Show OTICE IS GIVEN THAT NI JL I 1 IV 11 huntt mtnor of 0 corinne city utah territory fild on in tuo tile 1611 day ay of february A DIM enter in alio faai at salt lake T ti for the ibo several use sail benefit lot the owners ownen aol aad inhabitants i hereof tho iho land namely Bir orly lots lol tuo lo 10 2 lt it 0 8 end ud nine ti laoO 9 of section alit 6 la abbia mine 9 91 north range two esst 2 sst containing la in all OEO ass hundred aull aidt debt aud eighty 60 acres any person or orp r daod a to iu r W m a I 1 ID n the ab abobo ov a survey ot of lanil land will ale tha ilia tuc same aidi lili the clerk of the be county comity court of county U T before tb the ath ily day of anguay A V 1 1812 1672 as proscribed by liw law IV it if MUNRO mayor city V T H 1872 10 om em |