Show foot race eos EDS A foot raco race took place yesterday at fort ephraim a mix miles milca north of menti the tha contesting parties were a mr biker baker from tho the sunny sonny south and ami pat morphy a resident of banti I 1 or moie properly tho ilia laruee were manti nod rort port ephraim Fph raim as ephraim was lacking the iko southern chat chap while manti bland bax led her own citizen tho the distance ilis linco run was ninety dinet yards yarda baker baiter won by D 20 feet feel time dine seconds Ecco aila the raco race was lor for a of veli anil and there was aia orallo betting on abo about 1000 liandi bands boorin billj BILL MANTI sept 3 1875 ai for 2 1000 bushels of charcoal poi per month for six eix congou live li ro months mantha to bo be delivered at the tha works of tho the company tit at boet jordan will lo be received race ived at the office emco ot of tho ilia jordan mining nod Sm smelling smelting elting company kimbau block salt lako laka city until saturday septem her bor 11 1875 J T aal I 1 doin deibier bee r Hall Henry buhring proprietor keeps always ott on land hand beer on froth tap lap tho the host bast brands 0 of ci ct em anil and lunches that are unsurpassed I 1 in tho the city iio he 1 es las liia 1 friends to cono como co no and so eco lini lim rod they will the ho lest best eions in ia the town hall next to me mc himming mimina Him IC mins stable |