Show A bulletin yesterday read something to the effect effect ef ef- feet that Kansas Jansa in order to give t the e people that ride in n t tic the c cars ars through that hat state pure wa water el have e passed a law forbidding the water to come comein comein comein in contact ice There must have be been ill 2 a mistake in that It must D have been that they have passed a a. law fo forbidding bidding ice to come conic in contact contact con eon tact with K Kansas water What a home for fads Kansas is 1 They shut off whisky in the cars then beer and now they are closing the cars cara to ice We wc V c think a railroad that would start from some someplace someplace someplace place and go around Kansas to some other place would be well patronized b by travelers Just now the papers papers' are beginning to receive recce e pictures of the battles in southeastern n Europe Some of them are very tough pictures but in all nil the elements clements of the tragic they have not yet et quite reached the point of the picture of a genuine genuine gen gen- lime football game gam in America Amel The old sa saying that when meets Greek then comes th the tug of war is not as applicable to today ay to ancient an an- Greece as ns it is to modern Princeton or Yale or 91 Harvard or for that matter the University f C Utah Some gentleman who is a writer on the Oregonian Ore gonian must have visited Salt Lake recently and taken notice of things because discussing Mr r l-I l hammerstein's project to build an opera house bouse in every considerable town in the United Slates States among other things the Oregonian sa says s 's It Is is a 3 community does docs oes for tor itself that The Thc importation of or op ops musical and genius pictures will never make us artistic and th the occasional visit of Madame Ga Gadski Cadeki eki to a aon town ton roll 11 lle 1 cr mako it musical The Tha relish for outside per performances per per- is natural and proper of oE course but after alter all ill it is parasitic We Wc ought to be bc able to provide these things s for 01 ourselves |