Show NOTICE I 1 have ia my the following ds aa or loi trespass one grav horse years old brandon letl aaa on left if damages and costs on salil ara noi pall within tn t n ds arnn the dato ahls nolle li will be sold to c nl 0 bidder ar alie american i rs uty pound alloa la oi ISM doted at america korer cha utan 1 ils aih daff if vy isal EH BULEY round kefer lor daiil city I 1 bave li my the described imp as e straps or lor tre aas one baa h abe alx ears old four white leet wl alte strip IQ lace oo 00 left 1 londier and bended vended ona left tb agh i one mare one scat old white tt wl iid iu lue branded 1 Q on 13 1 3 10 it d u age f nd costs en said animals be it i dij ten daab aiom date u ibis f i wil be sold to the highest cash asray foaud t 2 the aa d ay iy 0 february on city atah county ter rhory 01 ol 01 february iggi ol 01 aada city 2 by dupaty |