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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930. VALLEY LEADER be successfully done within the year. So successful have experiments along Entered at the Postoffice at Tre this une proven up to this time that monton, Utah, as Second Class Mat it really gives us something to think about. And the figures furnished us ter. as to the cost of such power, once it James Walton, Editor and Publisher is in general use, gives us something new to hope for. on Published at Tremonton, Utah, iou want to hurry and get your Thursday ef each week. membership paid up one iron man Subscription Kates and then be sure and get in on the $2.00 big elk banquet at Bngham City, in One Year, in advance. Six Months, in advance $!. the new armory, on Thursday evening, Joa, March 20. Three months, in advance and al! taHng part are working very hard t make it a success. It is sure to be t He bsst Operetta ever played at Bear Liver. BEAR RIVER Fielding Mrs. Verle'Wood of Ogden visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R, Coombs, Sunday. Thursday evening of last week, the M Men of Fielding and Plymouth, played ball. Both teams plaved ex cellent ball, Fielding winning with a score Over three hundred and fifty people were present to watch the game. After the game the Gleaner Girls entertained at a dancing party which was enjoyed by a large crowd. Monday evening the two teams played at the Bear River Righ School which was another ' real exhibition. 2 The score was in favor of zu-$- b. -!- - - East Tremonton Verron Woodruff returned to his home in Ogden after a short visit with his parents, Mr. c.-- i Mrs. M. Woodruff. Lewis Abbott went to Ogden on Wednesday to be present it a meeting or tne Canners Association. Mrs. Ira Fridal and family visited, relatives in Brigham City, Friday eve-- ! ' 7M THE AVERAGE The world's work is carried on by ing. average folks. Occasionally we have Geo. Brough and wife and 0. L. a Burns, a Shakespeare, a Ceaser, or left for Nephi on Monday to Brough Wilford Johnson is attending a Napoleon, but they are rare. The Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hales of the funeral of Thos. Carter, a attend i on tne wnoie, business at I'ocatello this week. output of humanity is, Riverside, are staying at the home of of the family. c Peterson attended a farm their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. relative only lair; lair sermons, iair poems, p. lair manuiaciurea products, iair crops bureau meting at Elwood, Tuesday rarnsworth, during their absence in Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Barkle of Los of Angeles were visitors on Mrs. A. W. Bergstrom and daughter Salt Lake City, where Mr. Farsnworth R. A. Brough and family. Monday accomplishments. treatment. is medical receiving Pearl, were Ogden visitors Wednes Dick Waldron of Morean visited Ezra Packer spent the week-en- d This is because most people are not day. at utmost home here. Mr. Packer is in Salt his sister, Mrs. Geo. Abbott and his effort. willing to put forth the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wight and Lake on Saturday. They are content with the average. of Brigham were the guests the City during the extra session of family, Mrs. R. A. Brough and daughters.! Not "somwhat better," but "that will children Legislature. D. E. on Mrs. Adams of Sunday. Miss Alta Hansen went to Salt Mrs. Ray Hill, Mrs. Jess Garfield.! suffice." Instead of most of us giving Clarence Lisle Adams came in from Howell Lake City to accept all we can of self, we try to figure Dnna, visited a nosi-.a-. Brough . t Saturday nrvi i f i Miss Lola non ati tne out what the smallest amount is that to spend the week-enstate Capitol, where she Geo. and Abbott will be employed by Secretary to motored will answer. Gunnell accompanied him. family of T. E. Adams, Roy Anderson, Asa State M. H. Welling. The average in people is seen in Logan last feunday to visit their son, Emerson at the Cache Valley Hospital two things inheritance and attain Nelson, Cecil McNeely, Erie Compton, Mrs. Leo. Earl spent the week-en- d 1 ney report ments. Some people are blessed with Joseph Nelson and J. F. Compton with relatives at Magna. nnuing tneir son very about 100 native ability, and their at were Ogden visitor. Sunday. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. N. Garn much improved. They were accom A large number of our people at- - was hostess to the members of the panied by Miss Lundenholl of Garland tainments are 50 per cent in endow- ments, but their returns are 100 per tended conference at Garland, Sunday. Relief Society at a Kensington. who spent Sunday evening in the cent. Others are blessed with about Last Thursday the Relief Society Twenty-fou- r members were present. Abbott home. 50 per cent of what we like to call presidency entertained the block During the social hour luncheon was "genius," and their attainments are teachers at a meeting and social at served. Mrs. aGrn was assisted in served. Mrs. Garn was assisted in about in that ratio. the home of Mary L. Nelson, Now the trouble with our world is A delicious tray luncheon was ser Ed. Spackman. Sunday school 10 A. M. Mrs. P. E. that most of its people are in the ved to the following: Eliza Nelson, During the exercises of the Mutual third class, when they could just as Margaret Johnson, Gunda Borgstrom, Tuesday evening, Joe Kirkham r,f Ault, Superintendent The attendance Some well be in the second class mentioned. Alma Jensen, Ethel Jensen, Ivy Garland rendered a cornet solo, "I contest is well under way. to A mediocre kind of work is being ac-- 1 Christensen, Lula Diderickson, Hazel Love You Truly". He was accom- scores are rapidly changing to larger now and to make figures. Begin plan Bhould when on Laura be first Waldron, Mary Anderson, the piano by Miss Tressa it complished, Ray, panied class. The reason for this is that Ida Peterson and Mary L. Nelson. Garn. Misses Thelma and Phyllis that '400 class' by Easter Sunday. those of limited endowments elain vtl5 E mcr q ET TI Wood sang a duet accompanied by Junior Church service 11 A. M. Story Last One." from Vernon That Bodily is visiting with his Merle Christopherson. exemption After the sermon, "The Very responsibility. League 7 P. M. Elais exercises Luke Cosgrave, formerly of principle is not only wrong, but it in parents at Syracuse this week. Leader. Evening service of Hollywood, gave a proeram to a perilous. worship at 8 o'clock. Sermon topic; essence of CARD OF THANKS The person most highly blessed is group of interested listeners. THE very mode not he with many endowments, but it Mr. Charles Roberts wishes to ex Mrs. David Wood entertained the "The Church Behind Closed Doors." Spring is he who uses what he does have. The press his thanks and appreciation to members of the Social Development Special music both morning and eve drooping brims . . . Large first may be spectacular, but the lat all those who assisted during the vjIud, inursaay aiternoon. The follow- ning by the Junior choir. side flares. . . Alvin R. Dickson, Pastor. sickness and death of his wife, and ing guests were present: Mrs. Philip ter is far more useful. . . . bows at" the back. An average person who fixes his for the many beautiful floral offer Wood, Mrs. Ralph Ashby, Mrs. David Equally charming whether G. Wood, Mrs. Jed Allred, Mrs. Jay carried out in any of these eye on an average standard will do ings. Mitchell of East Garland, Misses new Spring materials. average work which is far below th? Nona Smith, Laura Ferre, Thelma stnadard that should be maintained. To Be About 90 per cent of the world's woe Valentine and Tressa Garn and Mrs. is attributable to second-rat- e Glenn Taylor. The program consisted methods The Utah Industrial Development vne Wh0se FOR SALE Baby chicks, all kinds of community singing led by Mrs.. D. B. Jones with Mrs. Jay Mitchell ac- Association has undertaken an inves good as average." He is 10c to 13c: Leghorns, Heavy Breeds, right, and that is the reason he is 14c. Poultry wanted. E. D. Hoean. companist. Tressa Garn played two tigation of the Clays and other non- not farther along m the world. ' biz 2 No., lxgan, Utah. Phone saxaphone solos, accompanied on the metallic minerals of tUah for the pur The average person is needed for 820-by Mrs. Jay Mitchell. "500" pose of encouraging the development 25p piano the reason that there are precious few was played, Mrs. N. Garn winning of industries throughout the State. of those above the average. But the CLASSIFIED ADD .... high score and Mrs. Eben Wilcox, conTo that end, the Association is now second need is the greater. I WILL sell all or any part of the solation. of gathering Miss Marie John of Thatcher spent minerals, to samples with a John Schutt 38 acres at Elwood. at gether description $140.00 per acre. D. J. Borup, Rupert Wednesday with Miss Opal Wood. of the deposits, distance from trans WHAT WE NEED Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Laub of portation Idaho. 22tf facilities, etc., valuable for There are manv thinca w neA in Downey, were guests of Mr. commercial use, an endeavor will be frame house, and Mrs. Ezra Sunday rremonton, but a few are vital and FOR SALE Richards. made to interest and manuI screen porch, coal house and other outstanding above all others. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Packer and facturers in their capital development we need stability the will power I buildings. Call 5.y-Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wilcox, all of The publishers of this paper are coto determine what is right and a 24p Ogden, spent the early part of the operating with the Association ' in the determination to see that only that with relatives here. work, and therefore suggest that the 3 H. P. John Deere, Stationary Gas wek which is rie-h- nrevnila Mrs. Dan Garn and daughters owners of all mineral de Blue Light Tressa We need a spirit of unanimity the .Engin?i for sale. Call and Luella and Mrs. N. Gam posits in this section send ' . No. 22 station samples of ability and willincmess to pr M Mr. and Mrs. Reed tneir product to the Association, spent Friday with 415 And ttenit CLASSIFIED ADD JLarKin of Snowville. , Season Salt Lake City, the Building, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laub and samples not to exceed five pounds in We need aggressiveness for with- FOR RENT 4 - room house. Close in. See Ray Holdaway, 221f daughters, Gwen and Gertrude, Mr. weight". There will be no charge out, aggressiveness, indolence, and and Mrs. Chas. Hendricks and daugh- made by the Association for the serstagnation will be our lot. FOUND Feb. 12., between Dewey-vill- e ters Emmeline and Iva. Mr. and Mrs. vice rendered. We need loyalty for without loyaland Tremonton, 1 spare tire. Ilyrum Udy, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Earl, The Utah Industrial Development ..i ty we will be enriching commercial Tinquire m10m a ii. uewevvme. zz .Td Earl, Mrs. Leo Earl and Mrs. Association is a e auic, organizinterests at distant points and imGertrude Hansen and daughters Alta ation operating along the lines of a FOR SALE Oluf John-D- . and Delores attended the poverishing our People at home, Apples, serfuneral State Chamber of and Commerce, because of their natural advantages 22 vices for Mrs. Ernest son, Tremonton, R. F. Walker at therefore, cannot operate as a g Some communities thrive and Farmington, Sunday. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY institution, its only interest Others are made onlv through grow the being the welfare of the State in Clear-- 0 dogged energy and perseverance of effectively prevents ice, general. snow and mist from obscuring vision their citizenship. Due to the great variety of survive Ours will be what we make it, and through auto windshields and winagainst desert hardships and School minerals which Nature so .generously the brutalities we should make it all that we can. d dows. French of a Nationally advertised and deposited throughout the State, a sergeant. Our hero is wounded in a highly endorsed by learing authorities movement of this kind should prove fierce battle with unfriendly tribesBear River High .School lost a hard throughout the country. Retails at A DAY FOR LOVE 1.00 Every motorist wants it. Repre- fought basketball game with Weber extremely valuable in the develop- men and confined in a Algerian mili.Somebody ought to do for St. sentative qualified to market product High School at Weber, Friday, Feb. ment of all sections of Utah. It is a tary hospital. While recuperating s Day what Dickens did for may secure exceptionally attractive undertaking and should re- from his wounds he falls in love with 7. The final score was Our worthy ceive the Christmas with "Old Scrooge" in the city and county franchise on substant- local band citizen a pretty Red Cross nurse. Then the accompanied the players to who is interested in of every Christmas Carol. Onlv a hard.' avari- ial g seeing Utah take fates turn against him, just when his basis for very small the game. cious character in fiction can shut his investment. Write National Chemical proper place in the industrial life appears to have reached an oasis Luke Crosgrave of Holly- its world. soul to the spirit of Christmas, but Laboratories, 609 Fifth Ave., New wood but formerly recently of happiness. The American boy is of there are flesh and blood characters York City. ordered back to duty, still weak from 19.26 number of very interesting readings. "with so little sentiment in their makehis wounds and to dake it worse, in uumifc our assemoiy Monday. up that to them, February 14 is resOn February 13th and 14th the the middle of the desert he loses his FOR RENT Fine modern home. Inponsible for a wanton waste of paper Movie Bear River High school presents the new found sweetheart Mrs. Grace Haws, Garland, play, quire f nd red ink and exchange of sillv love A trail around the world fails to "Jonesy", which promises to be v?rses and insulting penny comics. phone 19. 8tf very good from all angles. Some of the most adventurous tales reveal the missing girl. Discharged There is so little romance and Tuesday, February 11th, we had ever written in the military history of from the Foreign Legion, the Farm FOR SALE Good Home in Tremonin some another very interesting Assembly. the world deal with human the French Bureau movie hero returns to his boyton. Call 23. reings that the red hearts on the irst on the program the Student Foreign Legion, and for this reason hood home on an American farm, valentines are symbolical Body sang, "The Star Spangeled Ban- "Blue Monday" an Official A. F. B. of the BUILDING LOTS For Sale ner. nartyrdom of a Roman priest rather GOOD Rurre Erickson played a cornet F. Motion Picture to be shown at the Some in two town, others right than for the love for mankind of this solo. John Benson gave a very good blocks out. Also Banqlet and Social, Saturday, Feb. two homes for sale. talk on the "Life of patron saint of lovers. Lincoln." Harry 15th, by the North Box Elder County Leader office. Call Woodward of Tremonton came , Something vitally essential is lackup and Farm Bureau at the Bear River High in the soul of that man or woman FOR SALE: 500 gave us two excellent violin solos. school is certain to prove one of tne ing Hollywood pullets, who can pass a store window filled In about three weeks Bear River most Utah Hatchery Co., Brigham City, thrilling farm stories ever prowith valentines without High school Drespnts th on a Farm Bureau screen. feeling an Utah. jected ntf Lotta. It is a very interesting story overpowering desire to flood the mails "Blue Monday" tells the story of an R rain in that BIGGEST CASH TRICE paid for at the time of the Gold Rush. Mr. Nye American boy's trials in attempting to ?nd .childhood adventure of placing anonyGarland hides, pelts, and furs. mous creations in hearts, arows. and Hide House, J. W. Garrett, Mgr., Garverses on "her" doorstep. Utah. Bell phone 146 valley St. Valentine's martvrdom not land, 31. have been m vain as long as will 6tf phone anCjiim-Dippin- q nual exchange of valentines,the fven SALE FOR Good lime comic ones, continue and this anniverbuilding o Sugar sary bripgs a truce in lovers' quarrels. $12.00 per ton. Co., Garland, Utah.. 18tfd Thatcher ' . 23-2- J I a . x , d. ... .1 x:i M Is I Methodist Church Notes Ep-wor- th Land-vatte- r, $1.95 $5.95 , ! Resources of Utah Developed .WANT COLUMN.. SJf! Bakou Rough m. Straws Satin Belting non-metall- ic Ribbon Felt In All 5. I t non-metall- ic o Headsizes rifJ?Waut SMS - . WMMMN T" state-wid- money-makin- Notes High Val-entin- hard-boile- e 51-2- 3. over-ridin- Op-Hpt- Farm to Desert In Farm Bureau Thriller happy to be there, but still sorrowfully seeking the girl he loves1 when he last saw in the desert hospital. The long trail ends at home, right near his parents farm and of course the ending is a happy one. But to tell the details of this thrilling would be unfair to those who willstory see it at the banquet and social. 'Blue Monday" is a photoplay never to be forgotten by Farm Bureau audiences who see it. The sensational desert scenes alone make it one of the most interesting ever shown on a X arm Bureau screen, and are of the sort that will make every in the audience glad to realizeperson that the of the hoys community are comfortably situated here at home rather than m the desert with the Foreim Legion. n,4. Utah-Idah- CHEAPER CAR FUEL Bear River motorists who find the purchase of gasoline a burden will bp among the most interested citizens in the country in a report that there is early promise of applying the Diesel principle, to passenger car fueling. We read that a car recently made a on J 1.38 trip worth of fuel oil. At that rate a car could be run from New York to San randsco at a cost of $8.40. To the same results from gas a rallonget of it would have to run the car 120 miles M1 of an'thing If Djesel principle can practical for all types of passenger autos we are due for noth-in- g lest than an revolution. t or one thing, weindustrial would never have to worry about a shortage of gasoline! And until our present laws could be changed or amended we would affect quite a saving in gasoline taxes. Automobile engineers are frank in saying that there is no reason to coff at the attempt being made to build a Diesel engine for auto use. In fact , they intimate that there are a number of masons for believingquite it will er 792-mi- . Iie!? . ' ( , . j - . , ' ,., ,; .' 0 le YOU MR. FARMER! Why not buy yourself, or your boy, a tract of fine tomato land in Corinne District, now going at half price . Some tile drained some outside of drainage district Will grow anything you wish to plant. There may never again be an opportunity to buy as cheaply as it may be had now. Address C. G. Adney, Corinne. Shattered $Endii ice PLOW whea ML'5 ice tar just the tame at toying CASH TAID For Dead and Useless Cows and horses. Reverse call Brigham 493J2. tf41 WANTED TO BUY-- One good used snmll tractor. Must be. in good mechanical shape and priced right. N. Wr. Olsen. i5tf the StndebaKer President? 80,000 THEY carried in 26,326 minutes. On race tricks over Good Second Hand FQR SALE ranges. Call Utah Power and light Go, 9tf muumain ana oeseri-o- n smootn paremenu tner shown themselves the toughest, strongest "o. v.. vb ;u van put uu uui iai Will buy veal, cewg and hogs. Thone 44J1. Garland setf WANTED One good Used ! or 2 H. i. stationary Gas Engine. Must be in good condition and priced right. N. W. Olsen, phone 73.0-21tf 1. V Uttmtn .tve IMPLEMENT CO. TREMONTON, UTAH UTAH AUTO & it does the mos t good Get into the field when the soil is just right for work the tracks of the "Caterpillar" Tractor will ride over the soft spots of wet ground its power will pull the imple- ment you want pulled in any kind of soil any weather. To own a "Caterpillar" Tractor is to hold an insurance that plowing will be done at just the time to conserve the moisture and prepare the way for a big and profitable ciop. There is a size to meet your requirments. Landes & Company DEALERS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Branch House at Tremonton, Utah |