Show eister we boar to thee THE ENQUIRES joins with tle og-den standard in graisa of JOHN E of utah county JOHN SEAMAN of weber county and ALMA of summit county for the gallant way in which thay stood up in the council in opposition to the in just of salt lake cay for territory for her needy poor WE hops those reports recently wired from washington about a bounty being placed on lead are true but this administration has been fol-lowing with euca earnestness s policy of smashing every western interest that we can hardly be to believe any reports that have bright sido to them reach us of a great death iu sheep and cattle in ahe southern part of which v all add to the general depression in these in-dduussttrriieess calamities never come single handed oh well what are the odds we will have the aturo appropriate for their relief DB school bill has been re 1 ported adversely on by the cCoouunncciilelJ committee oa education and it is recommended that the bill be reject-ed the petition of names from utah county protesting against toe bill was the baraw which arole the camera bpck THE bontty bill for the promotion of better beet farming has not placed of excellency beyond the reach of farmers let tho meas-ure be passed by bath houses of the legislature still the center af popula-tion and is best suited to be the capital of utah even if salt lakes poor have worked on the sentiment of a majority of our legislators THE fight for the capitol must go on if provo cannot get it this time she can stop the appropriation and fight the battle over again in two years from now LET the taxes of the territory be raised it is better thus than contin-ued bonding furthermore a higher tax will enable us to more effectually take care of salt lakes poor |