Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS the Marlo Marleo opa ps and railroad will reach mesa A T in six weeks ground was wall broken at tempo tempe on monday forthe for the now extension at Solo monville A T august 6 juan gunman gubman an old timer and farmer was killed by lightning the horse bores which he be rode was waa also killed frank weller the 7 year old son eon of frank weller a wash farmer fell from a log jog jact week while picking berries he struck his hie bead against a snag which penetrated the bralio brain causing almost instant death J IEL Ar armsden maden the flagman man at sum bum mit tunnel cal was killed at I 1 o friday by the he weal bound overland train 2 while trying to save a five feut signal torpedo he Is ie about 60 years yean old and his home is in rocklin Bo oklin the cases ot of the sixteen salvation army soldiers who were arrested in oakland cal some borne months ago aeo tor for obstructing the streets were in ia the police court tuesday A a appeal in ocie due case caad is now BOW pending in the tbt superior court J H onell Tell and son aon ranchman ranchmen ranch men living near cheyenne wyoming were u riving driving into town saturday Batur day when 1 they were caught in ih a thunderstorm both men were stunned by a flash of lightning and their bores dazed though severely verely ae cocked noc ked they are able to be about at santa ross boea cal august 6 5 samuel beable of pleat pleaded led guilty to selling liquor to ludi luciane lu diane aDs ju judge ige crawford sentenced him to san sail quentin for or eighteen mouth months mort mor people have been sent to the prison from Heald fiburg for this than flom any other place in the state stale the grasshoppers grac shoppers are re potted to have done damage to crops in some instances in the upper portion of the valley above ashland Ai blandt ore particularly where the harvesting was delayed the fhe hoppers went through one 10 sore acre piece ot of oats and nearly stripped it samuel a young portuguese living near niles nilee cal ca was waa drowned in nilea Nile creek saturday while bathing he was 21 years of age A little later antone mes mec another guter was I 1 bathing near bear the same spot where peters jost boat his life and took a cramp and was waa drowned ha hewak WAs 20 years yeara of age I 1 last laos week a number of clutes left reno beno fur for dac sacramento to attend the I 1 circus one of women lost loat her br baby by cropping it on the road while ahil asleep but it was waa picked up by a track walker the child of another caught its bare toes between the bumpers of two care and lour four of them were mashed off toe the tucson stew given give the following to illustrate albe troubles of the took stock raiser one arna ot stockmen aioo stoc kaieD kmen not so ao very long ago sunk bunk a well and maue other preparations and then put out some ome 2000 head bead of recently wey hey up p all the cattle tv lo be found that bore their brand and although they hao bad sold od none yet about head bead wen ors ail 41 that could be got to gether another man maim could find but two out but of 1600 it in sald aid thai the depredations of the Pap Papago agoes ea will account for much of the missing stock the los liob angeles cal times haym the owner of a san diego ranch lives in the east he has baa a R DOTS novel way of keeping track of we the condition of ble property without visit lne st it periodically he be has an elaborate series of photographs taken which show bow the fruit trees and buildings building these pictures show bow exactly the amount of work done and the growth of the trees from time to time tucson ariz was deluged friday morning by two and three dourthe inches of ratio rain two large wagon bridges were washed away oear bear the town and the southern pacific bridge had bad three piers washed out the ruin rasin caved in many buildings ings and many people were forced into the streets in their night clothing being afraid of falling failing walls and roots the he rain was wae accompanied by a great electrical display ed fowler and his bis brother of san jose jal cal went bunting last sunday and in an attempt to cross a creek ed ward fell fall and blik hi gun was discharged the contents of boto both barrels entered his bis right side and arm some physicians advocated amputation loo immedi medi abely while others thought the arm could be saved the next morning however gangrene had set in sino ana fowler died on friday an AD unknown man was wag struck and d by a special train of the southern pacific company friday evening while passing over a trestle at dalore and twenty seventh street sSan frao fran cisco the train had bad passed about halfway half way across the trestle before striking t the b a unfortunate man his appearance pear pe arance anoe indicated that he be was a trump tramp and nothing of value was found upon his bis person when it was searched at the morgue an extra suit ot ragged clo clothing live five cents in money and a supply of noodles needles and thread were found in a small beg bag lyida near the track the package containing considerable mousy money which WM wes supposed to have been tolen stolen from wells wella fargo coa express wagon a at san ban rafael bazael cal last monday night bight haw has been re cove coveyou eu rou A young youna lad about 14 years yeara of age ge named employed by patterson Patt erBon claims to have found the I 1 package near dear the be railroad depot he brouett Is to patterson Pat tenon who bened opened the leither pouch which bad wells well fargo jod aola same oame and found the coin addressed addre sied to M Pe tereen he says bays he kept the package expecting some rome one to advertise for it al he ha saw the address addre and aad welle wails fargo cos coa name plainly written on the package A large logging train went through a trestle on the peninsula railroad ata friday evening near wash the engine tender and several cars can were completely wrecked five men were vre hurt the fireman braman way may die after the train went through the bridge antl wee wa plied piled up it caught fire and snyder nearly lost loit hla alte in re euiD frami flakeman fi akeman mika the two rancher s were ami dg on 60 she be derand ten as an nothing has baa been found of them they are undoubtedly buried under the burning wreck the supports of the bridge had bad been burned by forest fires and there being small email fires along the read at different point the smoke prevented the engineer from discovering the danger until too tco late an insane mother whose two children are in constant peril while in her bar custody was locked up at port townsend washington friday by ex sherin mcfarland of walls walla walls walla for joany weeks every city in the northwest we 9 t was searched thoroughly by the distracted detracted father and officers were in constant tear fear lost lest the mother while laboring under a temporary fit of religious insanity should murder the children toe woman Is ie the wife of J C mcclure Mo Clure secretary for robert ward co and was recently liberated from an asylum in call cali ornia she obtained possession of the children while they were on the way from school to visit the parents of their father for several days day mrs mn mcclure has been under the constant surveillance of officers who have decided to put her under arrest on a charge of insanity and take the he children by force A genuine sensation cropp d up in the oakland city treasurer treasurers treasur ers Ps office tuesday when the finance committee ot of the city council started to make the monthly count of the municipal cab the count had bad not proceeded very far when the astounding discovery was made of an apparent shortage of 6 the count ceased immediately and investigations were at once in orber treasurer gilpin made some explanations explanation li to show that the deficit was more apparent than real his hia flit figures ures had bad showed that only 07 was on deposit in the central bank banfe to the cites credit while the bank had made a re return of the rho discrepancy was not explained until cashier cabler haven of the bank told the excited councilmen that a clerk to in the bank bad written a I 1 to resemble a 7 the statement cleared away what had bad developed into a large scare care about 10 monday night two masked men entered the railway station at lakeside cal and held up george W smith the be agent and opera tor one aoe of the men covered smith with a rifle biond nd ordered him to throw brow up him bis hands toe other robber then bound aud and gagged him they went tb rougo his hi pockets sod and broke into the money drawer securing in cash moat of this was in his pockets part of the amount was western union onion money and part Cuy amaca railroad funds smith who has bake filled the position only since last april does not dot know every one in these parts but says the men du did not appear to be mexicans the be command to throw up his bis bonds bands bailog been uttered u tilt red tu iu good Aft A tier erthe the robbers had departed smith tried to remove the sag gag from his bis mouth it was 2 oJ clock this morning before he succeed ea in dolny so then tie he shontel until the neighbors come came to his bis relief and untied him samuel D X Bit folder of qa 1419 web ster streetman tSan instantly killed near Toca tocaloma caloma To lows monday by the accidental discharge of a gun he be was carrying eisfelder iBis Ris felder in company with his bie mother wife and uncle C simon had bad started on a camping trip to men docino county they stopped at noon at jewells jewelle on the line of the north pacific C set ast railroad near tocaloma caloma To eisfelder Eia felder picked up his shotgun telling his hie wife he be would try and got get a few birds for supper he started to climb the were very steep at t that at place and while making makine bis way upward slipped and tell fell his gun he be was carrying with ther her hammers cooked cocked caught in some brush as ae he befell fell causing the discharge dleo barge of both barrels barrel the contents of which entered his bis side aide near the heart killing him instantly aoe of the lorees which bad blen hobbled bobbled to groze graze along the he roadside wandered on the railroad track just as aa the up train from was parsing sift and was waa instantly killed almost derailing the engine Ung engineer ineer J B qualey met death on the railroad near rawlins bawling wyoming soon abon after I 1 wednesday morning his hia right arm was curbed crushed in the driving wheel of the engine and torn from bis bill body he left laramie liar amle tuesday with a train drawn by two engines his engine was and was wa the head bead machine and the second engine was 1304 with B S D huot hunt at the tb throttle rottie at percy the casting to 1804 which couples it fast tu to the train broke but they kept ahead until they reached grenville enville Or the first witch switch east side aide of rawlins it was decided then to lut 1304 on the rear or of the train to push and leave on ahead while the former en engine bine was wag being taken back engineer qualey decided to oil the eccentrics on an the engine in order to do this he had to reach through the opening in the driving wheel with the oil al can anile he be was thus engaged 1 1304 was waa coupled on the rear of the train which was moved catching mr qualeys Qua Qu leya aleys arm below the shoulder gb oni bang iland it and tearing faring it from the body he was waa taken to a poon as poe possible sible but the shook was wall so 80 areat that he died fifty minutes after the be occurrence he leaves a wife and four children |