Show 4 f. I IA IA I A party par of 01 young qung people enjoyed Jo the tho performance perform last hu t night na ug guests of Au lItin l M. M and Charles J P. P Hall linn of Fort louglas la I Mrs rs l Frederick G G. Kellond chaperoned tho ho party which Included Miss Cutler an l Miss 1 of the lie post Miss Denise lar- lar ar- ar rIde rick Miss U q Margaret Man H Walker Ml I iss g U Geneve Savage ae Miss US Margaret ct Dunn Miss illIs Nor Nor- lunG Thompson Miss Mlee Josephine Campbell Camp Cump- bell hell Miss Clark Miss l IL Captain Kellond l Mr lr Perkins ln Dr Watson and ami Lieutenants Underwood Hartle Cotton Colton Schultz Weaver eaver and rind Earl Early Following Following- wi liS- liS tho thu play a supper Was Wag served In tho the at al tile the Utah S S S MIss Hs Florence Holme c. c c cw uh If of or Mrie J II if K F. Webber and William Il Ill ft r were married this morning at St. St MaryH Marys cathedral In Jn the tho presence of the ate atc family Thc They will leaVe ron for rona a tup lu tOJ California arid will be bo at fit home after January 1 at While Salmon Wash Rh ii mm The Is 18 meeting with Mrs Mis YoC W Yo C. C McDonald In First st lw avenue this afternoon after after- noon The Tue topic Tho Middle Ill dle Medieval In III Germany will ho lie by Miss lIce JUice W s S The c o of or m le and anal William and William u ill take I place tonight at tit th lh tho home rno of ai Mr 11 a and fl Mrs James Jo R F. Marshall Marahall 2 21 I 1 Ie street The ceremony wIll be performed by n Rev Rec It P. P Nichols Ichols of oC tho Methodist Episcopal Bpi Epis copal cOi church 7 00 f SA S e A largo large dancing tv party will be given Inthe in inthe inthe the new ne eh I wald amusement lush lull tonight by Misses Mill IIII Cues Lucile Van Ph Phyllis Jacobson Mame lamo Dangerfield and anti Vic Vie lId le 4 ii o tI Mrs Mis James Jamel J logic loie entertained toria today to at nt thu Hotel Utah with a tr luncheon the lie I second in iii a 0 series O of sl similar events S 0 The m members of Lloyd Alliance arc l holding nn cm all cli days day's sale of Pil PIlgrIm Ilm rugs s sand and aprons in unity hall Supper willbe will willbo bo be served at al 20 o'clock tonight a a Tho The music section of ot the lie Ladles Ladies Literary Literary Lit Lit- crary club chub Is meeting this afternoon In Inthe Inthe the clubhouse The Tho meeting I is lii under tho the dh direction lIon of or Mrs A. A 11 Peabody Mrs W. W A A. A 4 Mrs C. C C C. C Dally Mrs J. J W. W CurtIs Curtla and Mrs s. F. F S. S Mur Muir- phy A number of well known Imo musicians will take part art in juthe the program ram The art section of or the Ladles Ladies Literary Literary Lit Lit- club chili h met this morning in tn the tho clu club chub house Mrs E. E 0 O. O Lee cc gave a paper I o S Mrs rs Frank Knox Inoc entertained with a a. luncheon yesterday at her home lionie in lii compliment compliment com coin to Mrs hs h's Boggs before Mrs Bogs Hoggs' departure for tor the Hawaiian lIan Islands the tho latter part of oC the week neek Eight guests were entertained S S Members oC of the Crystal Bridge c club chub were ero entertained by Mrs James Janies ivers toda today at luncheon to be bc followed by aucion auction I ion tion bridge bi S S S SA A called meeting of ot the Graduate te Nurses Nurses' association will b be held lucid tonight ht in the rooms of the Y r. W. W Y C. C A A. In iii the thc Continental bank building a A parish reception and social will be e given I in th tho Sunday school room of or St it StMark's t Marks Mark's cathedral tonight when Ih n newcomers newcom ers era to the lie parish will be welcomed el S S S Mr Ir and ancl Mrs George S. S h en entertained cn Monday night at th the Bransford Bi with A a. dinner cUnner In c compliment to MIss II Mum Mum- ette eUe Rae Baer Covers were laid for twelve S S The Tho Utah club chub will give ho its HR second dance danco In a series tonight ht at the tIme Hotel Utah Ulah No 0 formal reception committee will be bo on hand nd but the all an the committees the prime primo movers mO In organIzing organizing organ organ- izing the club chub la last IA-Ht t year will isil be bc on hand to 10 welcome the lie guests a S Miss Marjorie D Dp v entertained her lard card club at her home Monday afternoon Ml MIr Enza Dey also nl o entertained d a dozen ilo l friends al at her usual Monday afternoon tea lea a S Mai Maj Willin WIllis Is IN settled at th the ho pus post I and I Is ii the guest of oC Major Mrs Irs will Mill not bo be her fur fir some coma lime tIme S S S Mr John C C. hen has left lert for fOI lieu her home In Los Jos Angeles after aUe a a. tin thren en weeks' weeks visIt with 11 her up- parent Mr Mi Ja awl anti Mrs fr nr am Colt Cotto in Ea East t First st South street t S S a Mrs Tam Tome James IT ll Stance formerly Mi a Irma W. H 1 w who lo has oJ been with i her mother Mr Mrs Ir t. t C. C W. W Watson H in Douglas Doug Doug- la las avenue will I leave 1 0 for rOI Washington Wash ath ington Inton to Join Mr 1 hiance Hance and to nuke their future futuro home S P Philip G C. Wrightson hax ln ha having ing been ordered to Fort Lea for rOI school duty and Capt George II n. Pond lt de detailed the the- tailed to ian Ban an Fran Francisco el means mean u that hat two of the be best t known famine of or the hue new regiment will leave Fort l DO Douglas la ua ml is Ira Mra and Mrs Pond arc are both bolh C favor favor- or lien its socially |