Propaganda is Spread matter April 26, 1932, at the poat office at under the Act of March 8, 1879. Utah, Gty, As To Remedies. has run It seems that the one word, group ; the through all our writings. The commonwealth; Natural Decommunity; the velopment, is the one and only remedy. Come with us any Saturat work; the day evening and we will show you iroblems of depression solved; the evils of the system overcome; many of the burdens lifted; many of the worries overcome. There are no ifs, buts or doubts about it. It is being proved efore the eyes and ears of men, infallible, unfailing and sure as anything human can be. It is not socialism; not communism; not anything extreme or radical, just plain Natural Development. There was a wave of public indignation when it became known that the power trust had spent great sums of unearned Publisher and Managing Editor profits in corrupting the newspapers and magazines of the naC. N. LUND Editor and Asst. Manager tion. When we learned of their vast propaganda against pubAssociate C S. WILKINSON lic ownership, drowning honest public sentiment in a tidal wave of dollars, the reaction against them was an inspiring thing PRICES OF SUBSCRIPTION .$2.00 to see. One Year - 1.00 But while we are paying our respects to their underhanded Sis Months Application. on Rates Advertising game, we should not overlook the fact that our railroads are tarred with the same stick. They, too, have been hiring the NO HOPE IN THE MAJOR PARTIES Department to distort the truth in a campaign against public ownGass A and B Credit Acceptedandin Eithermoral press " your Worth-whil- e communications invited, . ership of support is solicited. Help ns carry the saving message The following very frank admission from last Sundays As you will remember, the strain of war showed up the to the world. column of the Salt Lake Tribune gives a correct estieditorial were lines until the of Not total ineptitude private ownership. 1932 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, taken over by the government and organized for public use mate of the present condition of the two major political parties. could any semblance of efficiency be maintained. The step was Neither has any important, constructive policies to advance. a complete and unanswerable vindication of public ownership. They continue to haggle, split tariff hairs, talk disarmament, THE POLICY OF THE PAPER The railroad presidents saw this and realized that desper- irohibition, and a balanced budget, and to "fiddle while Rome ate measure must be taken to offset its effect on the public ums.M of It is deemed advisable to definitely set forth the policy For the most part, they are painfully aware of the collapse mind. Had the lines been taken out of their hands, they would the Progressive Independent so there may be no misjudging of have been in a sorry plight. But, being still in charge under of the industrial structure which they have built upon the rotgovernment direction, they were able to inaugurate a concerted ten foundation of greed, avarice, dishonesty and stealth, but its aims and purposes. AssoNatural of the Development the is policy of financial sabotage that saved their face by discrediting they are now at a loss for new issues and distractions with First: It organ which to fool and stampede the voters to their respective parclear public operation of railroads. a which has Society ciation, an economic been turned back When to ended ties. The writing is before them upon the wall, and the words the had war lines and the and definite program for the economic salvation of its members. their of the great Master are ringing in their ears: further insure the to railroad owners, private presidents, It will give the news of the Association and chronicle the doings the success of their underhanded fight against public owner. Oh, ye generation of vipers ; who hath warned you to flee and govof the members, and such general news of ship, appropriated and spent a million dollars on a propaganda from the wrath to come?" ernment as it thinks will tend to clear the path to economic campaign similar to that of the power trust The time is fully ripe for a complete change of politics and and industrial freedom, and editorial comment. Just what other interests have been spending like sums for policies in this country, and no platform patches that can be supSecond : It is not directly in general politics ; not for any ike purposes, we do not profess to know. But in the face of plied by either Republicans or Democrats can satisfy the comthese facts, it is time the reading public wakened to the realiza- mon people or cure our ills. When particular party, but will give such comment on political events as it deems advisable. It will accept political advertising from tion that they are being deceived. They should begin to see supplants exploitation, the patient will recover and become norall political parties at current rates. that what they took to be unbiased news and honest editorial mal and strong again. Nothing less will answer. Third : It is committed to uphold and champion the great opinion was merely hired publidty. A million dollar smoke A TIME FOR ISSUES. fundamentals of Christianity, but is not for one creed above screen is only a smoke screen, after all. Why let it fool you of souls all 'orever? another. It takes inspiration from history. Our national political conventions are not far away. Everywhere great Fourth : It is for all the fundamentals of Americanism and It should start the voters thinking for themselves. They there are sign of political activity, but little evidence of political hope. believes that something out of the ordinary must be done lave relied too much on the prestige of big magazines anc In a crisis such as we have today, the people look to the parties for leadership. The situation, in and of itself, should make definite poliright now to save our country. What would it profit the Asso- newspapers. They have been dazed by the very immensity of tical issues. In this, the public appears to be doomed to disappointciation if it succeeded and the rest of the country went into and circulations. To be able to boast ment. Political leadership, to all intents and purposes, is at low ebbi Even within a few weeks of the national conventions there are mobocracy and anarchy? We would lose ourselves and our or- two million readers does not make a magazines editorial page defined issues. The major parties are represented to the ganization in the debacle. Therefore we believe that we must lonest. When you read a solemn editorial, or an innocent-seemin- g no sharply as two souls with but a single thought. At a time when we look beyond ourselves and do our utmost to preserve for ournews article, dont let it persuade you that black is public should more easily distinguish between the one and the other, they apn selves and our posterity the principles of religious white. It may be part of another million dollar smoke screen pear to be motivated largely by the same principles. Under this course, political platforms become matters of expedipolitical and economic freedom vouchsafed, to us by our fore ency. On at least one great issue the people have drawn themselves fathers. LIFES MEANING AND WORTH into conflicting groups. They are wet and they are dry. Such alignFifth : While we are rooted to the soil in the effort to sements should find expression in political organization, unless they are cure release from the depression and the profit system, we are to become perpetual thorns in the national life. The parties still meet By Will Durant not unmindful of the cultural things of civilization; and while this problem in the expedient way. ? What is the life human of or' worth meaning Thought, The political effort is not to draw the issue, but to avoid it. The our eyes are for the time on the furrow of the plow and the effort is directed to writing the issue so as to escape the pendirt of the spade, we also take an occasional peep at the stars by its very development, seems to have destroyed the value and political alties of a definite decision. The parties would appeal to both sides of of life. The of and for significance spread knowledge, growth and and worth of virtue the and we shall not lose sight beauty which so question, and settle nothing. many idealists and reformers prayed, has resulted in this vexing that makes for the general uplift of mankind. Political straddling is not confined to this question. Economic a dissilusionment which has broken almost of the the spirit disorder, tariff schedules, disarmament and war debts cry out for defi"Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead, race. nite and understandable assertions of principle. Under the existing But God Himself cant kill them when theyre said. Astronomers have told ps that human affairs constitute course we steer only to another election and this at a time when defiCareful with fire is good advice we know, but a moment in the life of a star ; geologists have told us that nite commitments of national policy should be determined at the polls. But careful with words is ten times doubly so. "Our government and national weal are predicated upon leadercivilization is but a precarious, interlude between ice ages ; biolship developed by the parties. In such a time as this it calls for frank ogists have told us that all life is war, a struggle for existence and courageous enunciation of policies and principles. It is in times among individuals, groups, nations, alliances and species; his- like these that our major parties should devote themselves to the buildTHE SHAME OF IT ........ torians have told us that progress is a delusion, whose glory ing of platforms designed to lead the country out of the economic wilrather than to the immediate prospects of victory. There The press has announced that a senator of the United States ends in inevitable decay; psychologists have told us that the derness, never was a time more congenial to outspoken delineaation of political and will self are the the of has said on the floor of the senate that the action of the presihelpless instruments heredity and principle than that which confronts the two major parties today. Tribune. dent and the congress leaves the unemployed no alternativi environment, and that the once incorruptible soul is but a tranbut starvation and revolt." Remember, this was said by a sient incandescence of the brain. senator from New Mexico, not by any red or bolshevik. It was Destroying Home and Family. WE SEE THE GOOD AS WELL "The industrial revolution has destroyed the home, and said as a solemn warning, under the flag and in the shadow birth control is destroying the family, the old morality, and of the constitution. The shame of it is that it is true. we sometimes cuss the system and point out its which are far on perhaps of a stretch the It might, by (through the sterility of the intelligent) the race. Love faultsWhile principles ( ?) in belief that in order to overcome an evil we must the is built the system of profit and greed, be thought right that men analyzed into a physical congestion, and marriage becomes it forth into the light, we are not by any means unmindful a drag convenience Dekin to of should starve, but we cannot for the life us see how any temporary slightly superior promiscuity. of a human system can become so cold and callous and heartless mocracy has degenerated into such corruption as only Milos and unobserving of the good and the beauty and the truth that as to let women and children starve. And yet the awful fact Rome knew, and our youthful dreams of a utopia disappear as lie all around us. Just now the outstanding beauty of nature of starvation is before us. Women and children are starving we sec, day after day, the inexhaustible acquisitiveness (greed) is so thrilling that one feels to burst into poetry and song. to death by the tens of thousands. A system that demands this of men. Every invention strengthens the strong and weakens Heaven lent itself to the creation of spring more than to any as the price of its stupidity ; the sponsors of a system who can the weak; every new mechanism displaces men, and multiplies other season. There is enough of goodness and truth and the horrors of war. God, who was once the consolation of our homely beauty in the average human being to fill the whole look ort light heartedly and unmoved, are damned beyond paper. Robert Burns found enough of it to make a volume demption. Men, who are men, will let themselves go down brief life, and our refuge jn bereavement and suffering, has ap- of deathless poetry out of, and so have others. We see it vanished from scene. the Life has Men become have who a fitful parently with a ship at sea to save women and children. every a spark of humanity in their breasts will dare danger and death stir of human insects on the earth, a planetary eczema that may day. We meet men every day who are nobler Romans" than in all forms to save the innocent and the gentler human beings. soon be cured ; nothing is certain in it except defeat and death, ever lived in Rome; and maidens and mothers who have more grace and beauty and refinement than the goddesses of Greece. But here we have a spectacle of men standing aloof, deaf an a sleep from which, it seems, there is no awakening. There is nobleness and galantry and knighthood to the Truth Hat Not Freed Us. blind to the situation, having the power to save, but withholding right to the,left as we walk down the aisles of and Wc driven arc y conclude to that the greatest mistake in life. it; knowing that American children and American mothers are human In the Natural Development Association we meet a class of history was the discovery of truth. It has not made starving to death and refusing the salvation so near to their hands. Oh, my America, has it come to this ! God pity us al' us free except from delusions that comforted, and restraints that people who, in the main, are glowing and radiant with somepreserved us. It has not made us happy, for truth is not beau- thing new, something different. Why? Because some part of in our pitiful plight. tiful, and did not deserve to be so passionately chased. As we the load they have been bearing in the unequal struggle has look on it now, we wonder why we hurried so to find it. For been lifted and they have come to the open gate of the finest GREAT SPIRITUAL DISCOVERIES it has taken from us every reason for existence but the mo- freedom that can be experienced by human beings. (Forbes Magazine) The trouble with most of us is that we fail to see all the ments pleasure and tomorrows trivial hope. This is the pass to which science and philosophy have brought us." good, all the true and all the beautiful. Let us search it out of Roger Babson has a large number of acquaintances who If the above is all, then has science and philosophy searched the hearts and minds of our fellows. How they need us in may be accounted as big men but there is none who can exccc and wrought jn vain. The editor of this paper believes that thcse trying times. This old world needs a billion faiths like in stature, the litle deformed man who was one of the greatest little very political and religious truth has been accepted, that geniuses of our time. Says Mr. Babson : is, real truth. The dawn of new political and spiritual truth is "Charles P. Steinmetz, who was unanimously recognizee upon us and that truth will not be ugly by any means, but by the General Electric Company and other great similar or among the most glorious benedictions that have ever fallen upon Mr. Elggrens, and a billion hearts like the writers. Let us give ganizations as the world's foremost electrical engineer, was the race. Has science and philosophy wandered and the glad handshake, the couraged word, the kind "deed as we wrought march once visting my home. to us a along the trail to the same goal to which all humanity bring mesage of despair. 'While talking over with him prospective future inventions everywhere only has aspired. in connection with radio, aeronautics, power transmission, etc Our souls have depths we never have plumbed; WHY NOT NAME THEM? I asked him : 'What line of research will sec the greatest de Our minds have heights we never have scaled. velopment during the next fifty years? After careful thought Our lives have worths we never have summed, he replied : Wc have been asked by many to name the seven men, And seas of glory we never have sailed. " Mr. Babson, I think the greatest discovery will be made international bankers, who are responsible for the depression bealong spiritual lines. Here is a force which history clearly cause of their control of the worlds money; who have silenced WILL MAKE CLOTHES, NOT MONEY teaches has been the greatest power in the development u four presidents, duped congresses and at least one member of men and history. the supreme court. Two of them are Americans (?); two are " Some day people will learn that material things do not British ; one is The Woolen Mills at Provo cannot be operated so as to French, and two arc of Central Europe. We canmake money profit, but the N. D. A. is doing its utmost to bring happiness and are of little use in making men and women not give their names, but the source from which we get our creative and powerful. Then the scientists of the world wi will furnish them to senators and congressmen who get them into working order so that they can make clothes for turn their laboratories over to the study of God and prayer am will promise an investigation. Utahns. $600,000 worth of property has long stood idle bethe spiritual forces which as yet have been hardly guessed at. cause the owners could find no way to operate them and insure Further Proof When that day comes the world will see more advancement in Further proof of the statements we made are found in the some interest on the investment, so the saying, They cannot one generation than it has seen in the past four. words of Hugh A. Carney, an eastern corporation attorney and make money, but they can make clothes, has become current financier, who spoke in Boston on May 30. He said: "British in the organization. . They can be purchased for $40,000, less CENTRALIZATION DANGEROUS (international) banking czars are responsible for the financial than' a tenth of their cost, made to employ 500 people directly condition of this country and much of the rest of the world. and indirectly, and to furnish clothes enough for all the people Somewhere among the words of Thomas Jefferson will be British bankers started the panic in 1928 in India, planned for of this state. What an opportunity. It should be taken advanfound expressions similar to the following: When, wealth be- 1926, but held off two years to enable American bankers to tage of immediately, and it undoubtedly will be. comes highly centralized it is but a step to another condition unload billions of securities on the public. They deliberately when men become ravening wolves and devour each other. planned to sack the people of their savings and stores of value One of the great characters of the biblc and one Would it not be well to look about, do some national stock tak- by destroying the value of silver. Today French bankers are whose prophetic words have been vindicted in every eming, and find out how near we are to taking such a step? Never doing their part in deliberately prolonging conditions by with- pire from Egypt to Rome, had this to say: Their gods of was wealth more centralized. Wisdom should dictate that drawing their gold reserves from this country. gold shall bring destruction upon them. The prophets stood would be far better to make a more equitable distribution eve? Not Easy to Detail before Babylon, while she was in her glory, and made their if the rich had to give up half of what they own, than to take It is not easy to give all the details in limited space. We "radical predictions, which were more than fulfilled to the letchances on losing it all in an economic upheaval which may give out warnings because we believe that to be forewarned is ter. Why should there be objections to this mighty empire come at any moment. If the wise course were followed we to be forearmed. If we know the danger we can avoid catas- called America profiting by the experience of the ages? Why might start upgrade tomorrow and again take our place in trophe. The marines are taught, "If you know, you live; if you should men be proscribed for lifting the warning voice ? Rather do not know, you die." should they be praised and hailed as pilots and watchmen. the sun. Entered aa Salt second-cla- si 0 long-suffer-ed one-milli- on two-milli- on God-give- work-a-da- o |