Show I 1 territorial IAL 1 LN COX CON SALT LAKE may ilay 3 1872 I 1 A convention of the notional national union re ise publican party of the territory of utah is re requested d to assemble at corinne Curin noon on tile icah jay day of may ay iy 1872 nt at 10 A NI for tile purpose of electing two delegates and to alternate delegates to represent besent the territory of utah in the convention v ven tion to be beld ini in that city on tile the ulli day of june 1872 iaal tell et county anty in the territory N ill be on titled to du dc legAtes as follows 12 diute piute Ii ulf 3 cadle 3 silt lake 20 iron 2 set iii ier r 12 2 kalle 2 summit S 11 m in i t 2 millaid 3 2 utah ulah 0 5 rich 2 wasatch Vai alch 2 heaver beaver 5 san pete 2 0 2 boucle To cicle 3 5 weber ebar eb cr r G morgan SI organ 2 2 2 ington 2 J 31 ORR OSCAR R G SAM S alva IER I 1 E R IN V 10 lo 10 IS I 1 M MAXWELL LILL it 11 II H E P 1 jolly soy GEO A BLACK adhn IV DIAN 81 IRA SI JOHN P 1 J it II SAM L BALS GEO L WOODS G 13 1 overton C U C CLEMENTS SAM IV T RILLY J 31 0 F strickland J tuo nr 0 1 cah M T oboes tB OES J 11 II AV IV HULL V IV T ri amli |