Show HI - arf 4 VS nn t HE f it les in d disc comprises most all art if it will and besides interest itself C Peterson ed in ordinary life E tain range livable on its debts ouchyeai it pays so that feeding durChris I’oulson protected in the homes grazing summer At present the Superintendent Their hearts of friends nece- some oh the real dclfis not sides will llalvcr Olson and weather rofissionnl (tnd I Insiness Cards fire 'colder l'etcrsor Richfield hi o Andreas once ing ths $iilH)0 stock of goods I' a carries it There holders' were still cheerful and never of miles drUing the heaviest sloik till 1370 ssitate many new venw toiiins herds in the Rrandley lining the agent been TnE LEADING TOWN OF SOUTHERN they waverd as they waited numerous dieep The reputable Store is a R Tliurniiin I J Stewart t: are HISTORICAL to is incurIl'lTAU-lThe Boston Store lias SITUATION-tthe cultivation ol their field It which older sheep for business begin in the again from ture I'llURMAN as vicinity Is known - Its future What owned is farms KESOUHCKSso fields and can he obtained S If ETC TEWAllT a " ? conducted bj in isa winter fattening of run as Settlement began COLLINS Second prosperous scarce Carefully they it liome patties when fat sheep are Grande the stock of goods in one room :Asn traveler on the Rio back from the that a mall and good Lake Loir moving ot Salt satull a to settlers the the captial is with Attorniys and travels may be supplied to till two large rooms lhe it UTAH Western leaves Salina north during that year and at the market The rearing stock of goods the little store is regood horses has grown RICHFIELD sied and fields past arc county groceries s goods the dry handled through the green and uhn muueratlve to its he sees but sum time reorganizing has always been of importance the s and shoes and gent’s furnishings (piite next mot year spectable farm houses The Mil) A XI EL DEAN is will it propretress in Audertou ach-- i government now low Mrs Martini price i though is always utile io tell him that he Is appro animals Mr Eversoll the propentor vier Stake' wits organized with Joseph t( roiir t lie Richfield Store one of the uf afterward as around pro?lablo he a J onep city ureu and lias drawn good-na- t ing so pretty Attar mil J ot Loir ' piesuknt and business houses in Sevier county the driving or many siniul f peavy ent finds Richfield to be But when trade was ah wholesale since a called him J familiarly or -- it is well past twenty years busi Jambejng an industry of soim tores iu the south traveler approaches from the east col- i: in the courts the r it mill saw oncd opened store William' Audertou min'Julfiwntthi-rwhilAugust! importance The only Itiohfleld r the south and sees the immense V C B Orroek began a little saw ICE— In Aril item RuiUHnjJ incteen years have gone sine houses people being the mill ot Richfield and is ness Be trees shade of by Bike lections to little lint capital charge with ( mo-1vier Count y istil ii ami was appointed the Nielson isRean located on the East moan t man of considerable business ability the rock store still the best standing on a gentle slope withcedars nf building the Clear Creeir road t lurt ruown substantial busine-- s buildings in the Mi Bean W Waiiu f red sand stone hills capped by built upa business of handling he l and at — i I'iobae Ind'f M'ey Though many was limit pul and pines for a back ground it is then scarce in Utah but the mines of I " the produce widen his customers had county silk fnr in thcbusincss na(iv think Wallace brown t hat the beauty of the city appears varite y of pro- seem to " share of the steady "wllrall He handles a greater Al'nfi n's ot Loir And when the tiaxelei houses mid ed it lias a good its business glory other than ducts 1 of ttie tub amounts to nothing outside a trade uikims— I" neu Block IUcIiIIimI readies the broad streets and feels the St ate ami Feil- has been unite energetic in opening makes shade whicli Jl 1 Hansen the present county s of practice la all the courts farm-crmany Creamery the lRichficK coolness Commercial delightful tlien orofor the products of the market t’urpi'rai inn baud and a of that pleassupplm and a candidate for butter indeed Tffwd quality lie feels that it is t nresent time lie lias ins treasuter mesa Solicited Atfl'c as Frisco small store wliicli lie cona far southwest as leading has Utah's ure to rest in Southern the market with WO V vear later the unitill bdilding tie GIDEON SNYDER tOVI II ducts in a careful way to meet Hie U JENNINUS merchandise of stock general e a at rf" SNYDER remonts of a small capital E X X I yf s Richfield is well located to N J Sheffield came here a few some of all kinds of goods future date be the Atlormys of Low jigo and opened upa photo- keeps months of a fair business in a small store does conter TAllery Early in August lie PRACTICE 1 X ALE TI1E COURTS commercial graph On the notion The Poulson GrisUnilli Is n rollei Mr leiininca has practiced twenty Years ripened (ipallttfo dry goods and ana r It turns mi tle Supreme courts of In person many Store known as the Golden Buie This mill run by he United Stale- - He will attend Hour coup-of eaeh in court a its Dislrii't of Oil cut the good hut quality to terms all fairly En Aug busi ''esj is conducted in wtty iu thih intriut vale and ttie agricultural resources and While Mr large number of hogs are raised as an middle-men’of profit Utah Richfield In connection wil h the Piute county and in the same valley Shctt'eld makes a proper profit sfiveing adjunct commerce are Monroe bathroom a its of Is as feeders consumfnill there DU C II HEBERT pay to ttie (lie steam Any- Glenwood Joseph Anna-lidlwaste the Elsinore with armed success er He is meeting with great from ce can bath Jnverury n liis store and will' this month do a jmc tliqt enjoys a good I’hysirian ond Snryion Richfield Ucr into rellBionlsts centers mill trade Poulson w'mwunt which the (lie predomlrollg 'business tainly get one at the a the The larger towns of San Pete county Is store Ollice at Pioneer Drug Store Among our industries we have furniture Sn-'lcTlico Brtindley’s the oj U Harness Shop Son’s llie Hrit najfiTtoSoro and have in t lie past struggled for V r“"rlS’KF"Cr-Borg the otdy ppe hi Richfield rBrandley O UTAH leadership of Southern Utah hut they all their harnesses RICHFIELD ms lateiy tjdded a stock of stoves and They make pearly railroad Southern L tali well knew that when the over which'are used all ranges to 'his furniture He also deals DU E SMITH readied Richfield thus developing and piunoos Three men are constantly employed an U inu - n the Crown organs as well as harness? the mines of the mountains giving The mmnn an u nutprtwo-tiermsMr Rrandley prided himself upon run-- They repair shoes ot D ntist known as the Academy Hall mulct for the numerpus products house serv ow He Christen-carric- i via one price store here j find Theodore p)avjd Hansen and Teter a good many years ago :iing a strictly built her farms and bringing travelers wa9 of Jt stock The dollar bishopric a of ing ins second terrii do good work in the ShoeQ A nderton Building to see her beauty that their days 'and is getting rather small as to Ii Nelson furof igglns sorts been liave former ofall of Jllichfield Yet' Richfield ilpe The sh op the I The tabernacle which :f goods consisting uprenpicy were past ing otc the second “after nitura first upholstery Ug on‘ Main Street opposite the UTAH unnatural stone or fQUnd a other is F1EL1 II bcotn erection of large has had no Kl(’ from 1873 Ibuildi-nhas that seegmiller business goods Another dry pjonso The latter is found the walls of which are up it growth but it by the upward!i T 1377’ vlhen Richfield was formed to front the been till MRS X II ST JOIIX '2000 gprect opposite the Post ot ovement' the honest a seating capacitv wumj Store The Chicago ls II find Taylor’s be old would settlers course of her a Stake build ing ft down business!! of the First Ward and are Chicago does of the enterprise dioase for Bichtteld Qgreati jpterest to the ladies inifllux Sivk the the thy Care of General Olid Mid irij rii and Ajust all for Lh0 lon goods a Three dressmaking dressmakers place large peocKeast east that she has now reached ue- - f”Thi9 denomination conduct few yearslater Joseph iS from making profit parjor8 aro to be found in town all ’the ihiddle-men- isaniem There School here' Ittat truly marks ‘her as' the great the second ward and jSabba'th The ioods handled consist of general RICHFIELD UTAH doing a very g00d business Miss town of the south remained &ch Rich- - Sbership df over live’ hundred foot e clothing moun tpioda the to close lies dry The tqwil prnia Christenson’s parlors are on wear glassware and queensware The the second floor of the Ence building-MisHOME ft MrCAUTYi and istnre is always orderly we'l-keLizzie Young’s opposite the Post-thV N Deputy tlie IjofHco and Mrs refilled often are ’shelves Riley in the old Clark - selors Small promodSURVEYOR UAL motto being MX E residencei same elevation Is 5300 feet its climate All presidents of the stake have though under the The livery business seems to flourish and NOTARY PUBLIC crate and well adapted to the raising lived in Richfield which has always dency es not meet in the smile build fitb M Peterson and Co is tlie :in the while Jalties Acad-ccr fruits hardier the iilchneld While it is not the tcr- of apples and The former meet in President Ibeen headquarters' last and store Year MONROE UTAH warm springs which supply the ehy the Relief 'largest capitalized minu3 of tlie railroad it ls( here that' moved to Mexico in 18 and A emy Hall and the latter in and did a $21000 business The tw jm0Btl 0f the drummers take team for it it Ii water cause its shade trees Hall K Thurber became president Upon store occupies ls Til K IV RIGHT HOUSE W F and southern points gardens to grow with a viger The women of this church are organ- story ouMlng the W H Seegmiller beItW in His death in cast(rn mercantile building the of largest Relief tlie as hv any tewp on the Sevier a stock is eighteen known tsnytler keeps came president He now holds the ized into what are Proprietor K WmoitT Most of the goods for the K HISTORICAL much good Richfield ycllicle9 prul)0rtionated in doing They AV Society H and Clark Joseph with in the east the jmunber are was several years after Parowan position Nearly all the time from among the poor especially They have company to boughta as his counselors Horne 'S and ever ready town have supply a aim of had liemmie being thriving of jqs outfits are out with their t(J storing with on twQ was jour steadily new canal gone Class in Erery Way Several years ago a and Co is the Christiansen Jensen seven hand tow ns farthersouth had already grown on now have drummers while two to four men arc r to run above Richfield which grain anfi Slain Street as the on store first to poscss no small timount of import-ic- built of wheat Aggie bushels intended to carry water out to hundred south cmployed in local affairs wliertCceneral W was Thurber is president and Dorcas traveler approaches from tlie There are four hotels in tlie city al never has canal Terms Reasonable The Cedar Ridge firm lias but a small capital yet The Pace George W Bean Bp William and whicli seem to do a good business Farnsworth of but to all of the land who awcett John Turner Silas Smith been completed The Richfield Utah Young Men’s they are cautions careful dealers counselors as Tlie her that work of Wright House and the Jensen id the latter’s son Marion foimed an it is an impoitant piece so many of Utah’s people have like Improve-meMutual Ladies lotel are comparatively new houses he marked as an and Young nedit ioi tolocatesettlenicritson tlie will in future years JEXEX HOTEL llorr- - mijt their business up steadily They a are in very Associations 1891 et they have drawn a good share o? Richfield s histury In conduct a bakery that supplies tlie trade Sevier River The company selected epoch in also Men’s The condition Young ishing Utah such sigiits the places where Rich esh bread each day for family and Elsinore Association lias not been organized Tlie Wright House of which I K Tlieyai--now stand field and Monroe travelers’ of supply officers The for the coming year Wright is proprietor is located one Jill ronforts (irnln w it locate a town between are two millinery stores in block west of the court house being decided 'o Newly ur There Association t lie Ladies Young GihmI stables fet Elsi-o- i ' kept uul luiy llie present sights of Joseph and Lizzie West man president with Mar- Richfield Miss Alice Brown conducts home-likin its appearance and ac: r tojLms tlie Miss Brown is e When on their return and Surah- Hall as her one on Main Street With lawns in front Jenson tha conimoadations San also adding a stock of ladies coats in d an orchard at tlie back a livery y reached the settlements in The Primary Association counselors )’ OLD KENTUCKY HOME'' etc they were told that tlie expedicaps and other wraps to her present stable handy its accommodations are the authorized been by not had Miss Carrie l’oiilson conducts tion Lock not surpassed in the town If you believe in Silver ifi to and same the in Later to invite beds authority parlors at her liome on Main that proper millinery good meals good Tlie Jensen Hotel is widely known Miss I’oulson has been1 in the Street education Al“tk' the a deal fur Is tlie sleep anti pleasant dreams good (IiinB great for tlie hospitality of the host and liis to for many years business children of tlie J and The tiotel has recently been hilly Papers Haul' Alatjazhies family most part alkaline yet- it- produces and lias codiiderable trade from tlie enlarged in capacity by the building Eleanom-Mclsoand and is president Its durability excellent crops-anyou feel at hospitality that makesRoom outlying settlements on of a sample room with be rooms up than loomy land The pro-- Matilda Hanson are her counselors home with a Sample greater is plain to see that it is always t Luilt was church to The Main street go Presbyterian stalls making in all a pleasant hos duction to the acre of 'wheat is about in one line of busiwell church tospceialie is a 188!) in being it very Of oats thirty pretty pitaUe place twenty bushels and THE KEXTl'f'KY HOUSE There are now ness and tliosd who do so aro laying The Richfield Ilou-- e is conveniently cultivation the land built of white rock reasonable With sucUtah Co Sevier Monroe sect Rev the best foundations for future of the communicants fifteen on Main Street being a conlocated for crops 'such to hear continued stores are doing a Two cess good present time and has been for many lias came dry lie is hotel of about ttnf Meteer J the Ii pastor hard- venient twenty yPiirs and ydt it SeenH Scarce years the oldest settler of the place good business as are two forty-sias 1894 fairly others ah town'1 are There in same of here 'while cehefils capacity less productive of tar tlio leading But stores By the beginning of 18(i5 Richfield ly ware by Henry Outzen is proprietor it produces alfia!ys ttor fid grown to be quite u largo town lucerne is very cncr-- hardware business of Southern Utah Miss teacher The The Metropolitan Hotel also oi also Wylie land ’The often three cuttings at1 present done by Bobtho and liaving one hundred and twenty-seveis work her in Main Street lias a convenient locatidn1 in 'abundance getlc PLANING MOLDING TUUNINf men who had dug the canal and thus produces vegetables This house has been estabLewis a brick built Methodists the In in aro not produced During the time the stage ran froth nlaced Richfield on i basis Of perma- Better potatoes D a member-Twed- e lished five years yet duringtiiat time Salina tins house had most all customl lias The church do not does chapel soil nt prosperity and prepared tlie way Utah though the clay is they liave built up a large trade both but lately it lias been divided more t O O Gnu ml Wood Work Done at My so well as loom would do Root crops ship of twenty-eighthat raised were year which crops wholesale and retail Their aim is to by Mid TPoJ of the Poulson evenly this time are vnry profitable and it is strange the present pastor after and shortly Before specialize more on stoves which they Roth r Mill There are two drug stores in Richthis to is little attention so paid needed that a heavy emigration there was quite order by tlie carload when field "Wurtzcl being each owned by practicing Mangle from Mt Pleasant and from there sort of products Tiie Richfield Hardware Company Dr G II Herbert runs fifteen to twelve physicians came many ofRichtteld’sbest pioneer's beets weighing lias conducted its business which J C ANDERSON tlie Pioneer Drug Store and Late in 1SIU the Black Hawk War pounds are not a seldom pioduct cellar under llie James M Peter tlie a large stock Dr ILK Niellliai well in’ do Turnips and carrots also HeoRGE II CROSBY JIB son Rank lias just sold to John Chris- a began and the people had to live The stock but ample to supply smaller acre to tons the dread of an Indian attack ducing many For some time past Mr tensen meant originally for liisj trade the is an of important pork EDITOR OF which they carefully guarded against produptiop Christensen lias been engaged in tiie ovMi buMncss but now becoming more until March in 18(17 when the settlers adjunct to farming and it has brought iinpUment business and lie is now extended CENSOR abandoned all the settlements this cash to tlie farmers for many years THE SOUTHERN building a new hardware store at his on solid We regret that lack of room on the seems to alway- Kept side of Gunnison and retiurned to the lately however tlie industry bank has two old place Although a young man he front page causes us to stop here the time At the present wantof the for capital be languishing A N settlements north do a good business in and hundred regular accounts and last is preparing to Next issue wc will continue this Tlmso were days of trial for the liar-- to carry the business on in a larger is ample for another field whicli tlie business dollar a million did fNear pre-esketch with an account of the public There homes were but more systematic manner at dy pioneers to grow if properly managed home peois Ca tu rat Nnopaptr Correspondent not among This it schools legal firms physicians promihut principally do a at a fields little however few pioneer cabins their farms and The Workingmen’s Store one of nent men etc of Sevier ie insure to ple and a cultivated with large enough capital were as yet hut poorly Richfield's old time business houses is Wil receive and forward uhscriptions a regular market or to make thero- - counties t he attachments were not yet so si roag of ill holding its own in tlie field of st withto tin- leading periodicals Among ttie stores that have as factors in competing yet it was their all and they left it elves felt trade The store bears a reputalocal Hie State and Nation the stood the trials of many yearto be destroyed by tlie Indians or go with Salt Lake and eastern houses It ran tion for solidity being in tlie hands is numbered in connection with Richfield all kinds of to wreck and nrn for the want of cure sale careful in for k and to in Keeps behind for a long time and finally of men w ho are calm and Rut they left their homes w illingiy the farms will each year assume a stock of $soou an carries C It business the hands of a creditor r t heir : : and returned to the liome-greater importance It is but eight went into LEGAL BLANKS merclianof The stock general redeem can goods ' it - JL I is so But it that mounto from or town miles or the ten friends when they might Ami guarantees their legal accuracy Vol t 1896 Utah Friday October 23 Richfield -- 1 which can lie procured for - A TS ' “I'"'1"' I 1’ stock-holder- ct- st j all ac-ti- old-e- gd i e l -- - !r ct- - '1 J 1 Ki-llio- i town-sigh- Well-tille- d re-)t- ’ steam-powe- y s ’ steam-heate- middle-man’- a 1 oteawro MhlSS W-t- y s - d s - - -- -- r ap 1 J I I 1 three-thousau- nt d -- 1 I a‘ t h farlfe-Woufe- I I id tfu-'whe- t I rfeady-mad- s pt quiCk-salesan- I Spen-Pin- g unsur-pa-e- ! d ! 1 1 Fh-s- Uhri-teiis- n -- o nlw-iy- e corn-pa- -- 1 d-- MIira I I - 1 well-ke- x Wood Working Shop stu-ha- d - ( 1 n rackets I I keep-quit- e nt lt-e- if L 1 nt hu-ine- -- - -- -- Mercantile Company Utah Thurber Mansfield Co-o- p Stock-raisin- g - V s |