Show THE UTES DECLINE TO GO if the resort that ex adjutant general T 0 tanney bri dail to denver says yesterday yesterdays s of that city regarding the Suu dout atee 18 concerned there may yet be some ome sentiment entime nt regarding dlug their removal according to mr tarsney tanney the ute ut decline to go aud instead they will take theIr lands landi in severally severalty anil remain to ID colorado for years the people of duraney and all those who live in 10 that section of the country have been trying joiret to get rid of the 8 ui horn utes for forthal that matter the utes themselves t ave been anxious enough to get away their reservation Is ik nothing but a streak belne being almost almoas miles long by only fifteen miles wide and the consequence to is that instead of being such guch a rater reservation as the injian likes like where he cian can attick all by himself it Is IB betas being constantly crossed and rr re crossed by migrating whites the utes wanted to K go into utah to their kin me main the uintah ionian tut the citizens of the territory not p mit this cattle grazing is worth more to butth than aw an indian reservation to so they put pat up the hart barf after a long itald ficht a bill wa ae abe IWO at offering to GUI but oabe eastern half of the present atrean rw gatlon and in return give bout about the atlo ram ame area of land Goo groothof tho n western weft torn and half hair which would make the he reservation more compact another alternative offered however was waa that each indian buck and papoose pap bose might take acres anil and ft a certain amount of money and d throw the remainder of the reservation open to settlement clement Bet it wait waa the first pro pogi tion that the people generally irene rally wanted the he I 1 edis us to accept and mr Ta tanney it is IB the letter latter they intend to accept we thought at first firer jl the ex adjan ant general fe stated lat night that aney would go on oa the new reservation but bug t the be authorities at washier ton sent bent out a commissioner theta then they sent another after a while they sent still another and yesterday noon I 1 met senator newman at ahama going to the reter reservation with still another commissioner commis mis aloner who wants to investigate I 1 bail not dot mention names because it blicht got get some otherwise distingue lobed abed citizens into unpleasant notice aud atiat I 1 ool want todo to do but the fact is that the indians indiana who once were willing to get gel out are now being jobbed bobbed luto into taking their lands land in ID cavera ity the consequence ot this will be that the very beet beat of the land will be taken up to tb absolute exclusion of indus erious whites and while mexicans do the work about the settlement lazy indians indiana will toil loll around and what ought to be a really rich area of land will remain wabe kasze I there la in no idea in deaver beaver that such guch a scheme as mr mareney relates will be allowed tu to go through at least by those who are regarded to have much to say eay about the matter the denver deaver wo grande railroad is r perhaps mote moie interested ed in ID the removal ot of the utes than any other single corporation in the country rights of way men man of that road and officials who are familiar with every d tail of the southern oui harn border said emphatically upon more than one occasion aalon that thai as a soon as g abo time lime came to procuro procure signatures ig natures t tb the removal eaon each ute being required to sign a treaty before the president can order the removal they would at ones once met et to work and anticipate no DO difficulty whatever the varsity idea was waa not entertained by them tot for 8 moment but a aa mr tanney felides in JJ and in just juet from home borne he ought to know he says bays that dave day the indian agent to la in favor of the severalty pi P |