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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930. 4-- Riverside i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowcutt and daughter Lorella spent Wednesday at Willard with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Marsh. Miss Jaunita Dustin is visiting at Connne with her sister, Mrs. Roy Hunsaker for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen of Elwood, were visitinng with relatives here during the week. Elaine, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowcutt. who has been suffering from blood poisoning for the past two weeks Is now improving. A PEW YEARS BACK Only a few" years ago, some chain food store concerns' claim to greatness and power was a continuous mention of their large size and 'buying power'. Today, since recent exposures, many of these chains are very quiet. They have nothing to say of their "power" or of their New York headquarters. They are afraid that people will learn their are headquarters some foreign city and that they cash the up gather from each commun-it- y and send it away. Forsberg remained for a few weeks. given at the Tremonton ward last FriMrs. A. Forsberg had been visiting at day. the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Green, Wm. Harold Peterson for ten days. Petersen and L. C. Petersen, went to Logan last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jensen and childElwood ren, of Corinne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kelstrum last Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goldberry and Mr. and Mrs. John Selman celeof Salt Lake City came up baby, brated their 40th wedding anniversary Saturday to visit with Mrs. on Sunday, February 2, by having Mr. and Mrs. Wm. parents, home. their children Larsen. Mr. Golsberry went to ParaDinner was served to the following: dise on Sunday to visit his parents. Mr. and rMs. Cluskey, of Ogden, Mr. Nina and June Larsen, of Brigham and Mrs. Eugene Thompsen and two City, spent the week-end home with children, of East Tremonton; Mr. and their parents. Mrs. Harold Selman, and baby, of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Andersen left for East Garland; Dee Selman and grand Salt Lake Saturday where they will children, William and John Goving. a few days visiting relatives. spend The children presented their parA very pleasant surprise party was ents with a beautiful clock as a weddthe home of L. C. Peterat enjoyed A aftervery pleasant ing present. sen, on Monday evening, when 21 of noon was enjoyed by all. his relatives end friends gathered Warren Taylor and Miss Lydia there. The was spent in of board the of education of dancin? and evening Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. games. Brigham City, visited the school here Jack Jensen, of Corinne, were last Monday. guests. As Jack is a fine Mr. and Mrs. Rasmus Hansen visit- violin player, he was kept very busy ed with H. C. Hansen, last Wednessll evening until 12 o'clock, when a day. sumptous tray lunch was enjoyed by Several of the Dairy people signed all. There has been a war on rats, mice, up to join the Dairy association here last Thursday at the meeting. end parrots lately. rabbits, mag-pie- s The shows give nhere last Frdiay The boy scouts chose sides and the were well rendered to an appreciative winners had to treat the loser to a audience. peanut bust. Over 1000 points was Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen, Mr. secured, which will be very valuable and Mrs. Parley Christensen, Mr. and to the farmers. Thus we see the boy Mrs. Leo. Peterson and Mrs. scouts are continually doing good. Let nml all enjoyed the Pageant us stand behind President Smith in his Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunsaker of Corinne spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs Nina Dustin, mother of Mrs. Hunsaker. Robert Macfarlane and son Leo, went to Ogden Tuesday. Horace Udy of Brigham was here on business Monday. Miss Beth Macfarlane spei t the week-en- d at Wheelon with Miss Ciena Packer. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Welling were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hess of Tremonton, Sunday. Senator T. R. Welling spent the week-en- d with his family. Mrs. Welling and children accompanied him to Salt Lake Sunday. Also Miss Peg Capener. Mrs. Welling and children will remain for the week, but Miss Capener remained only a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, Mrs. Oliver Davis, Mrs. F. C. Davis and son Fred, went to Logan, Saturday, and spent the day with relatives. A picture show was given Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Genealogical Society. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Capener of .Salt Lake City and Leland Capener of Logan were the week-en- d guests at the A. A. Capener home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Hver and Prank Benson of Logan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.-J- . H. Ward Sunday. Mr. Benson remained at the Ward home to visit for a few davs. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin spent Saturday ana bunday at tne home of airs, rona . Gold-berr- Ras-musse- Mr. and Mrs. Clpn children of Richmond spent a few days here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Bowcutt, the first of the week. Primary conference will be held next feunday evening. Lu Keller of Oc.lpn and C. W. Hall of Portage, were here on business aaonaay. ftir. and Mrs. Glen Walker were called home from Idaho, during the week on account of t.h Hoath nf Mr Walker's mother, Mrs. Inez Walker of Ogden. They spent the latter part oi tne week at ugden and Salt Lake ana arcenaea tne luneral of Mrs Walker at Farminc-ton- . Rundav. Tu-rpri-- Tuesday evening the Junior girls of ine i. l m. i. a, entertained for their parents at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward. A delicious hot luncheon was served followed by ounco. l hose attending were: Mr and J. H. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. R.-Marfarlane, Mr. and Mrs. Henry x udds, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy, Mr ana airs, m udy, Mr. and Mrs M. Georee Ward. Mr. and Mrs a Forsberg and the Misses Edna Mae Ward, Irene Ward, Ruth Forsberg, Shirley Tubbs, Roma Tubbs, Beth maciariane, vera Bowcutt, Ueo Udy Grace TJdv. anrl V.Aith Dlaon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manns of Gar land were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Macfarlane Friday evening. Misa Rubv Sanders nnA Honrv W. Irttire of Collinston spent Friday eve ning at tne K. u. welling home. Sfl.turdav nf last woolr. Jnol Tuhha of Holbrook and Henry Tubbs of Riverside went to Ogden on business. Mr. Joel Tubbg also visited with his aaugnter Shirley at the home of Mrs, Eliza Ward. nA and Mr Mm Joa George Forsberg, went to Salt Lake Citv Friday. Joe and his mother. FALSE CLAIMS These chains never were right in their claims that they cheaper bought than the organization of O.P. Skaggs System home owned stores. At any rate, ? our Tremonton store has always set the price pace for local units of the big chains and will continue to do so. . n, y's plea for more active scout work and , right living. J. M. Mortensen went to Brigham City last Monday on business. He has been very active the last three weeks in assessing the people in this district. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hunsaker, of Corinne, visited with their parents last Tuesday. Misg Erma Hansen spent the weekend home from Logan where she is , attending the U. S. A. C. Elias Andersen accompanied his daughter Norma to Weber High school last Friday where Norma rendered some musical numbers. The conference at Garland Sunday, was well attended from here. Andrew Jensen, church historian, of Salt Lake, gave discourses that were enjoyed, especially the trip around the world that he gave on Sunday evening. The returned missionaries gave some very faith promoting talks at the conference and last but not least the reading cf "The Pioneers" by Luke Cosgrave, of California was surely appreciated. Several committees have been appointed for the b'g Valentine dance to be given here, Friday, February 11. The hall will be decorated for the occasion and prizes will be given. Some big time is expected. Everybody is invited. J. M. Mortensen, Walter E. Fridal, Slias Andersen and Elmer Nielsen, accompanied the boy scouts and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen and Mrs. A. A. Munns accompanied the Beehive girls to Tremonton to the Basket Dance riven there. They had a wonderful time. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hunsaker entertained at a shower given in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin, aSturday, February 8th. Mrs. Dustin was formerly Ordella Hunsaker. The bride was the recipent of many beautiful presents. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Dustin, Mrs. I. A. Nielsen, of Provo, Mrs. Elsie Kidman, Miss Vera Kidman, of Garland; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Frisby, Miss Melva Petersen, Miss Iris Hunsaker, of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Hunsaker, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Burden, Mrs. J. M. Mortensen, Mrs. Ed. Heslop, Miss Veda Rasmus-seMiss Sabina Ericksen, Miss Irene Larsen, and Master Moyle Hunsaker. Mr. and Mrs. Amos P. Hansen accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George "Brough of East Tremonton, left Monday morning to attend a funeral fo Mrs. Brough's brother at Lehi. n, j I TOOK SODA 20 YEARS STOPS NOW "For 20 years I took soda for indi- FOR GAS gestion and stomach gas. One bottle of Adlerika brought me complete relief."-. B. Hardy. Adlerika relieves GAS and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never knew were there. Don't fool with medicine which cleans only PART of the bowls, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! H. G. Scott Drug Co. , For"-hirc- "A Surety of Purity" Mra. 3, ' Fnrahorir rotiirnoH iinma Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. George A. TOP? D Now is the time to build a foundation for your future independence and happiness, by savings a part of your income. One of the best methods of accomplishing these results is to invest in We cordially invite you to visit our store and witness the most remarkable range display ever shown in this community. A display of the new Design MONARCH in its beautiful, colorful finishes. Then too, the MONARCH Display Booth something entirely different will interest you. A valuable Gift Free to each purchaser of a MONARCH during this demonstration. Remember the Dates! VS, Utah Power & Light Co. ; , Feb. 17 $6 PREFERRED STOCK to 22 An absolutely safe working place for your extra dollars. Utah Power & Light Company preferred stock has paid 39 THAT GOOD COAL KING or KNIGHTS 8 dends every three months REGULARLY ever since the first shares were issued over sixteen years ago. Decide Now to SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY by becoming a stockholder in your power and light company. Spring Canyon Coal Cut out and mail to order stock m 1 Best Line of Feeds Tremonton and Globe laying mash, also all kinds of scratch feed including corn and Purina calf chow with prices as low ' as can be found. Poultryman. Headquarters Tremont Goal Co. divi- , , I Buy your shares from any em ploye of the Company -t- hey art our talesmen UTAH POWBK ft LIGHT COMPANY PnfeiTtd ock Dept. S.H ImMm Gty.'UUh T hi rrnmntin r'"ii wwihi.iaiH twteh to far rwm UM ftowrr (" D I Itai MU tm N FrrinM " haulm ' , ' ttKQaWlI t m. AmaUtahBbvnftUsMCampMy Rnk n by Mrw (dm m,aaimi d mri r "i "111 IffMrt iwiinmiliiirf in lii. acn MOad tbmm -- mk dr j ttirb I Wi maintahi m Resale Depart- ment to assist and advise owr ttochholder$ mfornayivishto ttQ their shaves Q |