Show - Yr'"'' lilESOUTHEENCEHSQBl t J big holders to lease other land for our i' tix1?- SfcM g w— Republican contemporary umnrTmrrnrvT’:’— ATJirtmrr'tms mi lie used entirely for hordes and cattle A snrTimcomcmrTnffffMiitnirTr nr r Is l't’ULIhllKD BYKIIV FllIDAY AT ruiils are worth but fight a familyeipart of whom are cents on tin dollar RTchfi kli) Seviku' County Utati seventy-livSo to the exclon of sheep The people known tebe innocent of using family when any one sells thq county any- should all bo ready to have a part in iipjpenit'eljeeause quo memljcr of By GEORGE IT CROSBY J it thing he will charge a fourth more for this leasing that all may ‘have sum- family very unwisely brquglit family it This means that for every seven mer range secured influence Into a nominating speech Rcvtcrr-TOTintrn- T'- e hundred a fid IJffy dollars in value the county receives it must pay one thou sand dollars in county warrants which it is reasonably spre will le redeemed No inside of B'um one to two years State Directory: VN IT KD bTATFS SENATORS Frank J Cannon Arthur Brown ColUikESS A It'll GOVEKNOIJ ' Wi'lls MCKETAKY Ol' STATE James 'I' lliininionil STATE AElUTOLi: Jluran liicliiirds Jr SPATE TKEASntFlt Jauies I Idpman M jh-lii-- lnisi ness man can be blamed for his extra charge Few of them are able to hold the county uai ranis till they If a are paid so they cash them hardware dealer sold a stove which cost liitu twenty dollars for twenty-liv- e InlJars in county warrants lie would get Inn eighteen and throe-f- o So the twenty-liv- e ni t la dollars dollar stove lie sells to the' county to dollars must be net him twenty-livdollars marked up to thirty-thre- e Tlie mercljanf lias but got li is honest dues Tliq county could bond Jtsself now and get money at from six to eight per cent a year Then the county would pay one hundred and twenty dollars for the use of a thousand dol-laor one ninth for the use of the money for two years wliile now it is whin): will make a pin ing needless expense of several thousand dollars annually Many people are opposed to bonding butebimding is’ not bad nn less1 It is badly used When a county Is bonded to build or make But other improvements it ts“bad when bonding is used to keep down a Hunting debt and to keep business on ‘if the a cash'basis it is it bletaing people will judiciously select three good men two t'forti one party and one from-thother’ for commissioners and then vote for a reasonable bonding of the county our busi noils can be more easily and better rtin than it can be Ji T TO UEl’KEsEXTATI Cl’jUM'lli'l) E tt i e ATTOIiNEY-fENEltA- ( Itishop 'PI’FltlNTEX ITIillC DENT NsTKl'l TION ® 'Tulin It Pail' k'fiirli S sl'PUEMK JUDGES Zaiie HAKTC11 V J rs ' MINEIi ’EDGE FOR SIXTH DISTKK T: “ Curly A ITT I V -- M A Ahlnl A DIIIKCrOlll ELECTMEN: ! t C Shipp Hans Uasmnssen Siuji’l G Clark County Cle: M haul'll Reeorder— Tae 'i psessoi — Cliai les Apdersjn Qolleetor- - Fred G Vlle(i SherilV-Iol- W Popps Mi upt Sidioo' Jieoli MiiKleliy - J'reasui-- 'i — 11 I’ Han sen pproner— As i R Hawley frosecutinir ' I t'y -- J Ji Jeniilnps Ulelifleld Sallna 0 Slionber Surveyor— Sallna Sottlcrs W’ls M’rs—P C I’etersun Rlelilltdd Sheep Jnspc lor— Jas Crosland c E West Sallna County Pliy-lcla- r one-fourt- h t at the pfok'rit'tiW milKTOIM CITY ' Caro of Cemeteries : Annabella should fence the grave yard Glenwood has need of rethe pairing the graves is its yurdj-forecent tloods damaged them When the damage is repaired a water-breahould be made to prevent another flood doing damage It was-- paVdon-abl- e love with primitive men who revered the graves of their fathers and we slioUld hot forget to show our of the departed and1' their acts by keeping their graves regood in place- r k membered ' It Sliouhlo’t " Tiier(B are many great still a Merchant Tailor You can laugh at the chilly winds SUITS VADE to ORDEIt AT VERY LOW l’RK'ES - AND SATISFACTION — UCAKANTEEI BY AN OLD EXPERIENCED Cl’TTEIi Winter Samples 3" t arrited from two Broadcl ith All New (roods Fact orips Come and See 1 E JOSEPHSOX Tailor Richfield Utah rilKMmr LAKH 7 MCMI- -tt I I tiiiiuni: KIY Jleduecd to 8J00 pcrYear Hlter June 1 i sim On June 1st the Salt Lake Trllmu e will re uee t lie price of the Pend-week- ly to fTOO per rear The present high standard will ho Wlntuinrd and every effort will lie made to III till" front rank y eep the Semi-weekl- Home Industry Honey Cans Extractors and all kinds of Pieced Tinware Kept on hand and made to order at my shop First North Street East of Social Hall Peter Greco W AKU VNTS AMI GET CASH TAKE lOTllCOt NTY TO J n LACUITZKN t on THEM hands Of 'local' business talent But the childish timidity ot both the local parties keeps them all the time These stores togetherwith the p herds tanneries 'factories and such saying what they bblleve in regard-ttariff free silver and other business houses have also encouraged that are of little concern to save to their questions the people Spare capitup al and invest in' them" But for many any county organization to the entire years tlie capital' of nutst all these neglect of all local question1' So the stores has been passing Into the hands people having but' little that smacks of a few men and from being the peo- of principle to vote on and they must ple at large doth theif own business vote for the best men They are unto work for it has come tobeti company composed bound to anything fexcept ' of a few large holders and a slightly free silver and all creation' knows larger liumherOf sffiall onds This de- that no one but tlib legislators can do To the people of Sevier we cay Is to be deplored for it makes a de that So for the candidates who will “Vote ay cay in Utah's business stability Our have always best fill the offices and trust to their suffered from too frequent changes of judgment to pursue the best course management still they have done a But this county can not afford to groat deal of good Here In Richfield have a straight ticket of either party Store is at present in the elected if there are better men on tlie the C M I: which house is oilier ticket and neither ticket lias hands of to willing hac tlie people redeem it all the best men when they can and it would be profitable too for the business is in a fairly There is a good condition wliile the total value habit of goods store real estate and securisame partithat ties is more than enough to justify san are given to’ that the people in buying it back if they of country papers candidate on tlie every abusing would Then they could get the prooilier ticket A correspondent to the fits of their own mercantile business Salina Press of last week corrected the statement that F M Rarity was Mas meetings a wife heater No one ever believed Sccurltj of Hummer Kanges should he called tlie statement anyway arifi the Advoin eaffi of the cate’s half denying insinuation regardtowns of the county to take steps to- ing tlie report was unfair and the did it to he so ward leasing some sections of mount- Advocate No Yermil-Boain land for summer range matter how good the man is or how already lias its application in readi- well qualified he may be for the office ness Salina has done something jn he is nominated to fill the party organ that regard and otlwr towns should eerns to wqnt to pick every Maw and be thinking how much range they Join that onto a lot of untruths to Richwant and where they wapt it the other man It is truly a field should secure about tvepty-fivmatter of admiration to know that sections of the best mountain several of tlie Republican county nomnorth ppd west joining YermiUion on inees are bold enough to come out and the headwaters of Willow Ureok El- say that they do not uphold their sinore should then have a piece of party’s organ in Its course of belittlWe ing every man on the other ticket grazing land suitable Ip size know nothingof Joseph's grazing facil- Any truthful man or periodical would ities Monroe and Glenwood will find admit that the Democrats have a their best places on the east mountain ticket made up of good capable men This land is not ready to be leased as and one capable highly respected woyet but it will be in a short time and man some of whom are better the people will have the first chance qualified than their apponents yet to lease it The Censor would advise they tnust be abused and slurred by co-o- I n e ot an unseemly struggle for the nomination or unduly seeks the favor of those who1 may bested office that he shows himself am office seeker ' Much Victor E Bean has not done' and ms OWN Al’TONENT A FAIR MINDED AND A GENTLEMAN ‘ADMITS - I - 1 - o- nt ii I Boston Store Merrick’s Thread Company y Best - Six - Cord - Machine - Thread ' X I a tji Si I RECOMMENDED t j ' t V BY ' i v ( j The Singer Howe Remington New Home Florence Weed ppondstic White New F Wj sop Vi ctqrrand Davis Sewing i'i yj Machine Companies ! AY i1 -- ' AS THE- - MAN “ i the1 Co-o- p onotiat the votes jumped on to whole family When the Advocate attacked the Democratic nominee for''treasuver it knew that he had never been and was not then an officO seeker Because a man has been many times nominated for office does-nsay that he is an offiee seeker is it when a man makes who o : Ji 1 - THE GROCERIES ?' ' Josephson and ti - : GOODS it: 1 SHOES aW HATS'! ' ’ - DRY s J j' Their Special Prices x i E i ' Warits YOU to get Is nothing In Tli6' Attack An '‘Tlie Bean family which a town can ex- as becomes any Tlie Heims K ' ON ljihit muro ta$tj jtind set of private si in than care the of devotpRness pure individuals who arc knowingly miscemeteries The cemetery Jn Rich treated and abused have treated the He'd has been fenced upd lit Is now Advocate's attack with the contempt proposed to get water on it from Cot- it deserves Victor E Bean being betonwood so that trees may hcplant-e- d fore the public us a candidate has deThe people should rally to the fended himself A current rumor aid of the city council in tikis and the Advocate’s editor has says thap donate laljor to make the ditches and said that he was willing to have the e plant I lie trees Elsinore is preparing members of the family come up and You can settle lour old account 1st Nov fence the town cemeteryIs with It “plead nut guiltytf tunhis charge of a ime they were for the grayes of oc- family rpig Who put any newspap- WTikiiT to si V many dear ones look lonely and un- er man in poscssion of such authority 75 cared for there and entirely unbecom- that because Of tlie unwise action pf Sevier most ing County's enterprising one member- - of a family he could Monroe people work well and abuse them all? Who made the Adtown earnestly to build up theirihonjes for vocate a court that can punish with the living and lately they have been any thongs IB desires? Who did the caring more for the graves of their first wrong tlie paper or the family? ' friends The cemetery has been nice- The paper did when without properly tomb-tones ly fencedi and a few creditable obtaining any evidence further than and monuments are being put the Word of he could turn Richfield quite a of cattle find sheep Tight in 'the mid( owing J MJeiikeiio neces-itatelloodliiiniNin peaceable town and dle of our towns This'' often N P Peterson sttackS Mil being kept In Morten Jensen large hay vdVy good Order near the JpsppliS Horne towns of the centers the hazKhbulii'be all Tilts' maintained at Ueeordeii— Carl Goldlircrtion ards Just lately the hoodlum element business' houses 'Add1' ' to 'this the rreasurilr— Janies Christianson seems to lie growi ngand many passers-b- y disease breeding corrals Stables and Fustlee of th Peace— Slnion Christensen areinsulted byrufllans who break stack yardsj’and it becomes a nuisance Marshal— U W Blomqulst T J Stewart the city ordinance by their profanity If cattle and' sheeh in humbor' are to City Attorney— be in the fields or the fitreetSupurvIsor— POPeterson and make rude iemarks to members bo fpd it' should ' Poundkeeper— John W Ooorts sex “The city fathers should outskirts of town' 'Keeping work of either SYuterm Aster— 'Mads Christensen look after matters (if tfiis kind and see horses milk ccwsand a few other anQuarantine Physician— 11 K Neill M ! is’v liecessarj fcutj it is that the proper dtticeis (To their duty imals in town One of pot needed to keep sq many as are WAYNE COUNT Y DIR ECTOR Y in dispersing these gangs the w'orst'of these seems to be especial- KeptCOMMISSIONERS" ' in Rcmtof the ly food pf tjte side-wal- k Fremuit Iliett Maxfield Boston Richfield stores Every It is a pity in Teasdale CJtarlesSnow nlghtihore jsfi dance in Andorton’s everycQuatyclty IIanksvllle iWJUiam S Rust IlaR ttjpy coagreate there to annoy or toyvn to not the c counW dapeefs apt rude to passers-b- y & have tjie best most competent and recorder ounty Clerk and chase the dancers home with hide- strongest— minded men in the official ' Loa c H-Hansen ous yells They are all right as long positron But It has been so here In ' " ASSESSOR A collector: as the marshal is around but are very isevier county that some meat compet Calnesville John H Curfew Impudent when he is out of sight ent citizens of the county cwha would Parents can do much to suppress this have made better officers than the and should assist the officers In doing ones elected to fill the places u have ‘ u SO been left out of the harness because they believed in tariff for revenue In the history of only J ust as If the belief of the man Utah the system regarding the national questions had has any bearing on his competency as a of been an important factor of growth county official There are dozens of The co-o- p storbs throughput the state questions in this county regarding liave always brought in something to the county government that should the people in the way of dividends be presented before the people that while tney have kept the business in their ballots might tell ttieir views Hut if you lire garmented by L There is Vinter Comes On Apuce BOSTOITSTOEE - feed largo'' numbers MAYOR— Theodoro Brand ley POI'NCTE— E 0 PotepHon T Tarents sefHora realize the'good they can do b'y assisting tlie teach ers of their children both In clay l school and in schools and associations thejf may atAssist tlie Teachers riliferousT-educationa- BEST THREAD FOR'THEIR MACHINES J ST F')t ' TI n ftpnpPN i P U pule ndertakers and Contractors V Y J I J 7 ' : tend If parents ''would' but show enough Iriterest to call on the schools ’ ' 1 i — - - — v r i i i during tlie HviWer days'1 'when there is We keep on hand a fine assortment of little else to do they could help a great deal ’But when the never any attention to scWol '(lie children think it is of' less importance than v ‘ “i G ' 1 - d ? ' ' ft J-iKJo 0 1 IvCSQ O i U v they otherwise would It is impossible fer a teacher to do extra good work unless thp paints "do' something too Then always give the teacher ? the benefit ot a doubt Jn auy trouble that may be reported to you Do not i : Ready condemn what a teacher has done bes w fore the cbiIdrenbutgo to the teacher and talk matters over As a class ilMBER teachers are very glad to counsel with IS ALWAYS SUPPLIED wmf'liSufelt A!NtY DRESSED ' MoULDiNhs1 :i!’ Yarious parents but often lack time to Call And Last of all make the education: of "’We are' also'1 ' "CbJitradtors 'and B'uilders your Children a great aim in lifepand Our prices are' 'fair: Cdll and see Tbr yoursertcl ' that will assist the teachers and the ( )' ' '' ' h thl Mr t ''ti : & pupils more than you have any idea u 1 a 1 — a pt ‘ ' Caskets Coffiivs HirivisKms ( 1 Gents’ and Boys’ Rob6s and Bpriaj Shoes - 5?6UR PLRWiNGSvMipu u j l aHy and uOUR LUMBEB YARD hi kinds shingles ' ‘ Horne Too much Tt is a common thing in apolitical campaign Nohe to make a great deal of noise concerning a very trifling affair It is so in this conntj' Both tickets are good and no matter which is elected there will 00 good officers for the next two years Then it makes but a very little difference to the people at It Is well large as to who are elected for candidates to become acquainted and they should move around and do so to let the people know who they are voting for But further than this there Is no 'good of spending so much time money and wittd' to ' elect thM or that man ' “ " " In politicians tTtan made a when fuss great the Mormon authorities interfered in The People's Party and all politics its actions were condemned by the press of the nation That may or may not have been justified But why are those same great papers now so ready to praise arch-bisho- p Ireland for his If the prininterferenee in' politics ciple was' right in one place it was in another In tlie present questions be fore the nation there iscertainly noth ing so Inhuman and corrupt that tlie pulpit needs to interfere and it would have tlie mark of consistency if tlie great publications which now laud Ireland's letter would apply the rules they laid down for the Mormon priesthood to follow t i Miller i i Richfield Utah P“r HSIWNHf Departed Show your regard for those who lave gone before in nf" ‘ ii( Enduring irrigating Grave Stones ARTHUR HENR1E i i i i i t & v- - has established his Narbl Wopk? gn Center St East of Co-o- p Store ang js prepared to’ make grave stones and do all kinds of WO Cernetery Work ‘ - ONLY FIRST-l- j INSCRIPTIONS t lCr WORK EXCHANGED FOR PRODCCE We Offer Great Bargains — IN Furniture Carpets Window Shades Lace Curtains Baby Carriages Wall Paper Universal Stoves and Ranges Etc We qre agents for tlie eelobrated “ Crown ” Organs and Pianos And sell tlie very best of OIUA at from $ 1 1 to fS lye are agent foj The Pleasant Valley Coal Company Unit Tll(i set iitand main-o- r tained by Thomas Call and sec us jf you want anything in our line Watson the Populist nominee for vice president is liable : to prove the overthrow of the causes for which Mr Watson is supposed to stand Jf candidate Watson loves the triumph of free coinage income tax and other principles of his party he will step aside before Election Day If he loves party organization and his own candidacy the most let him stay with the vice presidential race and he will divide enough states on the electors to throw the majority for McWhich will he do? Kinley electors AVjlJ II11I11 Theo Brandley PRINTING Richfield Utah 1 TABBING All Kinds Commercial and General Printing and Stationery Is buying ties The Glenwood to be delivedred by the railroad track any place in Sigurd or Wallsvllle Ehquire for further particulars CAN BE Co-o- p 2G-3- S) “THE IID SOUTHERN AT CENSOR" i |