Show joseph S adams dead joseph 8 adams an old time and highly respected citizen of layton davis co utah passed away at his home sunday night n he wa was operated on by ra rich 1 pf af ogden saturday for or appendicitis or stoppage of the bowels the doctors found that mortification had bad set in and that alit re was no hope for his recovery he was sick about two weeks deceased was born in adams co illinois sixty one years ago the of last month whon but a mere boy in 1850 he came to utah with his parents ills ilis parents veto among 0 the very first to sett settle lY in the locality where layton now dow is and he be lias has always resided isidre about twenty tour four years ago he married belle smith fourteen children were born to them I 1 twelve of whom are living funeral services were held at the kaysville Kays ville meeting 0 house tuesday at I 1 p in the attendance was very largo large rd sixty one vehicles followed the remains to their final resting t place in ili tho the kaysville Kays ville cemetery deceased was of a mechanical turn of mind and the ability to make most anything he wanted to lie ile was a large and successful ul bee raiser |