Show CORINNE iho elbe or inno mill mail I 1 three car loads of freight arrivoli last night the shipments i aro are greuter than aini ever known st at s t ibis belson of 0 tho the year the harvest tor for those io egel in ia he be wagon trade is apin at t hand three firmi aro are engaged in ia ito ilia beai liens and all aro are doing well tho the sale aaa of wagons at corinne exceed that bat ol of soy an town la in tho the mountains ciciel S co yesterday acs arday received eighteen thousand five fie hundred pounds ot of wool from roni t orr of 0 montana to bo be forwarded to bai fey be boiton n ani ana dix thou thoom tand pounds irom from J 11 II ti be chipped to to jimes james cook of wheeling west virginia most of 0 the ilia residents who nho were spending the iho summer months rasti callag cn lafa a among in 0 ng the are ro tai aad our oar town is id preventing its ill old lively appearance in bog too is in picking up consi a lity the ilia caso case always aldaya duri during og tho the fill ill months from 1 rom pre appearances there must certainly be ba a good facture in ia beloro for us alex harris is ia another freighter Irei ehtor who liaa has been kept on Kern edys franklin string tot for several weeks ua arrived in ho he city last events with foar fear doame after having lam hill at franklin foar weeks awaiting a load of oft freight ne ile will load immediately at kiesel t ware howo nod and it if there are any wora freighters llian ln og around loose it will bo be to their interest to follow the example of mr llama harris and mako make their appo aranco bore bora I 1 jar on med mediately lately freight is 18 plenty anil ana kioa blim two tiro car lo 10 loilla of alai cl leave horo boro toaty to aty fot for fort alim montana Mou lioi until next dext june the supplied liew for are 0 o by wagon from corinno Corl ehst thoy sill all terrain ot of tho ilia utah KUr Rail otil roo will by that tim reached the fort bell IQ in rilda reater rillon lo in tho the bojko river plains thoa then gand tile bo corinne I 1 it will bv bo a way nt tallon station on oa i a larron birron beach while ogda will have become tho the realo marlat for or tho the north oib aib ii freeman here is n another mountain mead owa paper coming to tho the front the writer of elio abo above 11 hai a 3 been in in the ibo territory ton ten weeks ami d knows at much abut tho the freight business bus incES b W il mon ana as his mister master brigham lees of principle plo or cr honesty your remarks to tha doo for which you yoa have bartered bar Kreil yourE eU you most worthy di ai caplo ol of io budai ud as preach mountain Moun liin meadora Mea idea dowa dows and assist io the culmination of your mittora mia tora bloody doctrine doctrin ev but befoul Corin Cori cos naos 1 auto DO BO inoyo moro by ing it cathal in thit misnomer tho 4 SEB notice ot of itna lion wanted hy by maii and wito wife |