Show GROCERIES elc ETC C A aw r 49 w va outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING HOUSE a ar 08 d aak afe 6 street Siti rt deu fth fight balala BB lAlA S x N r av S ar HT K E V U T A H ie constantian constantly constant Imn on chand i hand nt at aa T r w S T saila baha A RETAIL grocut groceries 1 I fis 1 r 30 ea v i xa J X C R j tobacco and cigars AND PRODUCE 51 I 1 lewoc e W 0 prompt attention given to lo orders by mail rl SUBSCRIBE i tic af TAW e ssie FOR THE X W 1 L r WEEKLY REPORTER L ahli THE BEST AV MIR i v h r A I 1 ro ari 1 1 W IV ft babi 0 afi in the taw mountains Z C 1 0 t i send it to your friends easty east west est north and south k rk rat C 2 1 ac i everybody will be clad to read the great creat gentile centile paper of utah to the paper ever issued in the mountains 9 arta iv A 0 00 only three dollars per year it t miscellaneous 4 ival tr 0 11 A WIN e pot or OF GEORGE A LOWEY LOWE A full stock of tho the celebrated P shufflers Shuf lers flers chicago wagons za ON HAND AN AND D rou abalo asalo ALWAYS eala at t r palce thebo These wagons agon are re thoroughly made of the tb ery cry beat materials rod tre keown all through tho the west nit as the beet beat and most reliable wagon maje made and ato r IN ili RESPECT alsa alao a full stock block ot of waon wagon corers all sizes wagon 0 bows thimble skeins shein sj war wagon 0 on woods wagon and carriage Carri ige material ol of all descriptions for sale at the he lowest cash rates also alo constantly in hind A lull full supply of 1 howors reapers readers and mowers self raking reapers readers Re apers threshing machines M ac h I 1 nes sulky rakes plows crain arilis gang cang plows and all 11 II vinda kinds of tho the best beat loj and latest improved firm farm year near the depot seli am JOB pris nc ON entirely ENTin ElY ELT NEW N E W MATERIAL M A T E R I 1 A AT TIIE THE reporter refuter office atia sw AND o faros TO THE unfortunate SEW NEW dr gibbons dispensary jt MO M 0 CM KEARNY STRUT corner if ct commercio commerce Com merciA il sin francisco Fraucisco on street libed in a 1854 for the treatment of sexual oud disease such as G altet S ric taro lure la in alt all its iti forms seminal ra liness impotency Impo lency 0 etc to skin lluent of dcarr standing standi Dg and ulcerated legs lefts ck ackt 3 treated DR GIBBON has the pleasure of that bo be to Is ri turned from UK file principal of and bas reen resumed mel lr practice acice the lector has ha reared lime nor mono men in 8 ae hanf out now new rem remedies edles anil and ha has a returned relur ned wl with tu increased acl ilia for use uio ol of human seminal weakness seminal emission is the of solf self abuso abuse alls solitary noli tary vie or depraved I indulgence is practiced by the youth of both sexes boxes to au all albort unlimited extent producing with unerring certainly the bo following train of morbid symptoms unless combat led by scientific medical measures alz ilz iz sallow countenance dark depota under the ryes eyes pits pila in tho the hoad head ringing la in the cars dolse like rustling of leaves or rattling of chariots unea ihms about tie me loina weakness of the lio lit limbs till confused vil vision tion blunted intellect loss of diffidence in ap p preaching strangers a dislike to form lew flow acquaint ances a disposition to baun society losi of memory a and ad various cru ploos about the faco face hectic flus nushon bee furred tongue fould breath coughs con tight light s eata ond and frequently insanity it if relief relict bo be not obtained abl ilni d apply immediately in gorfon or by letter and have a curo cure H by lis lia new and mode of tr cating thid disease ratch never falls fails in a aulk and radical cure cured at homo dersons at I a distance may inay bo be cured at al homo home by a letter to ur dr obbon stating billing case symptoms t of time the th disease lies lias continued and havo have madic alno promptly forwarded free from damare and curiosity curlo alty to kiy oy part of the country withful with full and plain directions for nee by inclosing 15 in cur carrener curro rener ncr in a registered letter through file rest post Of Illee or through ali walk bargo co A package of medicine will wiil bo be forwarded by cx ci press to any part of tho the ITEA writing to the doctor will please sato bato the name of the paper they see aee this lu in all strictly addrean rr DR J 1 GIBBON bpi ly box boi 1957 1057 san francisco california EBRA r ED bi awk 0 0 MA I 1 AC are arc indorsed endorsed Indor sed and proscribed prescribed by more coaling than any other tool tonii or now in use they are arc A SURE tor for fever slid and ague Intermit tents B and all dla did orders arising from mim miasmatic matic bansee ahby sea are highly recommended as an antl anti dyspeptic and lo in boses of indigestion are arc invaluable as aa an appetizer and and in cases casca of general debility they love nei er ina in a single Inela justa uco failed ta la producing the most happy results rc ulta they ar arn barly TO strengthening the body invigorating tho the mind min dAnd and tono and elasticity to tho the nh ajolo lo system the HOME bistrin are compounded qa ith the ht greatest care and no tonio stimulant las bas ever been offered to the public SO PLEASANT TO THE and at tho the same lime IMO combining so ao many agents in by tho the medic il fraternity as tho iha boat known to the iho it costs to giro gird them a fair inal and every family should havo have a a bottle ottle we auk ont one to read the follow following big certificates from many of the must moat eminent t physicians la JQ like count y T ST 0 JAMES A co gentlemen As you yoi haye have communicated to be medical pi of oress emelou irsil the receipt of the 14 nomo homo bitters it cannot thero to bo be considered as aa a secret or patent no patent having baving been taken forit for it wo we have haro tho the fermila for or maling the ibe 1 bome bitters Cit tera and unhesitatingly aay tho the combination tion Is one of rare exeLl all the iho articles used in its it composition ars are we the boot bet of the olas class to bich tho the belong being 11 highly tonic SImu laut carminative and laxative tho mode of preparing them Is strictly in accor dinco with aljo rules of pharmacy having used them seen inq it effect in our private practice we take pleasure in recommending mon dizig them to all persons desirous of boking bitters as being the best beet tonic end aud stimulant now flow offered to tho public L CU cn M D r 0 0 rosten SI D ALFRED SL 51 D C if 31 D daams M D C A WABE SI 31 D 1 J 0 II 11 D r E A SI 31 D dr 0 V F S 0 moms MD SI D W A WILCO if D V U S MARINE HOSPITAL ST mo oct 4 JASA JACKSO co I 1 have hare clain examined Ined he formula for miling the homo stomach bitters edd and used them lu tho tho last four mortan be I 1 conald r them tho the moet leoet valuable tonic ionic ano and d stimulant lant now in uso use L R sr lc lacin july 0 1670 JAS A jacaso S co having examined uie flo formula from which our celebrated stomach bitters are prepared and having vilt nemo I 1 the method of combining the dl dI berunt Terent in wo we can safely recommend them as tho the best beat ionic with which wo we are acquainted from the great care with which they are compounded and from tho the choice materials which enter into them wo we have no doubt that they will prove ai ag they do sere to br the most moat popular ionic anti and stimulant in use respectfully yours T J U M I 1 T 0 TOCE M D we cheerfully concur with every word contained in the above joule it at D borrs HARTMAN M D VASTI VA Tinn Nr U M 1 D bous T tindle M D 0 S INT il D F r 0 fut alit M D C oct OCL ID 19 1870 W D arr dt 1 co agents homo bitters gents agree able to our request I 1 have examined the of the no some stomach bitters bitter and zed the is remedies it contains con taInK such as are in general use by the medical profession they are very and pleasantly combined and as stimulating tonics tomes n ill bo be found essentially adapted as corroborant a to the treatment of 0 low or debilitated itce of 0 tle iho system lali whether ether arising from impaired digestion or from mal arlous diseases dr J L VAT rErA L A JAMES JAME M D R S WAYME C T ciui sos M D W T it D S P donen BOSS EI U M D J J huun U M D 0 S M 1 D J H M U D 0 W EIOLF 21 GLYn B IS n D W B R WOODWARD SI D 0 A TT M D chicago sept o J L lintn esq eq we have bate examined the formula of me Colebr celebrated atod stomach bitters and find it to be composed of articles that are considered tho best beat tonics used by the medical profession anti and one of the bent lillura 1111 ors we know inow of now flow in use very tory respectfully 11 II 8 11 D D mcl mc tek st 11 D J B waleen UD MD 0 A MAum mis NORMAN 8 BARNES 31 1 D for sale bv nit nil Hru seli 4 A grocers JAS A JACKSON JACKSOM CO props A it hi 1 ii I it tr 11 r 1 S L COLUMN U R I 1 TUB TIM yean Y EA P at bwy A ITic ill bo be found an imalee 90 1 STOCK OF liquors and cigars n AT S is L B kr A 8 Sout southeast Least corner of montana EVlon tana and fifth streets butali alio of the s X rr INT iza ES 77 M ss L z X C 0 ai is 13 invited to this COMPLETE WHISKIES JIo oita 7 old old ditc itc Cro crowders iders boullion n Coi flou ibon trIg extra Ho bourbon Itou ilion Urbon Cut clI bella boll our do iati III fit abla and half libla hlll koi 1 ol ollila lILl 01 ieko 1306 bon y G GIN I 1 N svan arn blache sunn A illel slum I 1 BRANDIES champ V P 1 I gitles robins co mixed SHERRY V 11 co UD it PORT JORT WINE IVINE burau ml hd 3 P D A S co CHAMPAGNE 4 P CUs cuite cc Ul kings N Cab cabluck luct chas S co california california WINES ENGLISH ALE CASE GOODS PORTER CIDER FITTERS BITTERS KEGS CIGARS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 3 1 reals Tb rb aSs als s UNION PACIFIC R A great PLATTE VALLEY ROUTE nolte nol TE it Is dow DOT running daily trains nii fr innon arming in ming g 11 i connection with tho the contra racile aluc railroad and all rail route to 0 o california and the PACIFIC 10 GAST through to so san S o francisco in ili less th an four days abiding Ao IdIng of me luc sw 2 A direct communication made at 0 cb c ive is alt j chicago and nil northwestern Clil caBO rock island slid pacific ind and Wo fph and council and stiver line of rackets to ud ani from all principal eastorn and sot sout Lorn cities CLASS HOTELS AND HOUSES tit t convenient on tho the lot palate palace sleeping rg and Dral dravin wing room cars accompany all train chiv ra r through rates ou on freight to montano mines and other pol tf ie II 11 ili general freight abt arnit t omits T r F 1 gadi hupt omaha C W MEADS MEADE aal aol ass t boal cupl t FRANCIS COLTON gtna ticket agent hwahl chicago chiei 0 o northwestern shortest lide loetta omaha and chicago CUIc igo tic the old acsa kIis liel line rant frost trains end and sure lh ills PALACE DINING AND SLEEPING SLEE riNG CARS BETWEEN OMAHA AND CHICAGO tao dally trall in train 00 UMON N make sure ar connection at t Clil ceo aitla vitla alithe EASTERN AND SOUTHERN ROADS 0 4 through tickets Tl clieta and til all information in to I obtained of 0 DAVID 0 cabrer A co agents AgeD kalt bait lake city or of arents ol of relon pacific road fsr B agent council k omitt H r STANWOOD 0 1 DUN LA P gon coa 1 bupt s1 gent agert tt chicago Clil cago chicago chloro gilmer Salis burys ISTA age G aid EXT EXPRESS R E S SHINE W from 0 C 0 1 K t iest r E 11 ll i TO VIRGINIA CITY HELENA and FORT DENTON BENTON MONTANA CARRYING TUB THE UNITED STATES MAILS AND wells fargo za co s express the coambes corinno corinne daily for vil CRY c with 1303 ton IIo nuoi 3 contact ACt helena imond and rort aorl trains be ill ways of I 1 mo t a cul jill road goot good new conelley Conc Con elleg lic nal quid binic TIM t AGENT FT 1 F |