Show It e Smoke Nuisance It Abroad ROPE LEADS IN CURBING SMOKE EVIL k 1 land and Made a Beginning by Prohibiting Prohibit Prohibit- In 1237 In log ing Use of Coal UAL RESULTS ARE OF LATER DATE Laws awS Prohibit Nuisance I Under Uder Penalty of Heavy fine and Are Effective Ii i f FREDERIC J Th has bu c clIP lIP effectual I ht iw way in Europe in than thane e e although h tho the the time Ja law of or enforcing Jt encountered in Europe as r in 10 cn gw tho ri-tho thc a-thc tb of if local locals II s and c to inflict the thc England got ot the time earliest t CJ I II Ii I in legislation amon amons tho the i be bC iD nin in before beCore the JJ middle dIC of or 1 century Tn In 1237 1 the tIme prohibited in London Loudon LondonI f f coil coal I wa was atut ut In I 1307 a commission iou was wasand N and anti iD instructed to inquire t tri i ii enea ucb who bo burn bum sea ca coal in the time ther r parts a arid to punish I 1 for r. r the first offense with great jB lId T o omi and nd upon the sec eec f to demolish their fur fur- J But Bot of or course nr this medieval oal action actton could coald tot not stop mc bv hr stop stop- fa 1 D rr mo e movement for ret re- re m v du t from I r IS i. i 19 9 ze t commission rin J. J J J r p t using steam t engines eJ Ules cg different works i r a them In tJi a a manner manner less il I i. i to public leal health and anal public coin coin- Another Doth r c commission was 35 ap ap- Jn In 1 a and add another t two o years u t tir r rt At t frequent later stilt still lit bi ions Were 1 appointed i n but t ith h was 13 done until UI tho to Ja passage st tJ public c health act of But Bute e e. e usually sided aided with the loc ik of oC smoke and were little in in- ned to accept statements showing shot smoke complained of was was' ya den deime CD e eu u uh h to constitute a violation ot the thc fA vt In 8 1St tho th English li h Coat Coal oal Smoke I sternest Society et n a 31 or organized and c employs an n inspector who reports cut ot ut lOJO jol violations 1 a a car of or Education tn In 1905 Smoke Abatement sot so- so o. o t iu conjunction with ith the royal lusty tary y institute held A n smoke ap- ap nee exposition in London Simm- Simm positions have ha since sinco been held beIa in Glasgow ow and In Inv v 9 the Smoke Abatement league ue of cat at Britain wa was organized and nud it iti i selected d a threefold eru crusade It s a to secure better smoke la laws than now in existence e. e to institute loc Joe oc PI eliot of i its own and to spread news news- l Kr Pr r information con concerning cerns ng smoke c t to tl the thc aid of ol engineer engineer- r i in if in t th the principles om in In tho hope bope of or train train- rc who ho tan can help belp the move move- ot Bleeping Ink k epi with thi this program two w lectures were in instituted at last year ea ear r. r one E series eriel for fire firo- I Continued on page 2 2 I EUROPE LEADS IN CURBING SMOKE EVIL Continued from na page e l 1 men and the other for the general ener lie o e lectures wore ore very cr popular and did lr itch 11 toward hastening day dy worn when Glasgow a smoke smokeless less Ius town An AD international smoke abatement e exhibition and conference was ws held heM in London this year and delegates from Iron all 11 parts part of the world worM attended Rodd Rod and d delivered lectures upon various phases phases' of smoke pollution The speaker was T Herr Nice chief engineer en en- ne r of smoke abatement in Hamburg where perhaps more progress haw ban ha been made Ide than in any other bi big city cite it fn in in the world He lie announced that the tho ap appeal appeal ap- ap po peal of tho the conference was Wits not so EO much to the public for it was not c con on tent t to wait until the propaganda could arouse public sentiment to th the pitch necessary sary for overthrowing the smoke nuisance its appeal was wag to t technical men and upon technical grounds it eta it effort was to convince the tho furnace owner of ot the thc economy of a Sl smokeless chimney so 60 strongly as to lead to the installation tion of a l smokeless sI furnace In 1902 a n society was or organized I In in Hamburg known as tHe Hamburg Hambur Union for Stoking and Smoke Prevention Pre It was launched by cn engineers n ers and manufacturers manufacturers manu upon their own initiative in in inthe tho the belief f that scientific atou would n show ebow them how bow to get more moret steam t am and less smoke The union ha haa has hasa a staff consisting consisting- of a chief en engineer and four assistant en engineers with three Instructors five fi firemen and one clerk The Tho en engineers make regular examinations examinations examinations examina examina- of the plants plants' of members of the union and the methods of working them t and arid make su suggestions for Cor forim improvements improvements im im- when these are required f The Tho unions union's firemen teach b the fir firemen of the individual plants just how to 10 handle their fires and furn furnaces with witha a v view w to the tho greatest economy conom and andare andare are arc assisted in this by a staff of w in in- In addition thereto testa of t fuels fuel and smoke devices are made from time t to tim time In the tho majority of cases casas the unions union's en engineers do not recommend the US use usa of mechanical stokers or automatic coal feed feeding n i de devices cs They recommend rather the tho addition of a simple device for the re regulation of the supply of secondary air i in the furnace This arises m mainly uh from the fact that tho the coal used is of such mch a character a as I Inot not to need Deed o other than hand stoking English Laws Law Stringent The Tho laws in force in England for the pre prevention of ot smoke aro arc rather trin- trin tr- tr gent ent In Bolton olton any person who k keeps cpa I a i furnace which produces black smoke is E fined not more than 50 with an additional penalty of 10 for each day dap the be nuisance is maintained after notice requiring abatement is served thirty da days s 's being allowed for setting settin the premises remises in order after serving the no no- ice tice E Edinburgh's he law is similar provision provision pro vision ision being made however that where undue indue smoke is made mule as a result of excessive careless or 01 insufficient firing conviction ma may be bo had without service of any notice that the law Jaw is b being ing liar vior fated and giving lvin time to change change- e there here under unde The Glas Glasgow law rather shifts the burden of proof upon the violator It says ays bays that every v rr person wh who uses causes causo p permits or suffers to be used an any fur fur- lace or fire within the city household fires ires excepted so that smoke issues unless he proves that ho has used the imst best est pr practical 1 means for preventing pre pre- venting smoke shall b be fined not Dot no exceeding exceeding ex ex- ex 1 40 shillings for tho the first offence of of- fence enee f nse and 5 for each subsequent of of- tense ense Leeds has a a. stron strong law with cumulative tine tive ti penalties Every furnace must be constructed or rc reconstructed to prevent he the occurrence of smoke Any person n may prosecute an offender and each sue sue- offense leads to a heavier pen pen- alty When a furnace owner is given n notice tice to alter r his furnace fornace and f fats fails ila to todo todo todo do BO so lIe he ne is fined 10 a day daJ until ho he sOts sets his Ms premises in order Excuses Pay No Fines The Tho European nations as a a. rule do donot donot doo not o have general laws upon the smoke nuisance most of them ln leaving the II matter entirely in the hands of the several sow sev eral cral cities for action En England land is iy tb the I notable exee exception ton to this rule Wherever Wherever Wherever ever such Kuch ordinances s have been boen passed b by European cities they have haye been bce stron stronger r and better enforced than iu America In Iii most of tho the cities the tho requirement requirement re reo re- re is is that proper roper smoke consuming consuming coil con con- sumin suming devices sh shall shat ll be installed and anti th the be excuses s accepted in some of f th the American police courts do not go o 07 with the court authorities in man many European Europea Eu Eu European cities In some of the cities if the tho ho owner owner of the plant can show that thai ho he ie has done his hie part by installing proper plants and that the smoke is made b by careless firing r and in contravention contravention contra contra- of the rules of the plant the 6 fine ino is ie shifted to the eh shoulders of or the firemen responsible for the th smoke Many 1 foreign cities have found fou tb that t laws aws do not enforce themselves th me and th that t often the municipal authorities uth are not inclined d t to enforce th those lo which are on th the tho statute books Although h the public lIt health th act of 1875 and the sup Up supplemental al one o of 1891 1691 Ia gave e the authorities author author- lUes am ample le le upon legislation which h to act th the London a authorities 6 refused to move in the promises premises When conda- conda U lions ions u 5 became int intolerable l r the Co Coal l Smoke Abatement nt society ty was formed for the purpose of securing a a. cleaner aner on r The be soei society ty ih itself lf furnished d th the m machinery rv for the enforcement of the law employing a a. foi forge force e of f t ton tors In one one j year aT 2000 v violations of the tare law w wore re reported and aud o over r twelve hundred complaints filed Several bund hundred hun dred plants agreed need t to install brook pre Ire re venting devices to escape prosecution Although the European an systems of municipal government ov may seem to be bemore bemore bemore more more favorable a rable to thiS tho enforcement of smoke pr prevention venti ordinances b because e they thoy Rf are are- somewhat om bat further removed from the i influence of th tho big ble employers r of l labor bor the experiences of European can cities are perhaps t that at as 8 many difficulties lie He in the path of tho the smoke abatement crusader abroad as aK at h home le For Fot instance tance rp in London even with the aid II-id of the moko cinko A Abatement society no loss than 5 2 com complaints wore were filed with the West Tram Ham corpor corporation tio without without without with with- out its ih having instituted a complaint in iti a single case and in two instances the violations were Vere so notorious that the adjoining borough h of Poplar bein being directly affected went outside of f it its o own 1 boundaries and in a suit brought ht to conviction the men whom the th-o courts of their own borough b would not even on attempt to conj convict con t. t Euro Europe e has hM a lar large e number numb r of smoke prevention devices Somo Some of ot these con consist con con- list of automatic stokers and mechanical cal furnace f feeders cd rs others introduce jets of steam rica rica-m. and still others r resort sort to down draft furnaces furnace to accomplish the tho desired end It h hue has I been hron estimated d tb that t the the- number of smoke prevention n installations talI in En England are aro proportion proportionately much greater th than n in in the tho United States Tomorrow THE SMOKE NUISANCE VI The The Pittsburg I Investigation |