Show ' m RiClUTELD li in gliam RlllC x ') I Intul-e- being ttioGnld-UI- I I n - -- W Slirwticr and Jm Decker 1 at inurval ibis in town Watvui in I ti Sn hi d I cents at 6 ue ha vim siULitor Ikovvn iii ! Mi Whipple lo and from their licit! lUvogiitc lie lysjio superior A Democrats --Ideas M of ide the t ract?-the- y J each liolitlio was run on J iidgf Ji linings anil ( htr om t lie east nioiiiitain And Nvitli gates placed impugn li is honesty CiCNsitU KlMlolt him m Hie office favored classes will in town Tii'-ilhave run a wire fence along tin wood l nail- - a'-‘speaking on the adlv m in oil of I Hunk a candid examination of tlie and liv ot Mr not the of tlie canal and done otlic nr ed exist nun: Tlie banks doer evil oiioiiissies at '''ini and must hi take jiairs politic the nominates Demoeiatic by ticket inv t h to vote lie doi g Midi aio need d medicine And tlie county court will tilings ttiat are Ncry inconvenient” Jeiiiiings exnl lined paity in this county will prompt its have an honest conscientious advisor A list rail if Ballot The council requested the city a1 A BIG DIM VE in men's ho - at on strait siippot t by the voters I' M Dorritv is a Etonian of Utah lorney and the committee i Dolin' Wa'I is veivl n with Bilious iin Aim S rot: it For senator the Hon 1 K Wright He is water the after look to of the md alleys tliat rugged quality Er ei in Nioll is att ending her and - a in in who for 10 years' has devoted I K W itrlit and W li (’Kid) makes up our Tlie board of school trustees applied character 1111 's ir i g done t ll t i'-- - Jif hito the best of I: i energies upbuilding u mo to Wivii loimly looking Feailoss honest ami determined Hav- to purchase tlie snair drum owned In of I’tah Most of in the the be- -t inter-t- s i!er In inteies! u! M r Wi iglu an (i'n iiNNo'id people held a party ing been raised on the front ier Nvitli the city The liiaym was authorized I1 K LemI that time being spent in Sevier county our sfliool Incise in hinioi of e eii m mi can h Belore lei in people knows well the duties that to sell tlie drum They also asked and among t his people His interests ire encumbent on h ini In T’c laniilv A program ons bell t new 0 I'n If and G y nn ill tlie tlie prime tent to the city recita- are a’l lure he is and lias been a of manhood ambitious of in? c a ri i a coclifs s it pay lew ptepned it good mincil decided o rent m our is it and tixtui s a succi'-was and and community tions it name of use lie will by faithful attention Twede for tli" the Method picnic T A i'll ii e n d ''e oil in loi bill e uiablc tc belieNe lie knows we to ni’d limin' at !Ju 'lock feeling ail in let tlie to and make change Novembet duty attempt place his name bell mi in l In 'a m o pi nn nates t he Nvants of this const tor time spent 'veil app in paid tins first higher i i n n 'Ttii aMi n community than it oi in hi We u'uii b d ter linn a late comer stands even now The office of sheriff After some miscellaneous talk the - In n d 'nee umimi ini’ ''m i Ins gone to Castle 7 loin pi ue1 al issues before im tlie kiioN that is a fairly “good ! 'A M t ' ( ’o a ili" t hi daughter who has a oi tiling" and should be council adjmmed in in this campaign he is in “shoved tliep'ople a little It should not t n oli all h along” it p! ice 'Mi'li :o it'd V moved to time with tlie general thought oT the be Are We To Be Misled? given in perpetuity to any man oi I! I ov n cf ui Ii I’arli Ian a an mas-i-o- t the people It lias not taken is as aide to fill the family Dornty Among tlie young men who li cN ei al interviews with him lo deter-erbeen in i ( A fa lit i lo office aw any man in Scn ier county and Richfield Victor E Bean - f ndf r e lie lands on t he dominant will ii iif I o lor In isi Tli D "iim i Wo ii Co Began make as efficient an officer nvIio has been here from tin' one is le a Ice o his oi lo eat III) eii of campaign t heir camp ngo a' lo i sp" ikei W Joseph A Smith knows more about first All of his good and all of lus No li Park Mr Burney II the in iin- - imi li ( vr g II Ci (In " s mid I value of real estate and personal bad n Yet o qualities are Like his col-- r 111 for i T iibb r ii a i in this county than it is posimi Wnghf el Bifh'i ‘hi t lie Candidproperty known ever man have the people th repesentation of this sible for li is i ate to 'lie State s "mie "ii i t to knoNV lit my reason why a paper supposed to in the legislative lie is an lias been moreopponent S coniuy was to order at called Meeting identified with be a public educator should call lnp' closely il n In ii tli ’’c home of Jens o'clook hi Inc: cli lo man Ephraim old eitien know ing tlie best interests those interests Coming directly from a liar and a thief or in any such wfiy L J m-- ” i t A Conservative ipi nan1 in d against Biuekliuni Mr Cisily nj the lirst of tins community tlie and from tlie farm he abuse the man as the Richfield Adm lieiig me ease m he man in pit ecia One earnest who by his candid knoNvs from actual contact what i vocate lias done? To us as a people it spea'u r Me poke for a short time dispo-itio- n T la ' he n lent is mi 'rov- on and conservatism will Nvield iiiiii he P lit i" il iiiov meats that liave to i just and equal tax ases-men- t is of small necessary - are belli import which of our tried Ill children a the led ing i larger influence in accomplishing of the property of the county and trusted citizens II 1 Ilanson or up to lie fiieso: it p ilitical condiV id" Mr nl i"iiif tion Spoke 'cry iiiletvstinglyoii the needed legislation than a man of less lie is a conservative man lie is one Victor E Bean is elected treasurer amiable could possibly do who J L floppier came onci' from Gleu-wni- d political issues of the day has been fully educated in world- for both are During Like Mr qualities lie is good men and will make with the peo- ly Wright li is remarks lie extended an invitation this morn ng to get burial clot will make a most gcod officers but it is of vital imporand experience etc for Mr Dollie Wall Wilson to any in the assembly to question ple of the West on the money question etffoent officer Victor E Bean for treasuser Mr tance that our good respectable honind neither of these men would be h i died there last night The lady’s any statement that lie may make durBohn tlie a control cauof tq posseses every quality for effic- est men be protected from such newsparty death Nas caused by typhoid fever ing his talk because lie did cot wish subject cus ient and in He lias lived long in this paper vilification which could be servico controlled the manipulated she wi-highly esteemed neighbor to be misunderstood or rather his Our people know him thrown at any candidate on either and friend and leaves many to mourn Nvords misconstrued after he has de- interest of the gold power It is of the community " Yes utmost know him much better than ticket and then be ”an exposure importance that our legislatier hiss parted It seems that bis talk was We refrain from furtlicreonunentsbiP tion be put beyond the vspne "latecomers” who seek to traFor if' cents A good woolen vest at accepted as there was no repudiation that a senator tincturedcontingency ask these questions: Have the ptibl'o duce for with this ends liinj have party He spoke very pointedly on the silver They the Chicago Si ore to our Interests shall be trusted him with their most ac red in- school trustees of Richfield and A mu’? question r Do upon the condition of opposition elected this winter Let the people terests Tlie education of their child- bella rcpeatebly hire J a rogue to teael Si uni fifty friends of Rev () O t lie Repubyqut before the elecprty L’wede were skillfully marshaled liave known nothing in his school? Is th ere a maninmr count'’ tion last fall and its condition at the remember that a President without a ren They ‘ 'lifo but lie most honorable conduct whose churact w can n it be besmirch J last night under the leader- present time: Mentioned many ot friendly house and senate cannot caris taken up belie' o T! out he i olicies M tin rs Riley to surprise the may outline roughly educated and honest lie if his every fault ship of the leading orators that were advocat- ry made to and larger? Is a young So appear lills vote lie l accordingly professional quaiitieation he gentleman at the Methodist ing at that time that the Republican from the east Nvitli a nrni A newspaper Ross our candidate for com- is capable and will make a good offJ The surprise was complete paity as in fa vo ot rec and niilini-ile- d Chapel a greet amount fair education missioner English icer south end of tlip from tlie nn enjoyable and the cinage they liaye been driven county need? very little introduction I have thus presented tlie ticket of big head and an out uc kick of neabu-a- “Grand Opening of Millinery” ai from their party on account of the Since tlie n day 45 years ago when lie nominated by t lie Democratic party science to come here and the St Louis Millinery Tariors the Republic un advocating a gold stand- came to this state lie has at all times I have said nothing to disparage the very best men while we Dind ard fall He (' early demonstratnv ill tie shown -- (it It -- 7th tin Iin s ed tiiis candidates of tl c opposition It is not and look on? fact the that alDwho were In favoi had its interests at heart He lias by of in Southern display Millinery necessary l'lio character and quality labor honest to and business devotion Clul’ All :ue cordially invite cal! o' si Ivor were not Republicans because built up a competency wdiicb indi- of our t ieket docs not necessitate us gophe Republican party lias deelued a cates and inspect goods just tliat character of mind and ing into extravagant language oi gold standard hence they are severed Miss Carrie I’oulsou Milliner force 'fill' me suilee tliat is necessary in a jinancial ftbps'e cf ouiMpponents Bad language Eleqqric Bitter If m theirpany and should vote the of Ibis county He who convinces no n but of 1: vieious-ncs- s r any season but ii ETI 1( IHSTCII CRf MI SERVICE-Suml- a) Deinocra ic 'e' V? mol" gen representative J straight of the user of it Wo liave pre-- s crally limit d when languid o Mr Cassidy baying been informed is careful of his onvh private business It Alimung Scandmavum ed ‘lit our mi h"s ticket tli" it Unlisted lien i he is careful of out winch to initeriil give ” fueling preNa J P M Sunday scl m hat a Kepubl'can nmiiiIiI speak on the If its members are worthy er is torpid and sin zg a make study a servant Ana and the need public history " M 7'iO I’ uiTeedirig evening challenged him English A J A Ross from t lie t ime support them If any one is unworthy of a tonic and alien nu is felt of of tlie life M a for on debate of the div the Thursday 7'U Prayer meeting verm or dishonest o'1 I tali in vote use to now be me became lias in him tins till ottei against poverty prompt Von are cordially invited a v which Nvas not accepted The chaland the interests of tins eonunui ty averted lonc and pel imp- - fatal bilinu- nv " lie stands before tlie community' O O Twede Pastor to all lenge Nvasagaiu extended thiM'vemug a self made m m of compeleinv mniks Nvill be subserve a fevers No medicine Nvill a't more M L Brow Plain Cedar Lead Pencils M for acts lytli Democrat ic county cl airman him a stuve-of and am in sureley in ivnnu ract mg and freeing worthy to tl it Republican orator at the dost Golden Rulo Tlie cilune article is admitted to out tlie system from tin malarial I'ojlidence of the Reprolincni meeting It wa- Willard H Robinson of Salina is a i 'Site in tu-- ! ice to part of the eandi' Last Sunday night at Il'iO M)rtle not accept edj at tlie time Indigent on constipation andjikel) the Democratic ticket wild Dizziness yield to Electric Bitters Nvorthy associate of liiseiderly collaguc dates Arm Potter the daught- Nvill not be Mr Cassady lniNing spokleu! that the' liave not heen laii'ly 50c and LOO er of W E and Olive Andelin Potter en two liours per bott'e at a'l Drug iniiiulis on the ticket Yeung energetic quick I on "il b t iieot her aiuljt went d aiers Tli" and Cknsou Stores paper A died from the effects of diphtheria careful and of man general business ripe ill gave tv ay to Mr I K Wright wlm ways holds itself ripen to respect f u The body was interred the next day spoke or a short time Comm Hiding the respect experienc emnniunieaUmis on any subject I'lim 14 Sheets Note j aper for 5 cij no public funeral being held We still liave sickness in our midst and ese"in of all li is associates A Myrtle Mucilage per hot t le 5 ets man who Nvouid take to tlie ofli'-- a any man of iy creed denomination Nvasa bright religious dutiful little Some ere s Black Ini 5 cts Sanford gelt mg around egam aril or nut and tliat "w’thout ionalily knowledge of public affairs and a prigirl and a star of the family lias gone othersare still very sick Bed Ink 5 cts Sanford's and il limn price-- '' i out Miss Juney Ilanson is thought to be vate business experience that equips money "Beats All” Lead Feneil H for 5 cts while her little bmther is him most admirably to guard the best Cedar Rubber tipped Lead Pencil- City Couci Jensen Hotel Arrivals Thomas recovering of the county interests a critical condition in All Miss tlie member were 1 doz Mary for lo cts present at last Lavybran Salt Lake V S LevyRul-fal- o II II Bell is a worthy representais still is some sick but of Forsyth Pda very Covered Pencils fathers 20 for act-FuSlate night's meeting N Y Harry Bloom San Francisthecity tive of the central part of this good bettCfftt the ?'W00 t'me was allowed present co Dr O Leory Salt Lake Pins quarterly Count salary W J per paper 2i cts Mads Christensen Threshing will soon be a thing of county A man of unblemished char- to water-maste- r Pins Redd R G W Ry n M Cushing D Safety per (taper 24 ets acter Having first class business abili4o ooa monthly salary was allowed Good Note Books each 3 ets R G Ry W II Shroder Philadelphia the past for this year ity backed uo by years of experience td Marshal) Blomquist '' W JC Ried MantI Correspondent Gents Gaiters per pair $110 E II Sparks Jr with men and affairs of the county The mayor remarked during the ses- CV’luloid Collars each 12 cts Salt Lake knows tho wants and interests of sion that "We have had lie the roses of Woolen Dress goods from 16 to 05 cts Hteso people as well as any man In the the rail-roa- d Several sorts of horse remedies can FREMONT and now we must have per yard be had at Borg and Sons’ With these three gentlemen Hie thorns Tlie thorns are fast makA few Bryan and Sewall Caps 121 ets The weather is mild and pleasant county constituting our board we may feel The rail-roaThese goods can be bought at Or- through tlie day but Jack-froclue that our finances are absolutely sale ing their appearance ANNABELLA has been company and the water fencing up acrossj'ock’s store ponds at night For County Clerk Mr Janies many of the reals traveled by farmers Editor Censor: Wm Elliott who Nvas very low last Sorensen of Elsinore is presented 'nr puM io schools opened this vffk died on the nth nist lie In him we liave a youngf man of b Willimd sriJf'TA LISTS i ve Bean as tea" lie r of t lit report a leaves a wife and turn little boys thorough business education Apt P Dti:'f"i nvIio "c --rra ! and In enieient fact V ’ss' lef for Mevif" S' mil ty morning energetic quick grid !nii I! l T v III) CI'V1 his is a thorougn of w il " M r ’s representat nk i s n : d e i 7 v B' in Utah Of unblemished charA EIM e S i I" " IC III t 111 II younger Vi m n in o ’I i acter and having a mind equipped ter ’I' 'If' h e !) r " I i In n L of that? nxi: SA YL id’ll tl'‘ duties of the oil ee t e shaiiii be elected we shall have etiicient ser- LIXE Nllll I IS ll lias lie 'll II Ills I n TOME US k) School opened on t he 1J h ln- -t And no mistake will be made vices Ills year m with such I speak-good gelling FEE Kill T an eiiiolliiH'iit of fs and is now rui- in giving him the suffrages of the peo(‘is Eiulay we listened tc Judge oh with of ning this more smoothly ple county pupils Luke King of Salt City and Monday will attend later Mrs Maud Spencer Layton the only to E W WeDunicl of Richfield and lady candidate of Sevier county is on Tuesday to Senator Brown All three Allen Taylor our merchant and the ticket for recorder By her long viTf Niry good speakers and were well his t nv o daughters Delia A May have and efficient services in tlie office of applauded by theirandience just returned from Conference and the Deseret Telegraph Co ns operaSunday last we listened to then brought with them a load of goods tor at this place she lias shown by muksol' twin f Richlield's teacher-JohThe girls link much recruited from her careful courteous services that Jolnisim and Victor Bean wliieh their nort hern u q she is possessed of those qualities that were lisicned to with appreciation and to make up a perfect public ser-- ATTanner has looked sosnfl since go in my Naluable lduts given and re- theParley been An unfortunate widowhood vant li is Bps We feeling ceived pulse threw her upon her oNvn resources and hope liiNvever that sad look will Mrs Win SpalTonl is at present enforever after his trip to Monroe she lias met those responsibilities in a joying tin visit of her daughters Mrs where that dear girl lives who will rno- -t faithful way She stands Deal and Daniels from Provo The after tills as Sevier county’s brightest represent-tativ- e path with flowers ladies expect to stay about a week of womanly ability and faithArthur Maxlield is said to have tlie fulness to duty Devoting her younger Mr E B Keyes lias gone up to the life to the care and education of her Sevier mine and expects to stay about typhoid fever and lias been ill more a week than young child She writes a splendid three months Hy Tiiorson and othand lias just the character of hand ers are expecting to follinv soon to I remont received a Democratic business Raining to make her an effput up a hoarding house treat yesterday evening Messrs icient recorder and Wright gave us some very Bolts— To Mr and Mrs N P ChrisE' W McDaniel while lie has not tensen of Annabella last Wednesday rousing and inspiring sentiments on had many years experience in actual in tlie Silver question and emphasized of in Court the the adangliter All doing well Supreme practice tbo ucces-it- y of voting a straight United States and in half of the courts I M a" of the west is a student a careful GLEN WOOD busincs rnan courteous honest and A number of children were baptized Unassuming helms not SHEEP Wanted— In exchange for determinedSunday In the stream near Joseph fonvard Modest he himsolf pressed best Ranch in Sevier Valley Busiin Walls mill has not arrogated to himself undue ness and residence Write property It looks very much like nvc wore go- Lock Box 57 Richfield Utah legal ability among the attorneys of ing to liave a wedding in town tills If you want to sell your sheep write tho county but is willing to concede his professional brethren have week they are going to give us a par- Lock box 57 Richfield Utah giving that some of the learning that goes to ni'a'Tt'e ty will tell you who the parties are price grade etc a Rood lawyer As a counsel he is next week without equal in this county As ua aa load- - nl wood Many nvciv Nveck Mimr: i i i Nvc-te- mlit La t N 1’iu'u Mr- - In Glut adnu'iEer Mi-l ’an h Autism preparing tor l'fi ill ii hiii tillll Inc E J Mia i tl sp l( it li Miss Car: Oal-l- lJii - Beal a nifcly J E in wi! on -- CNCMl li'v i i i mi Elder- fv f ( - nig I !) ( a ) 'n mu at - m in c i ek a - la l a nit v ii I -- ! vt : file the lo e i i I io mlid he Ini ‘ oil li m house in ami now call-- The new school placed in position children to school f ' !! b-- en 1 - Mi Magnus Nielson has moved in Ins farm in the held lie will stilt run his butcher shop in town Reuben Noyes lias now become lull fledged proprietor of the shop loiinrrI’oully owned by himself ami Clin- i I i - sin mid now (ieL I' -i tax-paye- nnia it A i a-- -' 'fl i : ! vi’ii i a Sand u f i ' a at Boig? O A A in nndson has lei fi'l field’s photograph guild) ie a does enlarging Nvoik Miss Florenee Allred nl Smii: v m move to Richfield mid engn' m lie practice of obsie tries winter -- i 'n i li M'led Ton IIariiOs-- o -- the Chicago Stole At ' f i ! well-know- E Goim Ni-i- i it-- ot in' 'ai - ai Ini m i i i 'ii in i i s- : ( 1 Wi musson oi meeting j m -I n! hiiii - Mis Nancy Net lifV re: nit in1 an liaulfd lor it W i i in a t! - luanuiy at 4 N'( k NIM'lll! I’m1 M id 1 nnili I - g 1 i Jo- - a i ik fc- n a- ii Pleasant ai ui Ills tailor i fk- -- I Ciiim iua in - i Will - - - son Temple recommend blairks kept al this otlice Carl (Joidbranson was hurt m t In back while shoeing- a ho we on Wed-pesda- y rev-eie- 1 i I Electric Bitter --' i 1 Grant Snyder Ml Eureka his of has been spending the week riih Willard and Gideon I bm-jther- s -- Ladies’ COATS and CATES of latest styles lowest prices at (’liieagn Store On Thursday a marriage license was issued to John J Dunn aged 25 and May Carter aged IS both of Joseph EP Lupfer formeily a surveyor on tlieR (i W Railway with beat spent a few dasof this week town" in - head-iuar-ter- Mr J C Anderson is busy building new houses and doing other carpenter work in Annabella Mr Smith a traveling printer who has been assisting in the Censor otlice lor two weeks past went on south yesterday Calicoes 4 A 5ctsnt t he Golden Rule ' 7 Mr and Mrs Charles Lammersdorf have gone to Gold Mountain where amid the mountains they house up for 1 he winter ever Why do so few grown people More of visit our Sunday school them should send their children there and then ca'l thiniseUs The collector can r V a ' a 1 s poison-Headach- p-- I n ll st irv i i i 1 i ' ' ' i i gi-- ill hi I iifim Alii m tn ' nui’K tin- ' pie K" a li- lfi the ffiiifleiy giiNt of Judge I V i n E Kin is under ney of si gar Mrs Mulir'pii-- y s 1 i i f i ) ' v i y Jl '’ s’ M i i i s t 1 n NEW A VAL of CNery lum of goods at till CHICAGO STORE Roys’ awl men s suits cheaper than the cheapest at the Chicago Store I 9 he m ' ) plmid malai ia N led r veiy hw with t A ie ca " i 1 Many children are stopping mit oi petiool because of tin diphtheria scare Tliat is unnecessary as all case-- of JiplHlicna are ipiarant imd and t lx city authorities are very careful topreNent Its spread ' There is said to be another case of diphtheria in the Long family at The district sfliool lias Ivoobharem been closed for fear of the awful dis- t - ' V ' i' jf t "It t n 1 m ease i f A t neNV lisles horse blankets at Rorg great many of the Richfield pco- been quite unwell this week have pie Our editor was among the unwell nd so he couldn’t visit Slonroe and for local items A i IOlsi-noi- e ’ 0 s The Democratic hcadiiuartci liave been opened They are upstair over the Golden Rule Store Tlie floor is parpeted and the place looks real i)(pf)3-ik- e f i : rl cel -- vri res 11 STOVES 1 FIXTURES STILL A SPECIALTY n BOLITHO and LEWIS’ dis-sape- to-da- y HARDWARE Cook Stoves in all Sizes and Prices C’as-sad- y pnd Sons - j ) i l -- I i ei'fC'fl a tnfii iHif oi in I i i ! l - i I ! a 1 i nine-year-o- M-- i I i'Ne i i found If he is uts lea'Ui'er ii T lino m aeis anrl at am time I lie even day tiice most i i - Heating stoves in every variety Greatest assortment ever kept on hand Southern Utah And in fact the most complete line of hard- ware both varieties and prices ever kept on hand for convenience of the public Correspondence solicited regardingour line of goods and prices i |