Show CLEAN GREASE Senator Brown Speaks Last Tinsday night the lUpubli-can- s he hi a rally at the Social Hall in B’s Letter The New Bible Editor Uknsok: As tlie Presbyterians and Mormons Ring Janie differ so nicely in ther religious opin- Richfield Mayor Hrandlcy piosulod it progresses and aeeepts the demon- ions unci as I lie former are such strong After music by the Hausen hand the strated truths of science There are believers in tlie doctrine of predestina- chairman introduced Mr 1111 Whipa tew minor unessential ideas always tion it is but reasonable to suppvsc ple of Ogden Mr Whipple declared MAKES a part of every person's become that that in their opinion the Mormons limisell in favor of tlie free and unimi-mitetsOAP belief that should be changed as new belong to tlie incoriigihle who are coinage of silver without waitl tilths are found Not that every doomed to eternal death This sup- ing for the intervention of any itlier “v inn of duOtrine"or every fad should He however had no hopes "WITHOUT HOLLINS position is further strengthened by nation lie hugged but that truth be uot reoff of ohtauing such upon a Beinocratu us cut have lately the fact they tarded in i he name of religion There from Christian fellowship As the is a elvs of idolatry know Dibulatry come first nni-- t unfortunate Tlie republican writer belongs to tins which has caused the Christian na- class and trom the Presbyterian stand- Part v bud been tlie party to uphold tions to liosn down any attempt at a a accompoint is predestined to take certain Civil Service reform and had systematic reaisioti of the Bible as course he will be excused fur knocking plished a great deal in that line" hut translated in t ho days of King James another hole in tlie Presbyterian glass the Democrats siy we niu-- t return to During the days of Unit learned king home the Spoils" He licensed t he Democrleligion va more or less clothed in The Rev Martin seems to be en- at-ul being a party of inoken prommy ten and lie immortalized his dowed with a wonderful gift of dis- ises d thought it could not be dename h having the Bible translated cernment as he can Jienelrale the pended upon in tlie present especially into Gm simplest English so Unit hearts of his fcllownien The speaker mentioned tlie local the i minion people could read it Mormons and gravely assert that the tiiket particularly praising lames M anditig'y Hut since the days of "Sinful thoughts still remain” and Boliilio whohl he hud known fur years King James the English language has that "No deep inward love exists” to be a man Of good judgment and changed and many words have a The Apostle Betel- could read tlie sound integrity Tito English hearts of Ananias and Sappira but IF YOU I1A YU CUT BURNED changed meaning ) li Jennings was tlie second speakwords too failed to express the tine wo have no account in tlie annals of er He began by saying that he was OR BRUISED Yourself or ae any horse cow dog shades of meaning 'that they should sacred history of a man who could not making polit icul speeches but was bird or any animal that is wounded in have done Then too many of the redd the hearts of a whole people and nitdiibg on litis nlerit as a lawyer for illustration? used by the Hebrews are make such a sweeping statbthhnt the district attorneyship any way you will find not understood by the English speakThe Mormdns ahd Presbyterians JOIIYSOY IILU K OIL The principal speaker of the evenis also that of certain races mode It very to baptism the in differ ing regard ing being Senator Arthur Brown he A CUKE THAT CURES some parts of the Bible have been The former hold that baptism by im- was next introduced The senator Beware of imitations Genuine only misplaced and weie written by au- mersion for the remission of si'ds is said this vas a time when thought thors other than those to whom the absolutely essential while' tlie latter was needed It was a thing of work is credited claim that sprinkling isequaly accept- days to vote for 4 man arid Ive look to Sold at Z C M I Drug Dept An'd able Now we will admit for the sake the jilritforriis and lately Fey do not at Druggists Six years ago of argiicmeM that the Presbyterians tell us "t take it” "said he” that Brofessor Paul are free from sin and that the com- all Republicans and part of the Demoone of mandment which Peter gave "Re- crats liave decided to Return to tlie use flau'pt d the world’s most distinguished Ileb-bre- pent anij lie baptized evei’y one of you of both gold and silver” lie wanted scholars and a religionist of for the remission of your sins” is not to find something to rely on nd to do I And as we can GROCERY TRICES some note undertook a revision of the applicable to tlierii Democratic Party bu this but Bible" Like the men who perfected not read their hearts as easily as they claimed riad broken its promises on $3 to $5 Trunks made to ordjr King Janie's translation ho did not can ours" we also admit that they may other issues and it is likely to do so and of j pretend to he inspired but relied upon be free from "Sinful thoughts” again 11$ then took up a train inward his He an called abundance lo do "Deep of the when to have a desire good show people that history to For S)0 cents 4 lbs Arbuckle Coifee aid nearly all of the greater Hebrew love” yet we candidly believe that had protection they had thrived and scholars of England America and they should follow the example of when they had free trade they 6ases of Fruit (choice of kind) $175 To make a techineal study their Redeemer n being immersed nut He alleged that Bryan had Germany of the Bible one must study one or two When Jesus appljeto John for bap- opened his mouth for blmitallism but books Brofessor llaup selected the tism "John forbade bim sgying I was only wanting free coinage i special prices to huge buyers students who had so studied an J pro- have neefi to be bgptjze(l of thee and lie theft took "up trie Dugler Bill j overalls of A new stock cured their services tu the work So comest thou to me And Jesus answer- aod explained it as a compromise the new work will be a multitude of ing said unto him Suffer it to be so which would arrange the tariff as near-- 1 Fresh Bananas and Beaches contributions from tlie many scholars now for thus it becometh us to fulfill ly to suit both parties Reading a poril-Now if It was all righteousness” 28 Mltlled tion of it the senator showed how it Tlw book will neccessary for the sinless Son of God would give free coinage and how five 5 cans Tomatoes be arranged to be burled in the liquid grate in Republican senator voted against U cans Fruits thus: All parts of tile Bible seeming- order to obtain a fulness el righteous- considering that free coinage measure Sl’ECIAL PllICES ON OILS AND PAINTS ly written by the author to whom ness Ve sincerely believe that ft is and were aided in the ballot by tlie immacu- Democrat11 - “ they have been credited will be just as neccessary for sinless A new stock of Gloves the with the to But on late white comply paper Presbyterians printed' lie closed by showing his reasons for jo fit of liaisins— $100 to Said cases JesuS in will same of ordinance Holbrook and he many Mr Isame page paper — SiUVdpipe 18 cts a joint man be born of supporting a us well as brown or colors “Excep' other have all Republicans to do so urged r ElboWs 13 cts can not see yelldw' In some chapters the scholars water and of the spirit” he There is nothbelieve that others than the authors the Kingdom of God a fhave added comments interpolations ing in sprinkling that resemble? the from forth In etc The stripes will be so arranged birth but coming ONLY Aug J Bogel tlie' leading druggist that these added parts will fall on a watery grave the symbol is complete of Shreveport La says: brown or yellow background From Paul said: Therefore we are buried “ I r King’s New Discovery Is the unto death that the many colors that will be on each with him by baptism that cures my congli and Aised was name of as Christ up from the only thing like page this work will take the it is the best seller I have” J F newthe Polychrome meaning many colors dead even' so should we walk ih merchant of Safford Ariz ness of life” There the ordinance of Campbell "Dr writes: King’s New Discovery As tlie tendency baptism is compared to a burial What for it it never is claimed is all that has been for a is there about sprinkling that resemfor Consumpeuro is sure a and As well might the fails lirst- five bles a burial? I cannot say long tlmd to not regard the colds and tion coughs hoiks but tie first six books of the casket containing the' corpse be enough lor its ’merits” Dr Kings -- OFBible to have 'been written by the sprinkled with earth arid the burial New Discovef' for consumption same author the Book of Joshua will pronounced' complete as to say that Coughs and Cold- is not an experiment he included in what will be called the sprinkling with water is baptism for a quarter of a been tried lias It B Hexateuch The Jewish word Jlivli century and todaystandsatthe head wich in King James’ translation is inFree trial bot1 never clisappoints Cl VILJ ZATION’S OGRFs variously as “Jeliovih” and General terpreted Stores all tles at 1 Drug Salt Lake Herald ‘Lord’ "God” etc will be interpretof efforts best is dealers the it that Why A ed Jlivh There will also be many civilization must always develop and many changes in the wording ogres? A traveling printer visited this office parts of the Bible which were Pearly The other day a Russian woman uniriteligblewill be made more plain was infested in jSfevV York for having last Friday He was on his way south at sold a rair of shoestrings on §unday and we learn secured employment But tlie Jews When the yom?u was brought before the Richfield Advocate office We no-- j turned like all Oriental the she was fined ?3 SHe tlce somejery noaJob work and this nations used a couldmagistrate wqak Advocate the been out b have would not ray and called 'O Meteerto hyperloeepj we would dyise ii great many illustrations locked up had not some of tlid spectaboles which would not he understood tors clubbed together and raised the tlipt piintCr it li$ can see his way out ' if literally translated into English money for liefto do so— N'alina Press These were translate into ttyeir uni It developed at the hearing that the T he above is ftl1 right except thafij by the scholars who woman was a widow with tljite little the said nomad obtained employment affect- derstood meaning James’ translation children to care for yhft "was a Jew- at the Censor and "turned qut souiq prepared King "sum”total But there has been much learned of ess: she liad religiously observed the very neat job work”-t- he welten and and days in the of which in tlid past the Jewish language religion Hebrew Sabbath the (jay before conshe will enable wherein then since will customs approximate 20000 that she could not understand aggregate principally commercial the scholars who now work at it to had offended but the judge told her impressions see the meaning more clearly Think- that tlie laws had to be obeyed and stationery which is a good showing for the Censor and for mm business ing they do this tlie present learned that she would have to pay a fine a Miss wiis incident searcher? are taking the meaning as of the The ogre community they see it and as it appears to tlie Fream who is connected with an asBCCKLKN'S ARNICA SA L VE great Hebrew scholars of the day and sociation that makes war on Sabbath-breaker- s and own in discovered their who it language Tub Rest Kalvn in tin world br It was she telling Salt Sores Ulcer'into murlren language This is known the poor woman in tin: act of selling Cuts Bruises is Bible to as revising a work and the tlie shoestrings tilie hud iter arrested Rheum Fevr Sores Tetter chapped be revised and appeared in court to prosecute Hands chilblains corns and all1 Skin ilcs was she moved in the least Eruptions and positively cures her deis It guaranteed Its llllect The Christian world at when the woman’s sad story was or on pay required large has during tlie veloped to give perfect satisfaction or money ills so with almost every movementy refunded Price ‘25 cents per box five centuries now past looked up to in the name of Christian-litwith James’s translation great inaugurated For Sale nv Ail Dkuouists and King matand higher civilization Borne monrevenee and It will be a difficult Geneual Dkaleks ter for any other translation to gain sters always come to tlie surface wlio Notice to Creditors tlie same place in their confidence neycr had a drop of tlie milk of human ideas In the District Court of tlie Sixth whose The truths of the Bible which were kindness in their breasts of Seuer told in tlie queer English of many of duty are as rigid as though they Judicial District County centuries ago will liave nothing added were made of armor plate1 and who State of Utah Estate to their reverence by tlie new verson permit no consideration to deflect In the Matter of the l() of is purpose their ) Creditors of tlie book But them something them from tlie letter Deceased A Bean Mary that humanity reverences in age and They are ogres and their actions reis hereby given by Notice FjTGi to of the ant-Nationa- l though this version may in many flect upon civilization und tend signed Administrator tothecrc Deceased odious Mary A Bean f" ire nearly correct in oilier make the word "reform” jilaci" G il orsuf and all persons iav‘nK will tie still greater errors pi Id estate to said the elecagainst her The Coming an excellent illustra- But them with the necessary ou( tion will be an within four months after hrst publi J ways in which the t' C A election in which cation of this notice to t he molJ the be explained revised r or either their at hh ‘Ctd "'lie changes affect numerous mistakes may result The ministratbrs Rit’ of city this residence in C- I' Australian ballot 's net hard to vote County of Setler State of Utah-Wit is to he both as and J Lean stood the preh- if it js once undei p Ream I ? Chloe tno J £pea2cers I tliclr sale ir? wlH old liave fur eated the I liave honey parties Estato said Adliiihistrators of them all Irioi’ld attend sl'Ch into the new for bees wax i'iiniigcs Since WITH ONK CAN OK Rod Seal Lye No religon can long exist unless d Ten pounds hard REASON Why You Should Trade at STORE ORROCK'S : jlst Because you get the Most Goods lor the Least Money KEEP IT HAND Y ! 2d Because we always load in ADVANCING THE PRICE OF PRODUCE 3d Because we are always looking after your interest as well as our own See our guaranteed price list elsewhere uu-der- st V C - B OKROOK - ‘Tmprovethe opportunItt Buy Your Groceries i 1 Ifour Dress Goods r Your Clothing and Hosiery by-go- YetirShofes Straw and Felt Hats In fact fetfefythiftg ybu neeti itt your family at B BERTLESON’s The Richfield w Co-o- p Goods anu wucu keeps an excellent quality offOFVOUV1 glVeS the hlgheStMarKet price te PRuDUCE Sweet Singers of Monroe THE BEST- tu Oats' V -- Stands at the Head FOR PAYS Best - the Cheapest always t IS Live t Sv Or i'J F not :: c : i rc ITU SINGER tA yF' ' ‘ cheap machine yet Thirteen Million are now in use "Singrir £ompay can suit its Terms to all People in all conditions E NELSON Local Agent Elsinore Southern Utah’s Best Dealer In Paper of The Times The People’s Friend in all matters ing the public fare and a sistent hmnpioLi of tlie Machineypiil Oi Paints and Oils lathsash and brooms Panel Doorsf G Glass and Putty w ants all lie can get Vs Hie (Hasses nr READ THE CENSOR j each week and you will Keep Thoroughly Informed Regarding all Matters u? State Import Subscribe NOW lex-pla- bc-ang- cash Chris Comaon— ’2' JJ lexiilanationsl in Dated Oct 10tli 189R 2 Call and see his Acme Oil Cans hisses of Local ? long-run- F Numbers “Tlie Censor - is thing because it is cheap it dear to you in the TttE s- $150 $150 52 Nico-demu- r Mansfield - Mercantile Company Thurber : : Utah ' |