Show TIIE TAE WATER PIPES A carl or homo home ln feretti and tow or drill taxpayers tax payers to moot liny any misunderstanding on oa tho part of bad binl citi zone generally a statement alt ot of how the eo contract to famish the water pipes win waa lot abroad is ia modestly b becoming 0 god after that thai mind blind movement nio rement of thiodoro 0 M me 0 kenn in purchasing those wooden pipes at an expense of 0 many thou sand doll aLra to tho the paytra of this city our inspired rua and far acting dada ailed that aroa pip ing was waa what they ond and therefore began beean negotiations with home iron fonn forin dara dera as well na as loreign for letting tho the COD contract tract to tho the pipes ilia ibo proprietors of tho salt lilo city iron works put in a lid bia to furnish tarnish the piping tor for effo 80 per too ton ud a some dome of the council were in ia favor of 0 encouraging homo home industry by letting tho the contract to this thia company com piny but brigham afi agliam opposed it urging that it if they could not compete with foreign as he did with foreign borci agn cloth manufacturers should not have tho the job the company afterward offered 0 o take the ibo contract and fornia farnia the pipes for 70 per ton providing the city would advance them a cash credit ot of with which to pay for tho the necessary machinery tho the councilmen councilman however knowing their parts parti under I 1 iha he ol of their master siw saw ill fit to disregard ebe ha opportunity of 0 building up a homo home industry and let the ha contract to a foreign company to furnish the p to i for la 17 50 per ton laid iowa dows ja in salt like lake that I 1 if ono one eighth of it A cont cent lees per pound thin patronizing homo home manufactures would have cost A gentleman who understands the ho foundry business busi and all the features of this assured us that native iron which would have hato been used ba bal bai I tile tho pipes been mado made at homo home is ia twenty per cent better belter than tho the iron in those imported pipes tries now lying in our street astree ED and ad t that this thia advantage boull hato boon been utilized by making then them just twenty por per cent I lighter bacr these facts were presente 1 tt to the council but brigham would not bear that this would reduce the actual cost of 0 tho the pipes to a sum cum less than for what they could bo be imported brigham does doen not like the mon men ot of the city cil iron works nod and heroin herein lies lien tho elio ejerett of hii practicing whit ho be does not preach but bat hal hai some ol of his big ona bons been io in the foundry business too much could not dot have bavo been done for the iho interests of homo home trade W will 11 tha beefs berfa ol of tho the herold como come to ill hia 11 ro roano buo cuo and show to ta their la hull all loia doam wherein letting the iho contract to cast the water to home bome parties parti oi would havo have been exercising oie raising an almost criminal disregard in ia the expenditure of 01 tho the cites revenue |