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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930. 18th Legislature of the State of Utah Special Session 1930 Tbe Special Session of the Utah legislature is working industriously of the mammoth tak of preparing n nr"!n!ments to the I'tah state for the consideration of the consti-trt"o- Utah voter, Divergent views and conflicting and plans occur In Increasingly large numlters as actual work of amendment building proceeds. The mining interests of the state are concerned over the multiple for mining taxation. Sen. G. H. Ityan, from Eureka, a mining engineer, has urged that the legislature wait and approach the question from an entirely new angle. Mr. Ryan maintains that the mine multiple imsis is but a guess at the be!. He thinks that an equitable and scientific system can be worked out if additional rime is secured. Sen. Patterson claims there Is no necessity for any delay. He wants the question settled at once and would prefer having the multiple three placed In the state constitution. This Is the figure in the statute at present and means that the valuation of a mine for taxation purposes Is equal to three times the net proceeds for preceding year. The senate in discussing S. J. It. No. 2 has struck out the portion which would put the money from the Income taxes into the district school fund. The senate has added pumping and power equipment used in irrigating to the list of tax exemptions. Tbe senate has also broadened tbe scope of exemptions to Include certain property owned by widows of disabled veteran soldiers. It Is evident that the senate will make further efforts to specify Just where the income tax money will be : placed. Senator Parrntt has a plan which would create a new fund to receive this money and have the same expended as the legislature would disus-pestlo- rect. , conrniftHT in Twt us vtmasnvtcc Ty3OW A MILLIOINAIRE went for a rest cure on a palatial ocean yacht, and the exciting adventures that befell his guests. A story of events which might easily occur in the present time, yet which is as thrilling as any tale of the days of freebooters or pirates of the Spanish Main. Too Will lilac this now ueriai in THE BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER WHO KNOW MOTORISTS, 0 ICE, SNOW, SLEET, RAIN, AND MIST ON WINSHIELD AND CAR WINDOWS OBVISION AND MAKE WINTER STRUCT DRIVING DISAGREEABLE & DANGEROUS CLE AR-- 0 The Magic Windshield Cleaner PREVENTS THIS CONDITION It forms a hard, permanent, transparent film on glass which effectively sheds these elements. It is chemically correct. g, There is nothing else like it. CLEAN - CONVENIENT - ECONOMICAL has a base of sofe, pliable felt. Will not soil clothes. Women Carry it in pocket-bookLasts for months. CLEAR-- 0 s. GUARANTEED UNCONDITIONALLY is endorsed by leading taxicab, O companies and insurance men transportation thru-ou- t the country. TRY IT Special offer dur- ing this national camadvertising paign. Mail Coupon NOW Dealers & attractive NATIONAL CHEMICAL LABORATORIES 509 5th Avenue New York, N. Y. Enclosed find $1.00 (bill, check or money order). Send 1 special package CLEAR-- 0 to Agents fran- chises offered responsible Name to Address I'LL SAY WE'RE LUCKY Weekly Hog: Market -- I : the $505,000. He thought that if the state increased the gasoline tax and distributes the receipts in other ways than at present, it will mean eventual need for road bond Issues. Mr. Blood also stated that extensive improvements In Utah highways was bringing in being, a .situation under which the present revenue would be required for upkeep alone. Provision for the collecting of income tax from individuals and business concerns Is made In proposed amendment of Section 3, Article XIII of the constitution, which is now under consideration at the session, among Its other taxation shifting problems, The means of offsetting the taxes of those subject to income tax when it Is effective is taking a deal of the legislators attention. Some plan for equitable offsetting of these taxes Is vitally necessary according to the views of some of the legislators. The senate and house seem to have definitely abandoned the proposed revision of article 13 of the constitution as proposed by the legislative committee. That revision would have opened up the subject of rate limitations, educational equalization and creating of an endowment fund for schools which are not now opened in the two basic amendments of the revision committee. While fixing of the mine multiple was not expressly placed before the session by the two amendments the subject is on the floor anyway. The time of the Special Session Is over half consumed and the time remaining tho program to be disposed of Is the constitutional amendments for the tax commission and for classification, a bill to continue the work of the tax revision commission and lis advisory committee, the amendments to the building code and provision for completing the work on the State Capitol grounds. The honk of the automobile wrvs heard in the legislature when a delegation of automobile dealers called to discuss a propsal to segregate the tax on cars so as to aid in the handling of the auto business. Deweyrille ! n, f ivnt?rw 1" Hog market strong to 25c higher. Good butchers at close $10.50, bulk sales. Drive in butchers f or week, $10.25 to $10.50. Good heavy butchers $10. ..Light down to $9.60. Packing sows $7.50 to $8. An appeal to Congress for amendment of Section 5219, U. S. Revised statutes, so as to authorize the state to Impose a just and equitable tax on national banks was made In the form of a memorial introduced by Thomas II. Burton of Nephl. Tho memorial was prepared by Dr. Harvey L. Lutz, tax expert, and member of the Utah Board of Equalization. statement by the treasury anthat under the new income tax rates a man with a net income of The auto question was not acted up$15,000 makes a saving of $98.75. on and cars will probably not be sepThat's more than most of us made on arated from other property in the fistock last year or it would be, if we nal outcome only had a $15,000 income. A nounces J Fronk Chevrolet H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone 47 - Tremonton, Utah Where Savings are The Greatest Bur-ban- k, y. February 14th FLOUR Valentines Day We have Valentines lcto$l All Prices from DAIRY MASH See Beautiful Display in Window and At Our Soda Fountain UTAH FAVORITE . Nut Sundaes 25c 10c Milk Shakes Ice Cream Sodas .. 10c POULTRY FEEDS 2 for TREMONTON MILLING CO. Tremonton Utah , Malted Milks - 15c College Malts let Cream, pints - 25c 50c Quarts FINEST LINE OF CANDIES IN THE CITY THE WASATCH DOG DERBY -- and Winter Sports Carnival i USE CLEAR-- CLEAR-- The senate has passed S. J. B. No. S which creates tho centralized tax body. The senate has considered a number of plans to amend S. J. R. No. 2, which provides for the classification of property, certain exemptions and disposition of moneys raised from Income taxes. disThe house of representatives carded H. J. R. No. 3, which was the mate to S. J. R. No. 3 and took up the senate resolution when It was passed by the senate. Any change in tbe present use of gasoline taxes was opposed by Chairman Blood, of the state road commission, at a committee hearing on revenue and taxation. Mr. Blood stated that the needs of highway construction were close upon the trail of incoming taxes placed at the disposal of the road department. Blood informed the committee that the state would receive $565,000 additional federal aid funds for the next three years and that the state puts up $140,000 to receive Horace Lish and Alta Marble. Tray Ault and Miss Irene Lish, both of this lunch was served to the following place. They all enjoyed supper and Merlin Fryer, Odell Redford, Iven the show at Brigham City, Sunday Germer, Edward Neilson, Horace night f Mrs. Alvin Norr, Mrs. Horace Bar- Lish, Milton Harmon, and Earl JenA party was given Miss nard, Mrs. La Rain Marble and Mrs. sen, Eva Gardner, Hilda Knudson, Alta surprise Marble and Horace Lish, of this Maud Ruth Irene Jensen, Kenneth Spackman, enjoyed the Anderson, in honor of their birthday at the Bridge party given at the home of Lish, Alta Marble, Veda Gardner and Slace of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter MarMrs. Mary Wentle at Honeyville, Mabel Ault ble, night A tray luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Norr of this was Monday Thursday afternoon. served to twenty young folks. Bishop M. G. Perry and .Horace place attended the funeral services Games and Rook was the diversion Barnard were in Salt Lake, Thursday. of Mrs. Charles Roberts at Tremon-to- the evening. "Success" the drama sponsored by Sunday. Mrs. Duett Loveland was Tuesday, the Mutual is under way, directed by Conference held at Garland, Satur- shopping in Ogden. Mrs. Orpha Ault and Phyllis Armday evening and Sunday, was attendstrong. ed by a number, of our ward. February, the 7th, the following OU1 Monday afternoon the Primary children spent the evening at the officers held children. a for the party home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A- - Lash of, bow dance with lunch which some this place in honor of their mother's i A G5 youngsters enjoyed very much. She old and was 73 birthday. r") years Milton Harmon O. S. L. operator we all wish her many happy birthlO-frcT- f returned Lake Salt to Sunday. City, days: Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Ault, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Larsen have and Mrs. H. A. Lish, and daughters, MAKE GOOD OR WE DO Tillie and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. moved here for a indefinite time as Mr. Larsen is 3rd trick operator for Burbank, and sons, Mr. and Mrs. the O. Co. S. L. R. R. Co. Lloyd Lish and children. Twenty-thre- e 20 Phone Utah both Becker and Dorsil John Tremonton, Slater, were served to lunch and the evening of Ogden, were guests of Miss Mabel was spent in visiting. Saturday night a large crowd ac companied the basket ball team to; Bngnam where they played a good game and were victorious over the teams they played there. After the games, some enjoyed the show, while others the dance. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vetete of Madson, were host and hostess at a house party gives at their home Saturday nitfht Those present from Dewey-vill- e were: Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. Ahin Norr, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Duett Loveland, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dustman, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wheat-leRook was the entertainment of the evening. .Saturday night, the following girls sponsored a party at the home of Mrs. Duett Loveland, chaperoned by Mrs. Depha Ault: Eva Gardner, Hilda Knudson, Ruth Jensen, Veda Gardner, and Mabel Ault Rook was played, high scores going to Edward Neilson and Veda Gardner. Cut prizes to j OGDEN, UTAH February 15 and 16 SKI JUMPING DOG RACES the fastest dog teams on the will compete for the $2500 purses and silver trophies in a grueling heat of 25 miles each day. 12 of con-tine- nt national and international jumpers will try to make a new world's record and win the special $2000 cash prize. 1. 15 Something Doing Every Hour of the Day and Night Dances of the Northern Lights Boxing: Contests Two Nights in Klondike TRANSPORTATION SERVICE FROM OGDEN TO SCENE OF THE CONTESTS Reduced Rates on All Railroads CONVENIENT Auspices WINTER SPORTS DIVISION OGDEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE |