Show dont you fee Youri Honey bobbing around in Rock stor pocketbook pocket book struggling lo 10 get down here to purchase a taste of these we are still slaughtering and will to do 0 o ie must aloff lor our spring goods soon ill arrive we are anund to have moni conr prices during the last 30 days have been remarkably low but they will be made still lower so BI xa of neglecting YOUR OWN INTERESTS by not attending our sale of everything we keep nothing in reserve be waste to everything is being old at its not wise to put off for tomorrow to morrow what can be done today to day or in plain language DONT GET LEFT but attend these GRAND SALES they are for your benefit yours always for lowest prices every day in the week sundays excepted H 14 CENTRE STREET FORMER STORE CO S HUEMAN liT ATTORNEY AT LAW bank building arrovo UTAH M M F P WARMER ATTORNEYS and 00 AT LA W rooms 13 and 14 onion block PROVO UTAH W a JOHN White corton john AT LAW booekr 11 and 12 bank building CITY UTAH J S booth EA wilben A labooth BOOTH walson ATTORN E LA W i and land office aganeta 28 N J street TROVO CITY UTAH E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO CITY D D AT LAW rooms f and 6 beed smoot block 0 PROVO UTAH S K KING lawyor ailee ia national bank of commerce UTAH DON C JOHNSON attorney AT LAW soon no S bank bail dine Spring villa SPRING VI LLE UTAH A H 0 ED WABD edwards attorney sa s A law flaw f city UTAH AT LAW collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH R G architect and superintendent rooms 2 and 3 eldredge block provo MRS S A GRAHAM G street between 4 and 6 streeta eti ua 11 office haars hoars 9 to 12 m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain M ja AND SURGEON office palace blocs residence 2 blocks east bank corner telephone rel ephone no 45 office no 28 OTAH F F FEED dentist have all modern instruments for the practice of operative ana artificial CROWNS A specialty SPECIA ITy sy ail work dooni excelsior block SAM JEP landscape sisian painter UTAH cora or F and ath street MJ BABas TT manager lor THE hriciga i domestic promptly attended t coomb 1011 and 12 excelsior block prove oregon a yrtl cause 0 mw oan awe willing to work for the causa are you ot protection in placing information in tho bands 0 y our ances identified it you are you with THE AMERICAN LEAGUE protective t W ST j cut ekla notice oat aa iab H to uny bacq buzi TOUT i JT bookkeepers and others of sedentary habata cure constipation with himmons liver regulator aror oaf balb Soui MiMi beai or allty yeara by millions of mothr TI ibea children while teething with t i cees it soothes the child softens tlc alc i illais pain cures colic mid is the UBI U BI tor diarrhoea it will relieve th gioi sold by droit in every part of the world twenty five R bottle be aure and tak for mr beruo and kind LOW liate are still in effect to eastern points via the rio brande western ky remember the R G W is noted for the elegance of its equipment its new coaches its free chair cars its bonnat of colonist sleepers and it new ana artistic pall man double drawing boom palace sleeping cars which run through to chicago without charge speed safety and comfort is its well earned motto two main line fast express rains to the east daily ass days loss of time on account of sickness end a doctor bill to pay is any thin abu pleasant for a man of a family to contemplate whether he is a laborer mechanic merchant or licher jas 0 janea publisher of the leader mexia texas was sick in bed for beyen days with the grip during its prevalence a year or so ago later in the season he hada second attack he bays in the latter aae I 1 used chamberlains ber lains cough remedy with ico erable success I 1 think only beim ia bed a little over two days the second attack I 1 am satisfied would have been as bad as the first but for the use of this remedy it should be borno in mind that the grip is much the same as a very severe cold and re huiras perc isely the same treatment when you wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually give this remedy a trial 25 and 0 cent bottles for sala by pyne fe maiben druggists mrs C J of texas saved ahe life of her child bv the ue u e of ayers cherry pectoral one of my children bad croup the cise was attended by our and wi supposed to be well under control one night I 1 was startled by the childs hard breathing and on going to it found it stran eling it bad nearly ceased to breattie realizing that the childs alarm lne condition had become possible in spite of the medicine anen I 1 reasoned that such remedies would be of BO avail having part of a bottle of ayers cherry pectoral in the house I 1 ga e the child three doses at short internals and anxiously w acted results from the moment the pectoral was given the childs breathing crew easier and in a short time she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturals natura lh th child is alive and well tolay bolay and I 1 do bot hesitate to say that ayera cherry pectoral saved her life cherry pectoral Pec prepared by dr J C Lowell Maa prompt to act sure to curs FOR THE california midwinter iid winter fair via the lines of the R G W ky or H P system and southern me co round trip tickets GOOD FOR 30 DAYS AND FIVE gate tickets to fair EXCURSION TRIPS I 1 BOM to other in california will be allowed purchasers of special midwinter fair tickets at the following roundtrip round trip rates TO STATIONS UNDER MILKS akom SAN francisco ONE AND ONE one way fare TO MILES OK MORE SAN AND FIFTH ona way fare for exact rates and full information inquire of G W C R R provo utah address jhb r H GODDMAN gen traelic mer atu southern co rian francisco cal AND BY archbishop WALSH OF DUBLIN IRELAND owing to the great demand for archbishop pamphlet on and the effects on IRELAND we have reproduced it on elegant book paper neatly bound containing 80 pages it is one ol 01 the moat logical practical illustrative and convincing res bimetallism ever been published this pamphlet is having a wide circulation and should be read by every citizen of the united states it has attracted the attention cf europe and america and is one of the most scholarly echol arly writings extant on the buba ct cf bimetallism mailed postpaid to any address on receipt of 25 cents special terms to agents address COIN publishing CO monroe st chicago OWES ITS reputation AND SUCCESS TO its OWN T IS PURE RAPID CLEANSING POWER EQUAL it IS invaluable IN ITCHEN SOLD BY ALL GROCERS KI GRANDE COLORADO MIDLAND AND SATA FE RAILWAYS flu duniy lao which runs palace sleeping cars between osea alt lake city and chibaro without chadee and palace reclining chair cars between oden salt lake city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE scenery NERl EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if so be sure and beaure tickets reading over the SANTA FE borte grandest and greatest railroad on earth leave ogden halt lake city or prove ou the eenink train in older to see the moat beautiful scenery in america train leaves rio grande western depot salt la ko city at p m and provo at 1034 p H 0 att dooly building general agat Paia engar SALT LAKE crry UTAH FOR inventions equal with the interest of those having claims against the government ia that of inventors who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents for the value of a patent depends greatly if not entirely upon the care and skill of the attorney with the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents we have retained counsel expert in patent practice and therefore are prepared to obtain patents in the united states and all foreign countries conduct a make special examinations prosecute rejected cases register trademarks trade marks and copyrights render opinions as to scope and validity of patents prosecute and defend infringement suits etc etc if you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof r a brief description of the important features and you will be at once as to the best course to pursue models are seldom necessary if akers are infringing on your rights or if yon are charged with infringement by others submit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter v THE PRESS COMPANY WF STREET NORTHWEST washington 00 n JOHN wedderburn managing attorney O cuttaia out end send with your JOHN CARSON A ROBERTS JK caw hiyi jl ft livery feed and sale stables transfer makes connections with all trains by hack and carriage F street between ath and ath streets provo city GOOD ADVICE every patriotic citizen should give his personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home teaches the american policy of protection it is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible after the homo paper is takegi care of why not subscribe for the ECONOMIST published by tho american tariff league one of ita correspondents says no true american can get along without it I 1 consider it tho greatest and freest political teacher ia the united states send postal card request for faw sample copy addicks wilbar F bajo man general secretary acs aa the midwinter mid winter fair the midwinter mid winter fair at san francisco will soon be opened the management baye carefully selected the best fair exhibits so that those who were seeing the chicago exposition wui still shave an opportunity tb inspect ithe foreign exhibits at san the kio grande western railway hinline inline with its usual progressive spirit will in connection with the so pac co put in effect a low round trip rate during the ME istance of the midwinter mid winter fair the B G W rv aa yon benow runs through to san francisco without change both tourist and first class pullman bleeding bleeping Ble cara two trofi PATENTS I 1 caiata and trade M irk and all other patent crums in abe and before the court promptly ana carefully care Tully prosecuted receipt of model or ct in jaffoni jAt fonI mako careful examination and ise to alie free of ebarle with my offices directly across from the arf benl enl being in personal attendance there it Is apparent that I 1 hata fa for prompt preliminary tor ane more ana of applications lor to all business entrusted to my jr tn the bonest possible nine information adala inta J E LITTELL V atoo and attorney in patent cause D 0 opposite V 8 patent office |