Show OFFICE HOLDERS convention CONVENTI OH we note that elie ofeleo holders have lit at pot lit concluded to hold old 1 1 convention to cleat delegates delo dele or something to go ns as figurehead figure head heads to philadelphia fill and aasi arro to le ie present a its tor tho the purpose tho signers to abe call tire J al 31 orr ox ex states slates il and still fishing for the pico donnis dennis J ho he mut go with ta tho io ring or loe lo e the adver advertising liing win ni who goes one eye aya and it a half on A f judgeship oscar G sawyer r exordia iry and mt general bo he mittin tor the same circular combination E R II if robertson former law jaitner and anzic curiae to tile judge of tile tho first ju in geo R maxwell U S reg ilir alt of all alio llio haild obilee gen A lillet lill ft 1 U ti of the T y 1 i 1 1 1 1 johnton cin running in cahoots IN ill will lIv II a juvenile limb of tile tho liw and to johnson Johnq on ben Bau climan nn an Il from lie region of pro 0 ira sl 31 swartz clerk lirt dl di triet court vlis dvells spicer a blunder tile hie judge is 13 a strong greely man and goes for liim him sure sura J 11 II Wic lozer U S special mail agent julin john P taggart U S assessor of intern n rov onue G jol wood governor of utah the arnee of pro grant sam L ibbil Tb bil ro roped d ia 11 uly through the of lii his gu KUO I nature C C Clenic clements rits U S surveyor gentral general for utah 11 overton U 8 S receiver for utah 11 W T policy who i lie sam howe mail 0 F nil judge first district J 31 loore boore pos winster y 3 A gould gener ill il hild ling fulgo inan IV A perkins perking druggist in chief fur for ill the ring 11 the convention is ii to ansem ble at t corinne on llie elie dinst if a pance largo enough for it can lc be fluid there are arc to to lie ci hav nino nine de delegate legatos of salt litho lako n and 1 d orinne corinne tire arc to bornish about half and t tho io balance of the territory will pay little attention to the call we ive may a ali ald li that nearly balf of the s igue 9 do not nol bail from the Terri territory toy bot bat biorn parts of tile cu mItry ind find are ara carpet bp gers of the quality this co convention is now adjourned until wo we tion think k tho the public interest again ro quires it 11 notice of it salt S laae zinc let lct mill galled jade alo since our withers are |