Show U S A now DOT stationed in Nebra nebraska ika ap p pears to place a alow low estimate limato os upon political honors hating hiim dg lately in considerably in ID iroe planting and in devising means to ex tho grasshopper in ia thit that slate some come of hu his friends through tho the newspapers newt papera requested vim lim to become a candidate for united states senator Bc la ia reply to lo this ho he tays 1 I 1 would not I 1 it I 1 a IDT my honor to bo be olo elected c tod to the lh senate from nebraska tad and I 1 scat bucolt coll think it would wood ul add anything to in m puts on ud and nothing to my C comfort or cr income I 1 0 nolys azoir a eliy thin ksany tny more of a onion mu ho li united blates senator Bt nor dor it il him hl offic uy soy evidence that bit he bo pos pouono sones extraordinary abilities ibi litif I 1 would rather IM be deemed by tb the people nullified nuli fied to hold ili abo office ud and ix be oat cat of 0 t tag a senate than to bo be a senator fifty lly times over and nd have tto L I 1 17 17 ht be U not honest Alin A tho fotij of latar law iho wim ot of led boo bar drayers dri and the balf ha t of policemen tho the boggto lent and al intrepid bergh motes like a dan tot iol in ia the tha Lons lobsdon lio nidea don to too goo him taboo harassed bru cl insulted and od threatened ud and it at llio abo uma same time fulfilling the boblo tuk ho be had set lot before him with a temper sa serene rono u the blue sky iky above him tad and a u simple u it I 1 u grand einai li Is a 1 spectacle inspiring an ugh is make the hampen tail lall of a on oa bobby horde borie got get up op and wv wave A ins to ia louisville Louii Tillo im has judi died to the result of ft a blow bloir from a uj lad ladles shoo ifould leu i ia a menil that the ordinary rules of cf the iho garno abao incoy prohibit 11 II i dolent con collict tact of mallets with irith tho the heads of players rlyn rl yi even E t players huro hivo frequently brains to bo |