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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930. cured greens all have their determining effects. Each individual producer must study his own product and produce the best quality possible at the same time keeping the best of health in his birds for quality is very dependent on the condition of the birds. The problems of much importance to the producer is the preservation of quality after it is produced. A clean egg is demanded by the consumer and must be produced as it is detrimental to quality to try to give the public the product by washing. In this process the natural preservation or bloom is removed from the shell allowing shrinkage to take place, and this in turn makes the yolk appear dark when the egg is graded. If a washed egg is held for market for a length of time it wil shrink to a point where the yolk will adhere to the shell and it must be classed as a baker or rot. As it is a natural law, the law of Osmosis, that the thicker liquid should equal in density to the thinner should uquid, it is only true that be kept in a humid atmosphere to prevent the moLsture from the inside escaping to equalize that on the outside. Washing, drafts, heat, all tend to incoumge this shrinkage and should be eliminated. R urh handling which results in broken air cells is also to be guarded against. Eggs should always be placed with the small end down or the air cell up. Placing the egg on the large end causes the albumen to weaken allow. ing the yolk to sink to the small end of the egg, where it soon becomes stationary and adheres to the shell Care should nlso be taken to guard a?air?t variations in temperature and freezing. The poultrrman rcho produces quality products is insuring himself for a lonrer life in the ousinrss ber.iiis he is creating a better market He must be clean and keep his birds in the best of health by correct feeding and correct methods. When You Buy Your Tractor, Get the One that has These Essential Features tractor np HE be you buy should applicable to all the reg- IMPORTANT FEATURES 5 ular farm power jobs, and THAT IDENTIFY Tractors must have sufficient power to do efficiently any of the jobs delegated to it. It should perA one piece main frame is form equally well in the field the backbone of McCormick-Deerin- g or in the farmyard and should Thousands tractors. have a uniform flow of power of tractors in daily use today after years of gruelling service is good testimony as to the excellence of the principle of frame construc- G one-pie- ce for the fuel mixture is drawn through a special air cleaner This of advanced design. eliminates pitted, and burned valves and cylinders due to carbon caused by dust and dirt in vapor mixture. Speed governor, factory-testeand sealed, assures uniform engine speed, long life, and economical operation. The n magneto assures a hot spark at all times. McCormick-Deering tractors are easy to start even in the coldest weather. high-tensio- governor is stardard equipment on all McCornjlck-Deerin- g tractors. ball-beari- ng It should be work. take-o- ff Removable cylinders. One of the many sources of long tractor 0 life in the 10-2and rigid in design, durable in construction, and all parts should be readily accessible. McCormick-Deerin- 0, tion. The rugged transmission and sturdy multiple dry-dis- k clutch are built for long years of hard work and enable the operator to apply the power of the tractor, in varying degrees to suit every farm need. Air meet these requirements in all They are triple-pow-er tractors built in three sizes, each a leader in its class. In performance at belt, drawbar, or power take-of- f work, they are unsurpassed. Unit construction is used throughout in the design and assembly of the McCormick-Deerin- g and Farmall tractors. The use of unit construction and replaceable cylinders makes repairing and servicing easy and inexpensive because all parts are easily accessible for ' inspection and replacement. respects. 10-2- 0, 15-3- Farmall tractors g rod connecting for drawbar, belt or power McCormick Deering 15-3- 0, Tractor The membership committee of the Box Elder Fish and Game Association will drop in on you any day, now, so nave your collar ready for them and don't fail to get in on the big elk banquet at Brigham City in the new armory on Thursday evening, March 20. Durable pistons and wide, long, bronze, backed connecting rod bearings mean more power and smooth operation. Cool operation even under heavy loads for long hours is Thrilling Fire In maintained by an efficient thermo-sypho- n Farm Bureau Movie cooling system. A brake of ample capacity operating on the counter- Roaring fire department trucks careening down a crowded city street furnish thrills aplenty for every normal individual, but a blazing barn on a typical American farm in which a little eirl is imnrisonpfl will maVo column of every spectator at the snowing ot "X lames, the Red Robber." which is included on the program of the North Box Elder Co. Farm Bureau Banquet to be held the evening of Februarv 15th. starting at. in the Bear River high school. The Penfields, typical American farm family are persuaded to attend a fire prevention demonstration, which is a part of the American Farm Bureau Federation's constant Campaign to CUt down t.h fmnnnl farm shaft drum keeps the tractor in positive control of the operator at all times. 7 Quality i EVERYTHING When you buy your tractor beget a McCormick-Deerin- g cause it offers you all these fine features essential to tractor satisfaction and profitable service. There are three types to suit your 15.-3-0 special needs, the and Farmall. 'fi Service TWEBCMR TUEPHQME FOR THE RAMI J7-A- 10-2- 0, -I f : ill fire loss of SlSO.OnO.OOn fiathorins. with more than 300 county neighbors, d the Penfields are at the spell-boun- exciting demonstration. The audience though will gain the biggest thrill when, unbeknown to the spectators in the film, the Penfield's little five year old daughter crawls into an ea oia Dam that is doomed to be burn ed to the ground. The little eirl crawls into t.ho lnff QUALITY EGGS THEIR PROand falls asleep. Men staging the DUCTION AND CARE demonstration set fire to the old barn as the little girl sleeps peacefully on. Suddenly she is awakened by the roar mon household commodity and their of the death dealing flames. The consumption as well as production has increased, it has been necessary for retailers and jobbers to ask for a better product to meet the demand of TV, a a . the consumirnr rmhliV i VvLt luin people have demanded a white shelled egg witn a light colored yolk and Boston consumers have demand the dark shell and dark yolk and the people supplying the needs have had to GOODYEAR meet this taste and like. PATHFINDER As true in most instances th which could satisfy this consumers X9X4.40 taste to the greatest extent with a Product eauallinc in mialitxr onrl "Market appeal" these desires, to wiem wouia go the highest prices and Dremiums if thr true in all present day business the consuming puDiic set a standard and the producers must work to furnish a Droouct to' mootv thio ctono 1 .1 j gardless of what it may mean t them. The only way the producer may cnange this standard is change the public conception. this has been found hard to do and in order to create a greater demand the producing people will cater to produce a product equal to the product demanded. The same has held true in the production of eggs. We must produce eCCS and .HUinCl. ... to meet,- the nnnlitv .;m..vj 'll murUt appeal demanded of them by our egg consuming puDiic ana Dy refusing to You'll understand why these are destined to 6e tE II do so we can only hope to hold down the the season of successes moment style Spring you the demand and thereby seriously menace our future in the business. try them on! You will find ever so many coats round which to build your own ensemble . . .' Manufacturers are spending mllions of dollars yearly devising methods with a printed dress and one in plain color, on and ways of satisfying public tastes Goodyear recently turned oat coat can be used to complete two costumes. Th and we as "egg manufacturers" must fei 150,000,000 tirc-- U buildpew capelet collars and scarf effects, the slightly be willing to put forth every effort to ing million, mora tire thaa do the same. It will mean dollars and erer nearly a third, now, of flaring skirts, are here. High shades and practical the world' output. That'i cents to us in the future. colors. All pleasantly why Goodyear quality hat The "Chalk White Egg" of the riMn to the hlghett peak) Pacific Coast and the "Milk White while oar price are the low it Egg" of Utah, are eggs whose quality la hUtory. and market appeal are being produced to equal as nearly as possible the Say time and money buy standard of New York and other eastyour Goodycart from oe where ern consuming publics, and in both you are (uarateed aqtiara deal alwaye and real aeirlcel cases have and are demanding top prices as wll as premiums. We are finding as producers that DEALERS NAME quality is much more easily produced than it is maintained after being AND ADDRESS HERE As in most cases commerproduced. UTAH TREMONTON. MAIN EAST STREET, cial feeds, which are prepared to pro: : duce quality eggs, are fed it is nearly entirely dependent on the producer in Some little girls are punished for his feeding habits to see that he does All is expensive in love and war. rT ttvimil n Every frirl is lookinjc for a busband making faces: But not when they nnthma in thn both before and after marriage. methods or food supplements which grow up! The average man thinks the only may injure the quality. Some fellows work their way Succulent through school; others work their thing that could live on his Balary is TREMONTON a germ. parents. proteins and irregular feeding of - v f HI You May See the First Coat Modes for Spring - v 1 M $6.30 V Drop In Quality jus? itii?ce O J. Q Penney Store! J. H.Fronk d. - .75 14 to 124 death-dealin- blaze. exciting moving picture of flaming thrills. To let the audience in on how the chjld is rescured before seeing: "Llames, the Red Robber", would be unfair to those who will see this and exciting Farm entertaining Bureau photoplay. Perhaps it's the conviction there's that keeps some no place like home men going. Nowadays the son who follows his father's footsteps is likely . wind up in the cellar. New Arrivals For Spring Come in and see the new colorful merchandise arriving daily. that is 25c New fast color percales, yd A Big New Assortment of Lace Collars SILK DRESSES, for girls 6 to 16 years. In both street and party styles. $4.98 and $5.90 Newest arrivals in MILLINERY $1.98 to $4.95 New Suede Strap Purses . 49c 4 Our Grocery and Meat Market In 10c ....... BREAD, 3 loaves for CANDIED AND NUT STUFFED DATES ! 2 boxes for 2 lb. ofi 3DC 29c 10c 22c Buttercup MUSTARD (in glass) .Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE, cup Armours SMOKED BACON, lb. ........ Gephart Stores Co. TREMONTON - PHONE 33 "Good Things to Eat and Wear" QUALITY WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS From the well known VESTAL hatchery, $12.00 delivered large hens and heavy layers. ORDER THROUGH F. B. BARLOW Phone 74t-- 2 California. or direct from Vestal Hatchery, Petaluma, BALLET and TAP DANCING LESSONS Bothwell Ward Hall taught by NINA BOOTH Children's class, age 7 Junior Class, age Senior Class, age 13 and over 12 Lessons, . $5.00 4-- . 8-- 12 Lessons begin Saturday, February 15 Registration, Friday, February 14, at Bothwell School, 3:80. CALL 715, For information concerning the Dancing School at Bothwell, Call Nina Booth at 715 Tremonton. No at Your low-price- the flaming structure, they discover, hieh UD in the loft at the hum rhoir little daughter. Believing her baby uoomea to a gnasuy death in the raging inferno ,the mother faints as the father rushes into the flames. Even father love, however, is not powerful enough to make the mortal man strong enough to force his way through the fire. Strong hands force him back as he hears his little daughter's shrill screams of terror pierce the roar of the g ee-ir-s The heavy-dutcrankshaft in these power units is a time-teste- d feature that contributes greatly to their long life. Durable pistons prevent loss of power. Smooth engine performance is assured by wide, long, bronze-backe- d throttle factory-seale- d ac-just- ed d, y, Built-i- n, . child, terrified at the hungry blazes, But there's a way out there almar, hck ner tony leet, staggers ways is in the movies. How th through the smoke to the loft door. father rescues his baby from the As her parents stand enthralled at burning barn is the climax to this 75 ' JI.'L.JrJDlNlNJLLiJl X.' Q Xt i" Fronk Chevrolet Co Company You Never Lost Money ON CASTLEGATE, MUTUAL or ROAL COAL Pea, Stove or Lump ANOTHER CARLOAD OP PEA AND LUMP COAL IS IN TRANSIT. THE LAST THREE CARS WENT QUICK. BETTER GET IN YOUR ORDER NOW! SAVE MONEY AT Farmers Gash Union PHONE ORDERS TO NUMBER 35 : , ' Utah Tremonton, 1 |