Show councilor alma hague lyliard cd etli embezzlement alma baue haue of the farat national ank of wa arrested leat in ball lake city on an order from banic examiner zeph hill charging mr hague with embezzling funds of the hank to the amount of about 24 mr hague ie a member of the legia dative 5 ju ci iad hia arrest has cna ed sensation and borrow he haa enjo d an enviable cepus tationa nJ has ma friebis throughout the territory the shortage in eai to have occurred through mr us eg ahn banks ann B in fer f er i ue onal busi uese ventures at a inee inz of the bank board held same time ago he made a full explanation of the state of at fara ind turned oyer to the bank real and personal property more than sufficient 0 o cover the shortage but in order to imply with the law it was necessary 0 o notify the comptroller of the treasury in washington he bent bank x vi iner and that official ordered the ar res made TOP acene tt marshals office where mr hague was taken was most pitiful the shock completely unnerved the unfortunate man and ha was over come with grief and mortification he went to the home of mr where he remained baat night in charie of captain |