Show NOTICE TOE SPECIAL tEEl TO ELECT OFFICERS A AND D TORS AND FOR POR ING AND TRANSFERRING CO cc PANY'S S 'S NEW TO CO lo 10 th tim Stockholders t tho Blue Blua Jay C Mining Comp Company Public notice Ia hereby that tia t will bo be a special meeting or of the tho I ate holders or of saId corporation at roo rOOm building in the city and t ty or of Salt J Lake state tat ot of Utah on O da day of oC A. A D. D 1932 1912 t thour hour or of 4 o'clock p. p at for tor the foit 7 First To elect a board of three j tore lorR and other for the r rea that there thero is hut but one director and and n no 1 has hl be been n held for tor th lion or of directors and at provided In thi agreement or more than harm three months month h have va e eia and nd lie directors have failed arri having no quorum to cai c meeting Second To the R vt 3 nd details In to new eom an under the laws IS ot or the st It or of Utah and conveying nil all or of there theli or of this compa company II to such co Ion so to he be formed For o or such other bu business sj u properly conic om before the meeting Dated November 11 1112 1012 William A A. A shap har BY JOHN WEID JR HIs Attorney In iii Fa John Weir Web Jr 45 5 shares |