Show THE DEAD peaceful be their rest W ELLA HD died in salt balt lake city august 7 1895 of cancer mary ann fames Farnes wife ox of james jamee K E wellard aped aged 0 years i month and 24 days daya lufkin in this city augusts august of congestion of the brain nellie M daughter of ceorge K B and hannah lulkin lufkin aged 0 months and 26 days COLTRIN in argin idaho august 6 5 iwa from drowning araham H and stephen fj 8 Vol Coltrin trin sons of the J ate liber and louiss louisa W coltrin ages 14 and ll 11 years fullmer in the fifth ward of this city august do u of bronchitis and teething teeth lne cecina daughter of hannibal 0 and irachel brown fullmer aged 16 months drowned while bathing in the sevier river at CoU friday aug 2 1896 mary jane only laughter daughter of david N and jane tibbs libba purdie aged 13 years 8 months and 9 days millennial tsar afar please plesse copy COOK in the fifth ward salt lake city august 11 1893 keims page fag cook wife of frederick J cook born november 21 isis at lincolnshire Lincoln shire grantham antham Or england emigrated to utah in abill millennial nial star please copy died in salt lake city august ath of old age halstead widow of james whitworth in the eighty fifth year of her age water bister whitworth was formerly a member of the tottington loti Tott ington branch lancashire hugland gland brnson on august 2 at parowan carowan Pa rowan iron county utah in his both year ft lobard benson son soa of thomas and margaret of hunters Bun tera hilr kill Lanc enire jcak land baptized into the church of jesus of latter duy day dainas by bider heber C kirn kim ball when ou hla his first mission to england tie e leaves a large circus of relatives in parowan carowan and other parts of utah to mourn his hi departure Aft millennial ilent staw star please copy |