Show COLUMN ya A new lot lotof of mens fancy soft front shirts just the thing for young y ol u n g men in e n going to school 01 wo V e pay p a y boc for eggs es 0 and good go oil butter and both are scarce at that price with possibility of a rise rise lwe ve have thrown seventeen pieces of dress flanola alancis in stripes and plaids at U a yard also mohair checks and one piece of wool sli allie on thestle the sale table all at f a yard to biose close out now is the time to get your za girls warm s school chool dresses cheap y A As it grows grow colder scolder remember us and our bit big stock of blankets and quilts blots lots of warm lined 0 gloves loves and mitts for everybody in our sale room closing out mens fall over shirts at each in ili the thestle sale room if you want to see a bi big c stock of dry goods look at our shelves y we are still the leaders on f fas s cina tors wo we start the season with 10 dozen in white black pink blue and red at each two very fine attractions are coall coming to the opera house during the first part of november quo vadis the great religious play on the oth and jolly della delia pringle and her company on the ath and ath sale on boys underwear two piece suits shirts and drawers grey mixed at each awe we carry L I 1 D S knit gar ments fone red cross heating stove one large cannon drura drum stove for school or meeting house only 8 twe t 10 we take all kinds of dried fruit if in ili a salable condition iffe are taking orders for three ton lots of diamond dia moud and rock springs lump coal at special prices out of the car give us yo your ur 0 orders K W 0 lee manager opera house co bountiful utah |